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Y'all we hit #1 in fiction!!!!!! I swear I cried when I saw it.

I'm trying to update as soon as I can y'all so please bare with me.

Third POV

Ashley was awake and was finishing up the breakfast she was making. She was grateful for Izzys open concept so she could see their son doing tummy time. She called in for the rest of the week so they could decide what to do.

Upstairs Izzy was getting ready to go downstairs with his family. He slashed water on his face trying to wipe the evidence that he had barely slept away. He couldn't sleep knowing that there was someone out there trying to hurt Ashley and possibly their son.

Izzy then goes downstairs to see the wonder pets playing on the television occupying Aiden as he kicks his little legs. As he looks over his shoulder he sees Ashley humming to the some Focus by H.E.R. On her phone.

"Good morning"Ashley sounds fixing the plates of food.

"Mornin" he says coming up behind her placing his arms around her waist and head between her neck.

"Let me sit these down" she says hoping he'll back up

"What's stopping you" he says

"Yo big ass on me" Ashley says as he smacks his teeth and goes to pick up Aiden as Ashley follows with their plates in hand. She would've made enough for Sharon but she was out running some errands.

"So whats about to happen?" Ashley asks jumping straight to the point. She had been thinking about the situation all morning.

"Ash...how can I say this without havin you scared" Izzy thinks for a moment. "Some shit finna change around us"

"What do you mean" she asks

" just what I just said" he says bluntly. Izzy isn't trying to be rude but it isn't the time or matter to spare feelings. "You know I'm supposed to go back to work next month but I might have to go sooner..." he says trying not to go into detail. Izzy thought I was better she didn't know what he was doing so that if anything were to go down she wouldn't have anything to do with it.

"How does that work? I mean like I thought shows and shit had to be scheduled" she says trying to understand

" it's complicated ash... but with everything going on ion know if you should go back to work let alone be alone" Izzy says in all honestly.

"I won't technically be alone at work-" he cuts her off

" Ashley come on you know just like I know that's not smart. What happened last time to your car? If you would've came out when they were doing it Aint no telling what they would've done to you" Ashley crosses her arms leaning back.

" so what do you have in mind? I stay locked up in here?" She says slickly.

" that don't sound bad. But no Ashley just that you don't be alone and you always have Santana unless our moms do but I don't think right now the time for him to be going off alone it ain't safe. " he says

"So what security or sum?"

"I actually already got some people coming. Somebody for you and somebody for Santana" he tells her. After he got off the phone with Cash he let him know that he had people sent to him to help guard his family.

" okay Israel but I still want to go to work" Ashley doesn't budge on the working situation

"We'll see man" he says picking up his plays of food.

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