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OMG  we have over 34 thousand reads and are ranked #91 in fiction AHHHHHH. Thank you all so much. I wanted to post this chapter last week but I had finals so y'all bare with me. Also I love reading you all comments btw🥰

Izzy POV

"Santana i know you aint just shit" i look over at my son as he looks back at me. I huff before getting up from the couch and taking him into his room so that i can change his diaper. After i placed his new diaper on i hear my phone ringing from the living room.

"ight damn who calling me" i grab Santana before heading back to the couch.

"hel-" u get cut off by my publicist Jack

"have you checked social media??!" Jack says in a panic

"no why?" i say putting him on speaker as i open the instagram app. The first thing i see is a shaderoom post of Nique.

"Zonnique made a long post on how you drove her to depression and had a baby on her and she is going to commit suicide." he starts "and now im getting notified that she has been admitted to Emory" I rub my hand over my face as i take a deep breath.

"man i dont know why that girl is doing this..." I look over all the comments and mentions i have calling me all types of abusers and how niggas aint shit.

"ill try and get this situation handled...and Izzy" he stop

"yeah man" i sigh

"dont say anything as of right now. Ill talk to the rest of the team and your lawyers to see how we can resolve this" he explains.

"i got it" i say before hanging up the phone. I lean over allowing my elbows to rest on my knees as i stare at the blank tv in front of me. I am taken out of my thoughts by Santana making noises.

" my bad" I look at him trying to put his hands on his mouth. " they tryna hoe ya daddy" I tell him before going to the pantry to find something to eat.

Ashley POV

It's a little after 2 I pull into the parking garage. My supervisor let me leave early today so I wasn't complaining. After the short journey upstairs I open the door to my apartment seeing it is quiet. I go into my bedroom to see Izzy asleep with Aiden laying on his chest. I smile a tad bit before going in my closet and placing on a regular tank top to cook in. After changing I crack the bedroom door a little and go into the kitchen. I quickly decide on some salmon, mashed potatoes and honey walnut green beans. It isn't long before I am placing the salmon in the oven and getting a call.

"Hey girl" I say to Bri through the phone

" hey bitch... how my baby momma doing" she says through the phone

" girl tired. I had a crazy day at work" I begin to explain to her everything that went on. " but I don't want to talk about that no more I actually been meaning to call you." I say to her.

" okay about what girl"

" I want to start taking some pole classes" I explain to her. I haven't been feeling myself lately and I feel like I want to start trying out new things pole being one.

" Bitch Yessss.... oh my god you know how long I've been trying to get you to come with me" she squeals. It's true she's been wanting me to come take classes with her for a while now but I just didn't budge. She lets me know that she'll let me know when the next class is and I agree to come.

" so how's my god baby" she says

" he is great and so handsome." I awe  from his little features to his head full of hair I just can't get enough of him.

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