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You look at the patchwork man as he lazes across your sofa like he hadn't just let himself into your apartment, burnt you and was now giving you no option but to let him stay.
"Looking at anything in particular, doll?" He asks in his deep, raspy drawl. His glacial eyes almost rivalled your own sharp, yellow gaze.
You clutch the first aid kit you'd used to dress his injuries as well as your own wrist to your chest as you cock your head at him.
"If you're staying here, I'd at least like to know your name." You assert.

He chuckles to himself, the sound not matching with the sincere look of boredom in his eyes.
"You really don't get it, do you sweetheart?" He asks patronisingly.
You ignore the rudeness, having resigned yourself to the fact that there was only so long a violent criminal was going to entertain keeping you alive for, and seeing a challenge laying right in front of you. How far could you push him before he lost his temper properly?
"My name's Y/N." You state. "Not doll, dollface or sweetheart. Just Y/N."
He says nothing, just stares at you with lazy eyes.

You remain silent, meeting his gaze.
"You're really testin' me here doll." He says with a smirk, his head cocking slightly.
"Its the least you can do considering you broke into my house, burnt me and now have decided to stay." You say matter-of-factly. "I'd like to know what to call my roommate."
You try to read what's going on in his head, but it's like a literal wall had been put up. Nothing but forced emptiness in his brain, and had you known better you'd have thought he'd already sussed out your Quirk and was deliberately leaving you to search his brain harder.

"Dabi." He drawls, his eyes flicking over you.
Ah. That's why the name Shigaraki had sounded familiar. You curse yourself for not realising sooner, too lost in the adrenaline to realise you had a League of Villains member in your house.
"Dabi." You breathe out. "Gotta say, never hosted for a celebrity before."
'Took her long enough.' He thinks to himself as his eyes roll to the TV.
For some reason, for the first time in a genuinely scary situation, you're not scared. It was almost as if you'd lost all hope of your chance of living after this exchange in that second of learning his name, of realising who he was, and you were gonna have fun with it.

"So I'm guessing I'm not gonna survive long huh?" You ask, wanting to cement the idea in your head for certain. To make peace with it.
There's a brief flash of expression on Dabi's face. Intrigue.
"Depends on how good of a host you are." He responds lazily.
Ah. He was gonna play the hope card. Keep you on a string thinking you'd play nice if he promised you the chance at living.
"Oh, I'm the worst." You say, smirking and tipping your head to one side as you look at him with your fearless yellow eyes. "Goodnight."

The sound of roaring flames makes you stop halfway towards the door.
"Open the windows."
You turn your head to look over your shoulder at the man, trying to match your facial energy with his own. Bored. Unbothered.
"No thanks, harbouring one villain is enough." You reply brazenly.
You have no idea why your brain chose for the impending end of your life to be the time you showed the most bravery, but you enjoyed the feeling you got from it.

"You think someone else is dumb enough to try and get in here with me around?" He scoffs. "You clearly have no idea about me."
"Oh, but I do." You say dismissively. You'd heard on the news, in peoples minds, everywhere you could possibly go was clouded by thoughts of The League. "Burnt up bodies. All Mights retirement. Kidnapping kids..."
You look off to one of the windows as you think about it more. "You're injured. You're not gonna scare anyone away."
"Open the fucking windows." He spits in a actual show of emotion for the first time, although, when you look back at him, his face is still as unreadable as before. "And I'll keep your little house safe for you. How about that, doll?"

You should have known that by insisting he cut out the terms of endearment that he would only use them more, and more pointedly. You'd grown up with two brothers after all. Sota would usually listen, but Kai would wind you up to no end.
A thought echoing through the empty room almost makes you jump.
'C'mon. I'm burning up here. Just wanna fuckin' sleep.'

His thought sounded so frustrated, so genuinely tired despite his unbothered exterior that you couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him.
That pesky love of human beings always did like to get in your way at the wrong times.
You sigh loudly to make it look like you were relenting, and open the windows as wide as you can for him.
"There." You say. "But if any bugs-"
"Bugs. Intruders. Relatives. Friends." Dabi lists, his voice holding no tone to it whatsoever. "Anyone that comes in is getting burned up."
You raise a silver eyebrow at him, but decide to bite your tongue and turn away again, turning the light off on your way out.

"One last thing, doll." His voice rasps through the darkness.
You stop again, your shoulders dropping. "Yep?"
"Don't come out of that room till I call you." He says casually.
"I have work at-" You begin to explain.
'Fucking hell.' His exasperated voice echoes through your mind.
"Do I have to explain to you how this all works, or are you smarter than you're making out?" He asks. "You're not going anywhere, doll."
You take a deep breath, and continue to walk out of the room, shutting the door behind you.

As you slide into your bed after barricading the door with as many clothes as you could possibly fit in front of it, not wanting to risk making it too obvious by moving heavy furniture around and having the burnt man stop you, the adrenaline that was carrying you earlier wears off, leaving you a shaking and a quietly hyperventilating mess on the mattress.
The facade you'd managed to convince yourself was real of bravery well and truly slipped between your fingers, leaving you an anxious wreck alone in your room while a murderer lay on your sofa as though he'd done nothing wrong in his entire life.

You try to regulate your breathing, thinking of the positives. You hadn't been killed. Not yet. You'd managed to get away with a warning burn. Which hurt. He didn't know about your Quirk. Yet.
If you could just contact Sota, get him to come round so you could speak to him through thought alone...
Your heart drops again, the calming returning back to panic.
Your phone.
You'd left it with him.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now