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Ashley POV

I wake up to the smell of sweet syrup in the air. Rising up the white sheet falls from my body as I look out the large window wall to see the ocean. I turn over to see Israel sleeping sound beside me before I throw my legs over and walk to the bathroom. After emptying my bladder I walk out of our room to see a woman chopping up fruit.

"Ooo... I'm sorry if I disturbed you señora. I am your chef Lana." She says with a strong Spanish accent  as she sees me walk into the kitchen. Lana was a short woman with dark hair pulled into a low bun. She looked to be around the age 26+ but who knows. Lana was dressed in a white button down with black slacks and black shoes.

"Oh no tienes nada de qué preocuparte. Gracias por estar aquí (you have nothing to worry about.  Thank you for being here)" Ashley says with ease as Lanas face lights up. 

We begin talking to each other as Lana finishes our meal. She was such a sweet woman. I quickly learned she was widowed with three children under 12. She explained how she was lucky to be able to do what she loved while making a decent living for her family. She even made me some fresh juice to help my Braxton Hicks contractions that I've been having.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish too" I feel a pair of arm wrap around me breaking Lana and i out of out conversation.

"Sí papi" I tease as Lana lines the plates along the table. She had made them a mexican style breakfast as well as some stuffed french toast because I told her i was craving some. I look over to the counter to see my phone vibrating.

"Oh my goodness look who decided to answer her favorite brothers phone call" Chris' dramatics begin

"boy i was asleep... is that my son? Chris are you in my home?" i look confusingly as i hear commotion in the background.

"dada" Aiden says through the phone

"uncle Chris... say chris" my brother says causing me to shake my head

"well we are about to eat so ill..." i am cut off by sharons voice

"boy get up we need help..." he looks to her pointing to the phone "well sis im going through a tunnel...  i cant hear you. What you say?" he says again before hanging up the phone. The hell they doing. I shake everything off and head over to the table before we say our goodbyes to Lana .

"so whats the plans for today papi" i tease popping a piece of mango into my mouth.

"nothing but getting back in that bed if you keep calling me that" he states as i smirk. "a friend of mine is down here with his fiancée, i told him we'd meet them at their resort if you was up to it"

"that's fine i hope they have a spa or sum a girl back is heavy" i state rubbing my neck. "how did it go the other night?" i ask as i dump syrup over the french toast and god it was heavenly. ill make sure we leave her a fat tip.

"it was straight i got two shipments on the way as we speak, shit getting handled back home, and i need you to look at these damn books for me because you can spot shit i cant... but that's not important right now" he says as i just look at him. I was listening to what he was saying but my mind was just so focused on him. I dont know how to describe it but i was just in awe ive felt it before but right now it was stronger than ever.

After eating we begin to get dressed. I wore a short, flowy dress that ended at my thighs. The dress was spaghetti strapped and hung low on my back. I starred in the mirror as i looked how the dress outlined my belly. My hair was pulled into a high bun and some simple tan sandals graced my feet. Of course i packed a bathing suit under it just in case we went to the beach or pool.

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