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"okay mom your doing so well i need you to give me a big push" the doctor instructs me as i begin to push before i hear a loud cry as i let out a sigh. I watch from the corner of my eye as they clean my baby off.

"you did so good...isnt she beautiful" i hear a familiar voice cause me to whip my head in that direction. I go into shock seeing Cash holding my child. "i told you she was a girl" he says as he rocks her.

"i thought you were.." i am cut off

"dead? oh i am" he says chuckling. "but you think id miss this?" he says

"please give me my baby" i beg as i cannot move my body and he moves farther away. "please Drew" i beg before he stops in his tracks and faces me. He hesitates as he takes a final look onto my baby girl before slowly walking back towards me and placing her in my arms.

"im sorry Ashley... you didn't deserve the things i did to you, i let my envy and pride control me i shouldn't have included you or this baby. I know you'll take care of her but promise me to take care of yourself" he says as i nod my head and he slowly beds down giving the baby a kiss. I watch as he leaves the door and i begin to see white, blinding my sight.

That was before i hopped up from the hospital bed alerting, Israel who was standing at the small kitchenette station.

"whats wrong? you okay" he rushes over to the bed where i am laying. I run my hand over my stomach seeing that i am still in labor. It was just a dream Ash.

"nothing i just had a weird dream that's all" i say as i begin to feel another contraction coming on. Ive been in labor for almost 8 hours now and this child needs to hurry the hell up because i cant continue to do this.

Third POV

As the two parents get closer and closer to the arrival of their child, the families wait patiently. The doctor informed everyone that the baby most likely wouldn't come until the morning most headed home to get some rest for the night. Melyssa decided to stay and Tim stayed as well. He has missed the first birth of hers and he was determined not to miss this one.

Another reason was that he did not want to be home while his wife received divorce papers. He had had enough of the woman and decided he couldn't live that way any longer. He knew she was raising all types of hell at the moment.

"stop Tim" Melyssa says as he grabs her by the waist in the empty hallway. "someone may see us" she says trying to move his hands

"and?" he asks kissing her lips. "I filled for divorce" he says breaking from the kiss.

Alexei entered the hospital with the priest from before. He had just arrived from Moscow a few hours ago and wasn't expected until the morning. He had to come early to set up a few snipers on the building for protection.

"ya slyshal, tvoya plemyannitsa vykhodit zamuzh" (I hear your niece is getting married) the priest says to Alexei.

"da prigotov'sya skoro zhenit'sya na ney" (yes prepare to wed her soon) he says shortly. In their culture they do not wait long to get married so he sees no need to wait years.

He cuffs one hand around the others wrist and stands firmly as they head up on the elevator. Stepping out the two turn down the hall catching a glance at Tim and Melyssa. Alexeis blood begins to boil as he takes in the sight of the two kissing.

Alexei decides against saying anything and walks straight past the two in which Melyssa caught eyes with him. She could not say anything as he shook his head and entered the room which housed Ashley and Israel.

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