Amnesia & Sickness

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When you become somewhat fully conscious again, you find yourself on your kitchen floor, curled around your mop bucket. There's a blanket haphazardly thrown over your legs, and a cold flannel pressed against your forehead.
"Huh?" You ask aloud, your voice hoarse, and you lift your head slightly only for the world to immediately start spinning again, nausea instantly settling into your stomach, and you flop your head straight back down again, uncaring about the thump that likely would have hurt a fair bit had you been sober.
"Careful." An equally raspy replies from beside you.

You groan, equal parts because your whole body was uncomfortable, because you felt sick, and because you remembered that Dabi had promised to get you home, and clearly hadn't left.
The world felt foggy and slow and weird still, your memory missing large chunks of the night now you were awake again.
"Are you gonna puke again?" Dabi asks a little tiredly, and you hear the faint sound of leather shifting near you.
Your body lurches, and you feel your upper body get firmly lifted, your hair suddenly being moved from out of your face.

Your body moves to throw up, but nothing comes out. You retch a few times unsuccessfully, making Dabi gag as well despite nothing physically leaving you.
The heat inside the house is unbearable all of a sudden, as though you were only just aware of your own temperature.
"S'hot." You mumble, slumping against the solid figure keeping you up before realising that he himself was the reason why your body was suddenly burning up.

He's silent beside you, simply placing the cold flannel against your head again, his body retreating from your own and instantly the room feels cooler.
You close your eyes once more, and that's it.


When you wake again, theres a half empty glass of water next to you.
You look at it through blurred vision, your mouth was incredibly dry, and it tasted foul. But something else draws your attention from the corner of your eye.
Dabi. In your house again, his hand nestled in his messy black hair as he looks down at you with something akin to annoyance in his glacial eyes.
You panic, scooting backwards and hitting your head against one of your kitchen cupboards, the pain searing through your head this time.

"Be careful." He sighs, leaning forward slightly. "You've hit your head too much tonight."
You blink at him, completely confused and utterly scared.
He looks back at you with cold eyes before leaning back again.
"I'm helping you." He drawls, his eyes shifting away as though he's embarrassed. "Drink and then go back to sleep."

The scene seems too surreal, so you obey, thinking it was all some kind of weird dream.
You choke on the water, the liquid going down uncomfortably considering how dry your throat and mouth were.
Dabi takes the glass out of your hands, setting it away from you again and watches you carefully as you correct yourself, choking and then eventually coughing too hard and setting off your stomach again, Dabis eyes widening and his scarred arm snatching out to grab the bucket again, and managing to drag it in front of you quick enough to catch what falls out of you.

You throw up a few more times, Dabi only gagging occasionally himself as he seems to hold your hair back.
After a while, you stop puking and start sobbing.
When the man behind you realises, his whole body seems to stiffen, his grip of your hair tightening momentarily before loosening again.
"Why are you crying?" He asks, the heat in the room rising again. "Are you hurt?"

"No." You sob, crying hard enough now for each sob to rack through your aching and tired body. "M' just sick of this now. Wanna feel normal again."
Theres a second of silence, the heat radiating off him not seeming to cool. Reluctantly he sighs, his warm hand leaving your hair.
You sit in the quiet, his thoughts and your own a jumbled mess in your mind as you fill the silence between you both with broken sobs.

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