Walk Away - (The End!)

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You're thinking on it all night, putting all the pieces together. Even long after Dabi drops off to sleep with Blue curled up ever faithfully on his chest.
When Hawks had shown up at your apartment that day, Dabi had arrived pretty quickly after he'd left. Almost too quickly for him to not have been approaching your house while Hawks had been trying to get in, at least.
And then when you were worried about it going public, he'd said it wouldn't with such confidence that you could have almost believed it if you weren't so panicked.

Then there was that night you'd been half asleep and heard him say sorry that it 'had to happen' but that you'd be okay. You'd been so tired at the time that you hadn't thought too much on it, but now all the puzzle pieces were being put together, you couldn't overlook that any more either.
What really cements his involvement in your mind is the fact that whenever you questioned the motives of whoever had taken those photos and taped them up onto Fourfolds door, he had either distracted you, or flat out told you not to question it or think about it too much.

It's all too much for you, your rage spiking despite the fact you were probably just being paranoid, you were run down mentally and it was bound to create some ugly issues.
"Dabi." You call firmly, shaking his shoulder to wake him.
He groans at you and waves you off lazily, squeezing his eyes shut tighter.
"Touya." You practically growl, shaking him harder.
"What?! What?" Dabi snaps and then catches himself, leaning up on his elbow and gently rubbing one of his eyes.
"You did this, didn't you?" You ask, your voice full of accusation.

"What the fuck 're you on about?" He asks, still drowsy. "This one of those things were you dreamt I was cheatin' on you or somethin'?"
"You took those pictures didn't you?" You accuse, not really caring how crazy throwing a random accusation like that made you look.
"You're seriously doing this now?" He sighs, flopping down onto the pillow again, making Blue hiss at the sudden movement.
But he doesn't deny it.
"Yes I'm doing this now." You reply snarkily. "You aren't gonna deny it?"
Dabi sighs again, running a hand through his hair. "...No."
"You fucking..." You begin to fume immediately, grabbing your own pillow and slamming it down his face.

Blue jumps from his chest even before Dabi shoots upright, grabbing your scarred wrist so tight that you almost cry out.
"Don't you fuckin' dare start hitting me or throwing shit." He warns, his eyes practically glowing even in the darkness. "You're better than that."
"What were you thinking?!" You yell, trying to wrestle out of his grip. "Get off of me, I swear to god."
He squeezes your wrist slightly as if it's a non-verbal warning before letting go.
"Wanted him to stop sniffing around you." He replies simply.

"Jealousy? That's your reason?" You ask, your voice high pitched from fury and disbelief.
You get out of bed, turning the light on to aid you in finding some pants. You don't even know why that's your first move. You just know you do not want to be close to him right now, and you want to hide your bare legs from his view, too.
"Don't fucking 'doll' me." You growl, spinning around to face him, holding some baggy sweatpants in your shaky hands. "You have destroyed everything."
Dabi laughs dryly. "Everything? You still have your house, your cat, clothes on your back, and food, don't you?"

You're about to open your mouth and offer a snappy response, but he begins to get out of bed too, approaching you and stopping only when Blue rubs against your ankle and hisses at Dabi.
"Turncoat." Dabi hisses at the Blue, his eyes flicking up to meet yours again. "All things considered, things ain't too bad. I did it so it wouldn't go public. No-one knows about it apart from you, Hawks and Hana's little band of merry men, do they?"
"Not too bad?" You repeat incredulously. "My brother, my only friend, is ignoring me. He had been keeping quiet about Junichiro for ages and now she knows! He could fucking lose his place in the studio! He could lose his childhood friend!"

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