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Ashley POV

I wake up to the sound of the door opening and people talking. I turn over to a group of people coming in with bags and racks of clothes. Cash stands at the door say telling them where to put their things at.

"Oh look who's up" Cash says with a smile on his face. He walks over to me before leaning down giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"She's going to make such a beautiful bride" one of the women say as she begins pulling out makeup from her bag.

"A what?" I say trying to make sure my ears heard correctly. I was cut off by Cash who leaned down eat level gripping my arm tightly.

"Shut the fuck up and remember what I said." He says referring to last week when he told me about this "gathering". He lets my arm go with force as he steps back smiling. I look to my arm rubbing it.

"Alright well I'm going to leave y'all to it." He says smiling to everyone before walking towards the door. He gives me one last look before whispering something to a guard and leaving. The guard then comes into the room and sits down in the corner watching me. Fuck well I can't just tell the lady's I need help now.

I am cut out of my thoughts by Aiden who has woken up by all of the noise. I get up catching stares from the women as I walk towards the crib.

"Oh mami you're pregnant" the lady setting up the makeup says to me.

"Yes I am" I say I'm return. Like duh bitch naa I just gotta shit.

"Oh my goodness I could imagine being pregnant with a infant" another lady says as I roll my eyes. Well lady I thought I couldn't either but shit happens. As I get Aiden fed and changed I eye the room seeing if there is anything I can sneak and take or even a way I can get one of them to help me.

"Okay mami come sit down let me get started" the lady says that is infront of the vanity. As I take a seat she instantly begins analyzing my face.

"Okay so your fiancé told us the look you were going for and said you may be a little nervous so to take his word." I just stay quiet as I hold Aiden in my lap before she begins on my makeup. She takes her time matching my foundation with my skin as I watch the guard get a phone call and walk out.

"Please can I use your phone I need to leave please" I say low as possible pleading. I don't have much time before the guard comes back so I need her to work fast.

"Oh no silly you cannot run out on the wedding" she says laughing

" no you don't understand. He isn't my fiancé please" I beg as the guard comes back in. I try to look as normal as possible. The makeup artist just laughs as if I am joking. I tap my leg as she continues. By the time she is done I have a semi dramatic makeup look with a bold red lip. I don't really think the makeup's fitting for a backyard wedding but hey I'm just a woman being held against her will. I watch as she switched places with the hairstylist. The makeup artist then walks out of the room leaving just the hairstylist another woman by a clothing rack and the guard.

The hairstylist pulls out a lace front wig that has rollers in it before braiding down my hair. She moved pretty fast as she applied the wig before brushing out the curls. After she was finished the last woman unzipped a gown bag revealing a flowy lace gown. Not really my style but decent for a backyard wedding.

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