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Ashley POV

Saturday morning

"Mommy you don't have to make everything in your fridge." I tell my mom who i am currently on the phone with. We decided to just meet at her house for lunch and that's where they will be meeting  Israel at.  Being that my mom rarely has anyone over other than me and her two friends she is excited to have a new guest to cook for.

"okay, okay. I hear you" she says as see her continue to rummage through the fridge through my iPhone screen.

" really mom you already cooked enough last night I'm sure its enough" i laugh as she pulls out loads of food. "hold on mom, Israels calling" I let her know

"okay ask him if there's anything doesn't eat or allergic to" she says before i hang up the phone.

"hello" i say

"what you up to" he asks politely

"nothing making some french toast" i say pulling the bacon from the oven

"i was just checking on y'all... lunch at 3 right?" i glare at the clock on my oven which states 10:36.

"yep... i sent you the address yesterday"

"ight coo ill see you later" he says before hanging up. I finish my breakfast and hum as i eat. Finishing up i clean the small mess i made and make my way upstairs. I notice that it is only 11:21 so i have a little time to do what i do best: shop. I begin by looking at nursery ideas for the baby. It'll be easier to start decorating when we find out the gender. Bri has already took it upon herself to plan a gender reveal party literally two days after our next appointment. I swear she's more excited than i am. After about an hour and a half of shopping for my upcoming birthday, September 12th which . Ill be 24 years old and i have no clue how ill spend it  and its only a week and a half away.

Getting up my the warmth of my bed i decide i should get ready for lunch so i can get there before Izzy does.  i pull out a fitted collared dress along with some Air force 1s. Hopping in the shower i wash my hair so i can do a wash and go style. Getting out i make sure to moisturize my skin. I then proceed to my hair and makeup. When i finish it is going on 2:45, so hurry and finish dressing myself and head out to my mothers house. With traffic not as bad as it usually is i got there in about 8 minutes. I hop out and walk into my mothers home taking in the beautiful smell of the cooked food.

Walking closer into the kitchen i hear my mother and Alek talking.

"so ill as of next month i'll be opening a new branch in the city." Alek says i guess referring to his fathers business. I can't really say too much about his business due to him not telling me too much information about it and for legal reasons. Lets just say Marketing is apart of it.

"so youll be here full time" i say happily as i give them both hugs.

" yes i will" he says smiling. He's wanted to come back to the states since the day he left. He always said it was because he didn't want to leave me and mom for too long. I actually was glad and not only because of the baby but because i miss my cousin and now he won't have to visit every two years. Only thing is that mom treats him like a big baby. I bet he won't even stay in the high-rise condo he has 10 minutes away from her house.

"so where is Jerusalem? Its rude to be late no?" He asks trying to be funny.

" Its Israel and he isn't late it just hit 3" i say hitting his arm.

"Late as i said. and my mother has cooked all this food for him like he's important" he mumbles

"Alek. закрой свой рот" My mother says as i chuckle.

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