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Ashley POV

"baby i think we should gone head back home today" Israel says as i tie my scarf around my head to cover my leave out.

"we only been up here two days" i say making sure we aren't forgetting anything.

"i know but its a lot going on with Jas and Santana been real cranky n shit" he says pulling his tee shirt over his head. I sigh feeling bad that we have to leave so soon since we planned to stay for a week.

"okay love. If you think that's what's best" i say picking up my sunglasses.

"hey..." he steps to me placing his arms around my waist "we gone come back soon ma its just too much going on" he places a kiss on my forehead. "we gone go see my pops before we leave, okay?" he asks as we walk towards the room door.

"okay baby" i say grabbing his hand leaving out and walking down the hallway. We made small talk on the way down to the front desk.

"you think ma cooked?" i ask aloud

"shit... i hope so im hungry as hell" Izzy says stepping to the desk handing the lady the card.

"alright... you are all set" the lady says with a smile as Izzy turns to me and we head to the exit. As we step out the car is already waiting for us. We hop in and set our way back to Ms.Sharon house.

When we pull up, it is a pick up truck in the drive way. We hop out and walk in hearing the television and babbling. As we get further in, Israels dad Rodney is sitting on the couch playing with Aiden. Its pretty early so i wasn't expecting Aiden to be up for about another hour but its okay.

"hey dad...what you doing here" Izzy says dapping his father up

"i can't come see my kids...damn. Yo big headed ass wasn't even here" i chuckle at his comment "hey Ashley" he says as i lean down to give him a hug

"hey Mr.Rodney, how you doing" i say standing back up as Aiden begins reaching for me.

"you wasn't thinking about yo mama 5 seconds ago..." he passes Aiden to me before i go sit on the other side of the couch kissing my sweet baby.

"boy get from my oven" ma says pushing Israel from looking to see what she's cooking. He sucks his teeth, pulls up his pants before coming to sit by me and tickling Aiden.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen.

"hey ma" i say to her as she pulls the eggs from the refrigerator.

"hey baby... you look like you had a good night" she smirks causing me to look off to the side. "how long are you going to be here Rodney?" ma asks looking at Rodney annoyed as he sits on her couch comfortably.

"damn trying to kick me out already Sharon" he shakes his head.

"no Jackass. Im trying to figure out how many eggs i need to make." she says making me laugh as she mumbles as she cracks the eggs.

"and where the hell yall two been at" Rodney says making my eyes go wide. "Ashley came in here glowing n shit" he continues

"rodney they grown" Sharon shakes her head as Izzy walks into the kitchen and places Aiden on the counter infront of me before wrapping his arms around me.

"you missed us bubby" i say to him as i place my hand on his lower back to keep him upright.

"good morning" A voice says as the house goes silent. I look back to see Jasmine holding her arm standing in the door post.

"morning" i say. Im not going to be petty and not speak to her at all but i will keep it short. I honestly dont know what type game she is playing but im not trying to find out. My patience is wearing thin with Jasmine and i really dont know if i can believe anything she says now.

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