Attitude Adjustment

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You scoff, trying to push yourself away from the door, and subsequently try to knock Dabi away from you too, although it's unsuccessful. Dabi was pretty solidly stood behind you, and all your body did by pushing against him roughly was sound out a dull 'thud' between you both.
"That keen, huh?" He sneers from behind you, nipping your ear from behind.
You grumble unhappily, no actual comprehensible words leaving you.
"So, where ya been?" He asks again, and you don't miss the almost irritated tone to his voice.
"Why? Did you get a little irritated waiting around for me?" You ask in return. "Awfully annoying when people just disappear isn't it?"
There's a short silence before Dabi gives one short and dry scoff.
"So fiesty." He coos, his teeth moving to graze your neck. "Want me to fuck that out of you?"

You hate the way that sentence shoots straight to your core. Your stomach filling with butterflies like some kind of lovesick teenager, and your body practically begging for you to give in to submission.
"Maybe I'll fuck some manners into you." You counter, and Dabi groans against your neck before chuckling, and spinning you around to face him.
His eyes are even more half lidded than usual, his pupils blown and his pink tongue slides across his teeth as he looks down at you like you're his prey.
You stare back at him, feigning fearlessness.
You're not on your feet for long however, Dabi seeming to effortlessly sweep you up into his arms, slamming your back against the wall as his lips crash into yours.
You probably should have put up a bit more of a fight, but the complete urgency of Dabi's movements had thrown you off guard.

The way his lips were so desperately colliding with your own, the way his hips were grinding against you subconsciously, your heavy breaths as well as his own all stirring on your arousal.
After all, this was potentially the most wanted you'd ever felt.
Junichiro, despite his tough demeanour towards others, and his 'scary' appearance, had always been pretty gentle with you, and the sex had always been pretty vanilla, to be blunt. Although you cringe to think of how he'd been the whole of that time with Sota's boss.
Things with Dabi were different. Your first sexual experience together had been on the couch, something you'd never done before. And judging from both of your behaviour currently, you were doubtful you'd make it to the bedroom again.
"Wait, wait, wait." You urge between kisses.
"Waited long enough." Dabi grumbles, pulling roughly at your pants with one hand, using his knee as well as his free hand to keep you pinned up against the wall.

Clearly frustrated when this proves a more difficult task than he originally thought, his hand yanks your pants back up, his hands planting themselves on your ass, the warmth from them noticeably hotter than usual.
You gasp slightly when he hauls you away from the door you'd been pressed firmly up against before, spinning you effortlessly around as you wrap your arms around his neck, sliding your tongue against his as he carries you through your home.
You shudder slightly when you feel a metallic bump make contact with your tongue. He clearly had a tongue piercing that you'd never noticed before, and given the heat of the current situation, you couldn't help but think about how that piercing would feel against more sensitive parts of you.
You barely register what's going on around you before his warm hands disappear from your behind, and you're plopped firmly onto a hard service, your body dropping cold the second Dabi moves away to shrug his jacket off.

You realise you're in your kitchen. He really hadn't been able to carry you to bed, apparently.
You bite at the skin of your lower lip slightly when you see him again, the last two times him having concealed himself. You'd almost forgotten the lean muscle he had hidden behind his clothes, and how much you loved the way he looked, even with the scars that people had been repulsed by him for, like you'd seen through his memories.
He's still looking at you with hungry eyes as he places his body between your legs, pulling your sweater and shirt over your head in one quick swoop.
His cold, ocean coloured eyes drop their hungry look and take on a more lustful look as they drop down to your newly exposed flesh.
It had been a while since you'd been this exposed in front of anyone, and you almost found yourself instinctively covering your chest.
But before you have too much time to think about it, Dabi's head has lowered, the warm, wet muscle of his tongue running down from between your collarbones to the buttons of your pants.

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