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You place the bowl on the table in front of Dabi silently, him having taken his place back on the sofa, his scarred arms resting over the back of the sofa as he watches you approach him with his lazy, cold stare.
You sit yourself on the floor, not really wanting to test your luck by sitting on the sofa beside him, and definitely not wanting his hands anywhere too close to you in fear of what they may do if you tested your luck a little too far.
Honestly, you still weren't over your initial panic, the mask of bravery you'd been wearing around him slipping from your fingers no matter how many times you tried to grasp at it before leaving the kitchen, hoping you could pretend everything was fine in front of Dabi. Not wanting to appear weak. Not wanting him to know that you were gradually getting more and more fearful of the situation you were in.
Eventually the tell-tale sign of his eyes burning into you stops, and you hear his raspy voice for the first time in hours.
"Soba?" He asks, and you hear the scraping of utensils in the bowl opposite him.
"Yep." You reply bluntly, forcing some of the noodles down you, not really feeling hungry but knowing you had to eat.

He says nothing more, only the sound of the utensils crashing into the side of the bowl in response, your sofa making a slight noise as he leans back in the chair again, the TV changing from what sounded like a sit com to the news again.
'Better wait till it's cold.' He thinks to himself, making you look up at him for the first time since coming out of the kitchen.
You hadn't even thought about his apparent sensitivity to heat, which was almost hilariously ironic considering his Quirk. You look down at his steaming bowl, reminding yourself of how long it had taken him to move away from the window. He clearly didn't want to end up in that state again.
"Problem?" He asks, his voice piercing through your thoughts, and immediately making you drop your eyes to your own bowl again, absentmindedly picking up some noodles with your chopsticks to avoid having to answer his question.
Even though you clearly had heard him and were choosing to ignore him, his eyes still boring into every fiber of your being it felt like.
"Yeah I got a problem." You say, finally, after getting tired of the burning through your skin that only his eyes seemed to be able to do. "I have a villain nesting in my house and he won't even eat my food."

You roll your own cold, lemon eyes up to meet his, despite having placed a few noodles in your mouth at the end of your sentence, slowly slurping them up as you hold the eye contact.
His half lidded eyes hold no hint as to what he's thinking, his head as quiet as ever, that wall ever impenetrable. After a second, his mismatched lips pull into a smirk, the staples holding the corners of his mouth together buckling ever so slightly.
"Is it bothering you, princess?" He croons sarcastically, leaning forward so his elbows are resting on his thighs, his head tilting to give you an even better look of derision than he had been before with a simple smirk.
You narrow your eyes at him at the new pet name he'd decided to come up with for you, despite the definite butterflies you'd gotten in your stomach the second it passed his lips. You choose to ignore it, berating yourself for being attracted to someone that had physically harmed you as well as threatened to kill you, and was keeping you captive in your own home.

"My name is Y/N." You remind him calmly, wondering to yourself if maybe you just had developed Stockholm Syndrome earlier than others would, which would make your brain think you were attracted to the villain staring you down from your sofa. That'd be typical of you.
You also consider the fact that maybe it was because you'd not really had a chance to spend much time with men in general, your Quirk always giving them away, their true intentions away before you could ever get too far with them. Unless they were master manipulators, even in their own heads, like Junichi-
Dabis deep rumble of a chuckle distracts you mid thought, leaning back against the back of your couch again, his arms laying over the back of the sofa again, the smirk he'd been giving you widening even more.
"That's why your face looks like that then, huh?" He teases, giving you another once over with his blue eyes before returning his attention back to the TV, another deep half-chuckle leaving him as he does so.

You tighten your lips together, taking a deep breath and pushing your bowl away from you, annoyed that the heat you'd felt under your skin wasn't simply from the heat that seemed to radiate off his body, and was in fact your own body giving your reaction to the word 'princess' away.
How humiliating. You were being looked down at by a well renowned villain for being a little flustered over a pet name.
The humiliation only makes your face burn warmer, and you pick your bowl up to have an excuse to leave his presence for a bit while you try to pull your act together.
He doesn't seem to react as you leave the room, still keeping his attention fixed on the TV, his feet resting on the table next to the bowl of his rapidly cooling soba.
You lay the half finished bowl of soba on the side, turning your back to the door to splash your face with some cool water from the tap.
The feeling of gnarled skin against your arm as you grip the counter, and it makes you jump, a small squeak leaving you as the presence of a firm body against yours from behind makes itself known.

There was only one person it could be and the closeness was enough for your body to go into fight and flight mode. Except your body didn't choose fight or flight.
It chose freeze.
You stand with both hands gripping the kitchen counter, Dabi's scarred arms pressed against your own pretty tightly, your widened eyes dropping to look at his hands splayed out next to yours, his hair tickling your cheek as his head dips down towards your shoulder on one side.
"You scared?" He asks, his voice deadly low, his ribbed cheek grazing against your own ever so slightly.
Your mouth opens and closes, but no sound leaves you as you feel one of his legs make their way between your own.
He doesn't make any more movements, just stands behind you, his arms pressed against yours, his chest against your back and his thigh dangerously close to your crotch.
The worst thing about the situation you found yourself in was the absolute silence in his head. In any other situation you would have cherished the silence in the room, but with a villain pressed up against you, you couldn't help but wish there was at least one thought to listen to, to gauge what his intentions were.

You even found yourself missing the odd perverse thoughts he had about you, knowing that at least if that's what he was trying to achieve here, that you could prepare yourself to fight back.
You let out a small squeak as his thigh moves upwards slightly, his cheek lifting on the side closest to yours. At the same time, the wall breaks and you get the lewd image of you grinding against his thigh with his hand tangled up in your hair, pulling your head back to give him the full view of your lusted over eyes and your heavy breaths as they leave you.
"S-stop." You manage to stutter out weakly, your face burning up again with the image filling your mind.
Surprisingly, the mental image shuts down immediately, and the heat and pressure from Dabis body disappears from your own, allowing you the ability to breathe again.

"My bad." Dabi's voice says, it sounding a little more distant than it had been seconds earlier. His tone sounded sincere, as though he genuinely meant it. You slowly turn, catching the side of his face in the doorway, his lips seeming settled in some kind of self-gratified smirk before his blue eyes meet yours from the corners of his eyes.
"...Princess." He finishes, his pink tongue sliding over his bottom lip as his smirk grows wider and he disappears from view again.

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