Time and a Place

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"No, I suppose not." You reply, although it's uncertain.
After all, you were new to this too. Junichiro didn't really count, as he'd been fake from the get go. He knew who you were, what your Quirk was and how to get around it.
That was the only reason you hadn't found out about him having a long-term partner the entire time he was seeing you.
And Dabi had ensured that your 'date' with Haruki had ended a lot sooner than it probably would have on Haruki's terms.
"Was tryna impress my old man." Dabi explains, not that you asked.

His mind goes to where he'd been, a forest, waiting for someone that'd never come.
He scoffs a little at himself.
"Fucked myself up for someone that couldn'tve given less of a fuck."
Your eyes flicker up to his. He looks angry, but you know it's not at you.
"Let's not do this now." You say.
You didn't want to hear about this because he felt forced to in order to keep you around. Something as traumatic as that deserved time to come out when he was ready to share it.
Except this isn't the right thing to say, as his eyes narrow, his thoughts flood with negative comments about you, and he pushes himself off the edge of the bath, fully intending to leave and never come back, just like that.

You place your hand on his chest, as if that'll stop him from being able to get past you.
"Don't think all that. I just don't feel like you should be forced to share something so personal with me. You can tell me when you're ready to." You try to soothe.
It doesn't work, his soured thoughts of how you're just like everyone else, and don't really care about him continue to spin around his head.
"I will listen, and I do care, but there's probably a better time for you to share this than at six p.m. on a Wednesday cramped in my bathroom, Dabi." You sigh, leaning up to kiss his scarred jawline ever so softly.

The minimal physical affection seems to work, his shoulders dropping ever so slightly and his eyes rolling to meet your own.
His mental block does go up, however, and you can't help but feel a little disappointed.
"You're right. There's a better place for this." He replies, with a slight smirk.
You don't know what he means by this, and you're not entirely sure you want to know from the troublesome smirk on his face.
You just give a little nod, unsure what to say. He wasn't giving you much to go off, and so you remove your hand from his chest, beginning to put the first aid kit back.

As your back's turned to him, you feel warm arms wrap around your stomach, his face burying into your shoulder so that his black hair tickles your cheek slightly.
It's sudden, but not unwelcome.
"Dabi..." You sigh, trying to sound at least a little like you weren't that easy to win over.
"I really did miss ya, doll." He mumbles against your shoulder.
You sigh once more as he kisses your neck softly.
"Don't..." You complain halfheartedly, although your body leans against his.
He gives a happy hum the second your body presses against his own, his lips turning upwards against the skin of your neck.
"Jus' treating you all soft, princess. Don'tcha want that?" He murmurs, kissing your neck softly again.

You did. You really did.
You're almost a little embarrassed with how touch-starved you were, and how easily you'd allowed him back into your home and heart again.
You'd been so worried, and for no reason, because he just didn't want to lose you. You almost feel like an idiot for thinking he wanted to kill you for the text Kana sent. Although, you figure it's best not to let him know about that one.
"Mhm." You murmur, craning your neck to allow him to kiss it a little easier.
His grin widens, and he kisses the exposed skin again softly before kissing your cheek a little bit more lingeringly and moving away from you.

The second he releases the hold he has on you, you feel a little colder. You'd almost forgotten how much warmer he was than the average person and how comforting that was when he held you.
"Better get back." He drawls with a shrug. "Long ass journey on foot."
"You could stay." You offer immediately.
He raises a thin eyebrow at you, smirking slightly at you.
"Not like that!" You defend, feeling the blood rise to your cheeks instantly. "Like, on the couch if you really can't control yourself."
Dabi chuckles at this, dropping a light kiss on your eyebrow before opening the bathroom door, picking Blue back up and throwing him in the air like some kind of baby.

"Back soon, bud." Dabi chimes as happily as his voice ever seemed to get, lifting him up like Simba.
"Just stay!" You grumble, wrapping your arms around his waist and thumping your face into his back.
"You didn't want me here. Crushed my hand. Remember?" Dabi teases, and it does nothing to cool down your flushed face.
"Shut up..." You mumble, tightening your grip on him.
You wanted so desperately for what he said to be true. To try dating normally, to do it right. To do something normally, even if it was a completely abnormal situation. 
"Alright. I'll stay." He says, leaning down to place Blue on the floor. "Just cause you're twistin' my arm an' all."

You don't show how happy you are on your face to try and maintain some image of stoicism, no matter how fake that stoicism is.


You end up ordering take-out, Dabi being painfully unhelpful when it came to you wanting to know what he wanted for dinner.
What was weird was him paying for it.
Well, giving you the cash for it once you'd ordered.
You can't remember money ever exchanging hands between you two, he had never offered any help physically or financially around the house whenever he stayed, asides from the broken window.
You almost didn't take it... until you remembered it was the least he could do.

The evening was nice. Mundane.
He actually went outside to smoke, not even hanging out the window and passing that as 'going outside'. Blue would follow him out and follow him back in.
He didn't make a single pass at you, keeping the touching simply to hugs and light pecks.
You even try nuzzling into his neck and nipping the skin there, running your hand over his stomach, only for him to give one low chuckle and tell you 'not to try anything funny'.
It's not fun to have your own words used against you, and you're almost a little disappointed.

He seems pretty cheerful by Dabi's standards, joking with you and entertaining you by watching your 'awful' shows without too much serious complaint.
And when you begin to get ready for bed, he seems more than happy to follow behind, yawning and stretching so his shirt rides up enough to reveal the pale expanse of his stomach.
You kind of get the feeling he's doing it on purpose.
He stays in his shirt and boxers as he slides into bed next to you, laying on his back with his arms folded behind his head.

You're a little unsure of the boundaries, but he really did seem to be on his best behaviour with 'no funny business', and that was the rule you yourself set, so eventually, you resign yourself to cuddling up to his side.
He leans his head against yours as you rest yourself on his shoulder, your arm resting over his stomach.
It's weird having such innocent and gentle touches with him that aren't necessarily initiated by you.
You were used to desperation, clawing at each other and escalating heat.

You try not to get too excited over the idea of him trying to do things normally, healthily.
But you can't help but feel a lot more at ease and happy nested against him like this.

Like you were finally home after a long time away.

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