Fade In // Fade Out

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You're unsure of what really happened between Boss leaving, and you coming back around to real life again. You'd never experienced anything like that before, besides that time you'd been spiked, and lost the majority of the memories of that evening.
When you're aware of your body and mind again, you realise you're bunched up in Dabi's arms, like some kind of oversized baby. Meanwhile, Blue is curled up on the back of the sofa, directly behind Dabi's head. Blue was never too far away from Dabi whenever he visited.
You blink a couple of times, trying to figure out what the hell had happened while your mind had shut down.

"Ah, welcome back." Dabi greets with a lazy grin, his usually cold blue eyes seeming a little softer. 
"What...?" You begin to ask, frowning and straightening yourself up a little as you lean against him.
"You spaced out for a good hour or two there. She had ya real shaken up, huh?" He asks, a lot more casual about what had happened than you would expect. "Hana ain't so tough, it's Tomura you gotta worry about."
Oh yeah, that was right, Boss had come over, destroyed your clothing with her Quirk, and Dabi had brought you both to the realisation of who her true family was. 

"That..." You begin.
Must feel awful. She'd had no clue who her real family was for the longest time. She was perfectly happy living her life as though she was truly one of the Bakugos. And for the news to be broken by Dabi, of all people, rather than any official paperwork, or the Bakugos themselves. Hell... It had even sounded like Hawks was aware of her true bloodline from what Dabi had said.
"You warm again now?" He asks, fussing at the blanket thrown over your shoulders. 
"Yeah." You reply, your voice still feeling foreign to you. 
"Good." He rubs his nose along your jawline, kissing the corner of your mouth faintly. 

"I can't believe..." You begin again, once more not finishing your sentence.
That Sota told Ren. That Ren told Boss.
That she'd come over and for a second, you'd actually been worried about your safety. 
You understood her anger. You really did. And back when it had all gone down with Junichiro, you probably would have accepted that you'd deserved the way she had acted today.
But that had all happened ages ago. She had moved on, healed, she was engaged to one of the most wanted men in Japan. And what had been portrayed about you and Hawks in the photographs they'd supposedly seen from the press wasn't even what had truly happened.

"What happened to me?" You ask, actually a little frightened at your loss of memory for the past couple hours. 
This had happened before in Dabi's presence, and he had kept you safe back then, too. Hilariously ironic considering the first time you'd been made to feel this unsafe in your home was due to him, and now you were reaching to him for comfort after being made to feel fearful of someone else.
His arms tighten around you, his face pressing against your neck. "Ya just spaced out for a bit. Don't worry. Had you all wrapped up and safe."
Well, yeah. You could see that much.

"She..." You murmur.
Was mad. Upset. Betrayed.
You really hope, that despite everything, Sota's job and friendship with her and the others won't be compromised because of your shortcomings. Sota didn't deserve to suffer because you fucked up, and because he was a good brother and covered it up for you this whole time.
"Was real pissed about you sleeping with her exes. Yeah." Dabi finishes for you, lacking any sympathy in his tone. It almost sounds a little judgemental.
You don't know how much of that is your own paranoia due to the subject being a sore one for you, though.
"It was just one of her exes." You reply a little snappily in your defensiveness. "I didn't even know they were dating. He didn't think of her. Ever."

A dark look flashes in Dabi's eyes momentarily before they return back to their usual stoniness. 
"Just the one." He repeats blandly, as if he doesn't believe you.
"Yeah. I don't exactly have men chasing me down." You reply sharply, crossing your arms over your chest and moving away from his body. 
"Good." He murmurs, leaning forward and his lips trailing over your jawline again. "Though, that makes the whole world fuckin' blind. How sad. Works for me though."
"Shut up." You murmur with no venom behind it whatsoever, only bashfulness.
His lips pull up into a smirk. "Naw."

"I don't wanna right now." You sigh, flopping back against him.
"That's fine. I just like complimentin' my girl." He reassures, his hand going to your hair.
"I really didn't do anything with him. I wouldn't." You begin to murmur, your fingers curling into Dabi's shirt.
"Don't worry about it." Dabi replies instantly. "Want me to talk to Tomura? I'm sure we could arrange a family reunion. Humble her a little." 
There's a dark edge to his voice. One that tells you he means every word he says. 
"Don't be stupid." You reply, running your hand under his shirt and running your thumb over one of his staples that lines his stomach as a means of grounding yourself a little more.
"Just say the word, doll." He responds lowly, kissing your neck softly. "Only didn't burn the bitch 'cause she's his sister." 

"Don't say things like that." You murmur, your lips falling.
Sure, she'd burst into your home, grabbed at your hair, slapped you, destroyed a belonging of yours, and yelled at you, which had all made you feel a little shitty, but you didn't particularly want to see her hurt. Especially by Dabi.
He gives a little 'hm', the simple sound sassy in its delivery, his gnarled bottom lip brushing over the crook over your neck back and forth rhythmically, only stopping to press chaste kisses there occasionally.
 And he does stop saying such horrible things like that, but his brain is fixated on how he should have done more than just mock her and shake her up a little while she was here in your house. You try your hardest to ignore it without earphones to drown out the thoughts he wasn't making any effort to hide for once.

You sit in silence, still not feeling quite all there. You were silently processing everything that had happened, and trying to think of ways to correct the situation, to stop it from getting any uglier. You didn't want it, and Boss and Hawks didn't necessarily deserve it.
"I just don't get it." You say after a while of silence. "Why do the press have to stick their nose in everything? Why specifically target Hawks' fiancée instead of going public with it? It just feels almost personal. Like they wanted to upset her or  him specifically."
Dabi's mind goes silent, his fingers tracing up and down your arm thoughtfully at a pressure so light it almost threatens to tickle you.

"People do dumb shit all the time." He replies after a thoughtful few moments. "Best not to think too much on it." 

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