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Y'all stay safe out here (especially my protestors and essential workers) it's a lot going on so please stay prayed up.

Are any of my witches or practitioners participating in the full moon? (I'm not a witch or anything but I know a lot of people are talking about it)

Also, Everyone please vote !!!!

Third POV

Ashley and Izzy walk hand and hand into the urban high school as Smiley and another guard follows behind. Ashley wasn't aware that they had came but it wasn't surprising. They walked along the empty halls since all the students were now in class at the moment. The school didnt have time to put together an assembly so he would have to go around to the classrooms which he didn't mind.

As they reached the first classroom which happened to be Izzys favorite teachers room. He was surprised to see that the older man was still teaching. The teacher stopped in this tracks as Israel knocked on the door, interrupting his lesson.

"Israel James" the teacher says embracing Izzy in a hug. He was surprised to see his old student who he had heard had made a name for himself.

"how you doing Mr.Colby" Izzy says to the teacher

"im doing just fine. Im glad you finally came back to see us" he says

"i was wondering if i could talk to some of your students" Israel says

"of course come on in son" Mr Colby lets them in as the students begin awing and whispering. "alright class. We got a guest today and i expect yall to give him respect and full attention." he speaks as all the students listen. You can tell that they all clearly have respect for Mr.Colby.

Israel steps in front of the class as Ashley stays closer to the door with the two guards before taking out her phone to record him. She gives him a closed lip smile as he begins.

Back at the house Aiden is down for his nap while Sharon is getting more fed up over Jasmines attitude. She wasn't sure when her sweet little girl became so mean and hateful to everyone around her. She had thought after the punishment Jasmine received the other night she would've changed her attitude.

Upstairs Jas had stolen her phone from the spot her mother had hid it to make a phone call.

"hello" she whispered

"hey jas girl how are you" Niques voice filled through the speaker.

"im good but izzy is here...with that girl" she says

"is she bothering you?" Nique asks

"yes...well not really she's just not you" Jas says.

"i can come see you if you want" Nique offered schemingly

Downstairs Sharon is wondering what is taking jasmine so long to come back so they can watch a movie together.

"jas" she yells out knowing that her daughter can hear her. She then calls her again before she decides to go see what is taking her so long. See walks up the stairs in route to jasmines room.

"could you please" Jasmine says into the phone

"okay ill see you later-" Nique is cut off by Sharons rage.

"i know damn well you aint got that phone jasmine" she says storming up to her before grabbing the phone from her hands. She looks at the screen to see that it whoever she was speaking to hung up.

"ma i was just-" she tries to pull herself from the deep hole she dug.

"shut the hell up. I tried be nice to your ass but you obviously think im a joke" Sharon grabs Jasmine by her arm pulling her by her arm

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