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Ashley POV

"Come on bubby..." I rock a hysterical Aiden. He is currently screaming at the top of his lungs which is scaring the hell out of me. It's currently 2am and he has been at it for about 45 minutes. Ive checked his body to see if any strings are cutting him or anything and i find nothing. I then feel his body is warmer than usually.

I go ahead and find the thermometer which was in his bathroom and took his temperature. As it beeped I felt my heart speed up in my chest. He had a fever.

"Okay Ash calm down" I say to myself as I sit him back down in his crib so I can pack him a bag. I'm not taking any chances so I'm taking him to the hospital. I pick up my phone and quickly dialing Izzys number.

"What the fuck" I call him again which he does not answer.  I call him a few more times, all of which go to voice mail. At this point i am trying not to panic. I am under a lot of stress right now so I decide to go ahead and call my mom.

"Hello" I hear her say through the phone. I can tell she was sleeping by the way she answered.

"ma I'm taking Aiden to the hospital can you meet me there" I say picking him up from his crib once again and going to my room.

"I'm on my way" she says before hanging up the phone.

"Have them bring the car around" I tell smiley before going into my room and slipping on some jogger pants and some slides. I dont care what i have on right now honestly i just want to make sure my baby is okay.

As I am walking out of the house I call Israel again and it goes straight to voicemail. He usually answers the the phone even when he is sleeping just to make sure we are okay so im getting a little annoyed.

I put my phone down as I buckle Aiden into his seat and climbing in before buck drives us to the children's hospital. I was very stern on going there rather than a normal one because I know they'll have us in quickly other than waiting 4 hours. Im actually glad that i dont have to drive because i want to keep an eye on my baby and im am a little too anxious to drive.

Me : Baby, Aiden has a fever. 

Me: I'm taking him to the hospital

Me: Call me

I text Izzy getting no reply. I dont know why i expected him to answer text rather than calls but idk.  As we get the hospital I get out heading straight to the desk. I dont wait for the lady to talk before i begin rambling

"Hi my son has a fever of 100.5 and has been screaming for about a hour now" I say looking down to a still crying Aiden. He has calmed down some but you can still hear his whining.

"Okay mom everything is going to be fine I just need you to fill these out and we will get you in as soon as possible" the lady says handing me A clip board.I take a the closet seat before sitting down and beginning his paperwork as quickly as possible. Im glad i remember his insurance card and stuff because i was honestly rushing out the house.

I hear the door open and look up to see my mom and Alek walking through. My mom still has her head scarf on her head with a sundress on.

"What's going on" my mom asks taking Aiden out of his carrier

"I'm not sure. He started crying but he's never cried they hard before so I took his temperature and here we are." I explain signing the papers. My mom manages to get him to calm down some as we wait to be called. I check my phone periodically seeing Izzy hasn't texted or called me back. It began to frustrate me so i called him again still no reply.

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