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Third POV

Ashley walks into the mall with her mother by her side and Aiden in his stroller. They were going to pick up their dresses for the evening. Ashley of which had a hard time finding something that was comfortable and looked good on her changing body. Everything she tried discouraged her until she found a simple yellow gown. Her mother on the other hand would be wearing  a black number that was off the shoulder and with a spit that stoped just at the top of her thigh.

"Ashley did you find some shoes to go with your dress" Melyssa asks as they wait for the sales associate to bring their dresses up while she looks at their shoe selection.

"Yes I did I'm just going to wear some nude heels  I got with Izzy a minute back I never wore" Ashley says bending down to check on Aiden who was babbling and trying to wiggle his way out. They two then got their dresses before stopping by a fast food place before going back to the house. The two had been basically spending the day before together getting their hair and nails done. Izzy gave the two his card to use even though Ashley refused. She eventually came around and had fun looking at dresses.

At the warehouse Izzy say grumpily staring at the spreed sheets looking over how the money was flowing. After Ashley found that error in the product he took it directly to the source. Come to find out, the suppler was honest but the person who charted it messed up the numbers. Was it a mistake? Maybe. But we won't ever know. Izzy doesn't take mistake like that lightly.

He wasn't supposed to come in today but with all the new workload thrown upon his so quickly he had to jump straight back into the game. This didn't give him much time to transition or even make a plan. By him just working by himself that was forcing him to work more openly than before. Although he was still going to try to stay as unnoticed as possible, there was more at risk now. He takes a break noticing his personal phone ringing an unknown number. Sitting back from his computer he grabs the phone before placing it to his ear.

"Hi, this is Stacey Deed, from Atlanta luxury real estate. I'm calling in regards to your email that was sent in about our newest home. If you have a moment we can set a date for you and your wife to come for a showing" the cheerful woman says through the phone. Izzy has seen an ad one night of a house that really caught his eye. Being that it was on it own land with a guest house and fully updated he thought he'd look into it. Also the fact that they couldn't live in his house forever. He wanted the two to have something that was the both of theirs and didn't Ashley to feel a way about being in his house forever. And lastly he could really put in place the security he wanted in that house.

"Yes i do, hows this Sunday?" Izzy says before setting a date and time with the real estate agent and finishing up his work before gathering his stuff so he can head home. On his way out he stopped by the room that held Cash and his once ex girlfriend.

"Wussap boss" the dude who guarded the door said before Izzy stepped in.

"Gone head and get rid of her" Izzy says so two men who watch over the room referring to his ex's body that lyes is a bed of acid which slowly broke her body down making it easier to dispose.

"Damn you ruthless" cash's voice speaks up causing Izzy to turn around before deeply chuckling.

"You ain't seem the half of it" he says before walking out of the room and to his car.

Ashley POV

"You think he'll like it?" I look at my new platinum blonde bob in the mirror. I had been looking at them for a while now and I finally did it.

"Yes baby you look gorgeous" mu mother encourages me she stares at it. "And how has he not seen it?" She asks confused. I had had it for a day now and he hadn't seen it.

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