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Ashely POV

The sunlight hit me as I woke up with a head pounding.

I take in my unfamiliar surroundings,  to see a large pair of tatted arms around my waist. I look up to see the boy from the club last night. Awkwardly looking around, I quickly put together a game plan in my head and grab my phone from the side table and order a lyft.

" Great 10 minutes. I can do that" I say in my head. I slowly move from his grasp, so that i wouldn't wake the man up. That took like 4 minutes in itself. I quietly make my way to the bathroom in hopes of finding some mouth wash but not before pick up my belonging and putting my clothes back on. Finding the mouthwash without problem i complete the task easily.   Without looking back I hurry out of the room and head towards the lobby.

Getting back to my house I go straight to the bathroom to shower off the events from the previous night. I can't help but to remember slight memories of the way he pumped in and out of ... you know what never mind. Let me get back to my normally scheduled program.

Five And a half weeks later

Two surgeries down and one more to go in about an hour. Today was an average day at the hospital, everything went on schedule and on time. I'm sitting in the break room eating the Mexican food that we have catered. I ate so much I didn't even know I was hungry. Finishing up my burrito I look at my ringing phone answering.

" well hello my daughter who never calls" my mother answers the phone

" mom I just called to like yesterday" I laugh at her dramatic self. I talk to my mother almost everyday and if not i am at her house. Im truly a mamas girl because i can't be with far from her for too long.

" yeah yeah yeah. Anyways I miss you baby girl I haven't seen you in forever"

" I'll come see you after I get off so at about 5. Is that fine mom?" I ask her

"Yes that is fine my dear. I'll be counting the seconds" she says happily as she hangs up.

Getting up I throw away my trash feeling my food coming  back up. I run out of the break room with my hand over my mouth and pass the nurses station where Paris is going over paper work catching her attention causing her to follow me. As I step into the nearest bathroom I almost didn't make it to the toilet throwing up what feels like my insides as Paris holds my hair rubbing me back.

"Here gargle and then drink some watch darlin' " she says letting out her true southern accent holding some mouth wash and a bottle of water

I smile back at her and begin gargling. I look up into the mirror to her smiling to me. "What girl" I say to her before drinking some water

"You're pregnant" she says causing me to spit out my water

"Girl you play entirely too much." I laugh as she keeps a straight face.

" ok if you say so. But to be sure take a test before you get off and I'll personally deliver the results tonight." She smiles.

" i mean  I know I'm not so why not" I agree. I let her know what time I get off and I go get set up for surgery.

After a very simple procedure, I make my way back to the nurses station. " hey could you page nurse Paris Williams for me" I ask one of the other nurses. After about 10 minutes she shows up giving me a cup with a lid to pee in. I give her the urine sample and go to my mothers house.

Driving into her driveway I turn of the engine of my Mercedes and make my way in. Using the key I have I open the front door.

" Ma где вы (where are you)  " I say in my second language

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