If I Cannot Have You, Then Nobody Can

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"I- um... What?" You sputter, your brain shutting down from your sheer panic.
You'd had him threaten you, you'd had him burn you once, but you'd never seen him angry, not this angry.
It was terrifying.
"Don't make me repeat myself." He warns through gritted teeth.
"W-who? Who?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
"Y'know, for a little mouse, you're sounding a lot like a fuckin' owl right now." He fumes, steam visibly beginning to leave the seams of his face. "You know exactly who I'm fuckin' talking about. Don't you dare act stupid with me."
He takes a step closer, and you cower.

Flashes of memories appear in your mind so quickly that you can barely focus on them. You just barely manage to pick up on a hulking redhead and a small, defenceless woman.
You're too busy trying to back away as much as possible from Dabi, who had paused mid-step.
There's a moment of silence, his breathing heavy and his fists clenched by his sides.
He scoffs, loosening and tightening his fists either side of him, flexing his fingers as though he was trying to stop himself from balling his hands up at his sides.
"What, I leave for a few weeks so you go out an' fuck someone else?" He asks, his voice cold and dead, he even barely manages to spit out the word 'fuck' with enough venom for it to sting.

"Excuse me?" You ask, finally insulted instead of scared.
"You heard me. Couldn't keep your fuckin' legs closed for a few weeks while I was sortin' shit out." He spits on your floor. "Embarrassing."
You're unsure what hurts more, the fact he even assumed that of you, the disrespect of spitting on your property or the completely belittling way he was speaking to you.
"I didn't-" You begin to argue, sitting up a little from where you'd tried slumping away from him in fear.
"Yeah?" He asks, beginning to steam again. "That's why some beige flag fuck was touchin' on you?"

Your mouth bobs open and shut. You can't believe the sheer extent of his anger right now.
The way he's speaking, the things he knows, tells you that he had been the stranger staring at you and Haruki earlier, and you wish that was more relieving than it is.
He's seeing red, literally. His thoughts are messy, erratic, tinged with reds and blacks. You need to think of something to calm him down and quick.

"H-he was asking about where I got my work done. I was telling him about Sot-" You begin trying to explain, only for him to interrupt.
"Give a fuck." He says blandly.
"W-what?" You ask, confused.
"I. Don't. Give. A. Flying. Fuck." He repeats, beginning to seethe again, one of his fists tightening again, one of the staples running along the back of his hand pinging up.
Usually, the sight of one of his staples coming undone would get you stressing over it.
Not today.

"You're being unfair. You literally kissed someone else! Did I flip my lid at you?"
His nostrils begin flaring in response.
"No! I didn't!" You continue, finally finding your backbone again. "Because we're not exclusive, Dabi. You come here, take what you want, and leave. Rinse and repeat."
He doesn't respond, just glares at you as you slowly begin to pull yourself up from the floor, trying to feign some kind bravery and fearlessness in this situation, despite being terrified.
"That was different." He spits, his voice threatening to send you cowering to the floor again, but you manage to hold your ground.

His thoughts are telling you everything he can't bring himself to say physically, his anger making him unable to control it like he usually was so good at being able to.
And right now he was reeling with anger from the sheer nerve you had to bring that up.
You hear him lament about how women never wanted to be too close to him before you came along, spiralling into anger about his quirk, and what it had done to him. The room continues getting hotter and hotter, and you can tell it's taking everything within him to not  burst into flames right now.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now