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Ashley POV.

Eleven days.

It's been eleven fucking days since I've seen or even heard from my fiancé.

These bitches have  been playing it dirty. They've been claiming he has been in processing all this time but they got me fucked up.

After talking to my parents I convinced to help on his case and pull some strings. And not to mention they are trying to have me testify against him.

My heels click onto the facility pavement as I walk through security. My face is covered my another pair of large shades to cover the bags from my many sleepless nights. From stress, to making sure all his operations are still running smoothly as well as still being a full time mother is stressful. Not to mention I can hardly sleep without knowing how he is.

"They'll have to stay back" the rude ass lady says in regards to my two guards behind me.

"I'll show her in Tammy" a male guard says coming up to me. I look down to his tag seeing it was just the man I was looking for. We wait until we walk away from everyone else to begin speaking.

"Mrs. James nice to meet you" he extended his hand.

"You as well Rick... not to be rude but I'd like to end this conversation quickly because I'd like to see my husband" I state.

"Yes of course." He says straightening up.

"Did you get the package?" I state referring to the phone and other items I sent for Israel. I found Rick through my father and had offered him a bit of money to get the things to my man.

"Yes I am taking them to him tonight" he states as I simply nod. "Here we are. Israel should be in in a second" he says

"It's Mr.James to you" I say before walking into the empty room. I had finessed a room somehow because I did not want to be in a community room talking to him I would lose my shit.

I sit down on the metal seat slightly fidgeting with my hands as I await for him to come in. I survey the room for any cameras and gladly there weren't any as Rick told me before hand. I sit up straight as I hear the keys begin to be pushed into the door. I quickly smooth out the top of my hair and wipe the corners of my mouth making sure I don't look too bad.

As the door opens, another guard walks Israel in with his hands in handcuffs. My heart pounds as his eyes fall onto my mine. The dumb ass guard takes his time taking off his cuffs before walking back to the door.

"Y'all have 1 hour" he states before closing the door and locking us in. I take that opportunity and jump straight into his arms, placing my head into the crook of his neck.

"Baby let me look at you" I state placing my hands on both sides of his face scanning his features.

"I'm straight ash" he says kissing my lips.

"I missed you so much baby... I've been trying to get here but they've been saying you weren't processed and everythings just been so stressful" I ramble before he stops me

"Slow down ma. I missed you too" He wraps his arms around my waist.

"How's my babies" he asks me as I curl my lip

" their fine, their with my mom right now. Lani just had another appointment yesterday everything's fine" I tell him

"Good and you" he asks me

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