Momentary Peace

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You take the rising of heat in reaction to your rejection of him as a warning, and wait out his temper in your room. Instead of it being a peaceful time for you, pretending that there wasn't a highly wanted criminal skulking around your house, you sat in your own head, worried about what the fuck was going to happen now.

You sit with your back against the wall for quite some time, your hands buried within your hair.  Occassionally you'd hear his footsteps approach your door, his only thoughts revolving around checking that you were still there and weren't calling for help.
On his third trip to your door, you hear his gravelly voice travel through.
"Don't come out, 'kay?"
Instead of the four words bringing any relief to you, knowing that he wanted to be away from you, you were panicked by them.

"Why?" You question quickly, turning to stare at the door, as if your body wanted to swing the door open and see what on earth was going on outside of your room.
"They're here to fix the window. Then I'll be outta your hair." The words are spoken lazily, but the hurt travels through in the form of his thoughts. You actually almost feel a little guilty, your Quirk allowing you to see the intensity of the issue he has with rejection that you'd likely never find him physically verbalising.
You bite your lip a little anxiously. You hadn't heard him walk away yet.

"You won't let anything happen, right?" You squeak out, the question barely audible to even yourself.
You almost kick yourself for showing such vulnerability, but you were fearful of the kind of people he may know. Sure, a window fix should be an innocent and easy enough job, but Dabi's involvement complicated things in your mind.
There's a short silence, and you almost wonder if you'd just missed him walking away, your anxiety had made your heart so fast that you could hear the beat of it in your skull.

"Right." He confirms, almost as quietly as you spoke yourself.
It isn't just that confirmation though. His mind flickers to a made up scenario of the villain who had come to clean up his mess shooting shards of glass towards you, you getting injured and Dabi immediately avenging you.
His mind becomes a muddle then, confused to why he would care so much about a stranger before flicking straight back to the silver haired woman you'd seen before in his thoughts and then the wall goes back up again, your own mind going silent due to the lack of his own thoughts.

His footsteps move away, them seeming almost rushed this time.
You feel your cheeks heat up. You must remind him of an ex or something, some kind of open wound there that hadn't finished healing and he was clinging onto you in confusion, trying to get closure for that situation out of you.
You listen carefully, pretty much pressed against the door trying to make sure that your home wasn't being robbed.

You'd actually completely forgotten that you'd called Sota earlier when you were panicking about paying for the window, so when your phone began to ring, you nearly head butted the door in surprise.
You pick your phone up quickly, knowing exactly who it would be and not wanting to draw attention to the room you were in.
"Are you okay?" Sota asks the second you answer, his voice as calm as ever, but the speed of which the words left him gave away how nervous he must have been.

"Yeah, fine!" You reply as cheerily as you can while still keeping your voice relatively low. "Sorry, I had a panic about something but it's totally fine now."
"What happened?" Sota asks, and you can pretty much imagine the slight frown knitting his eyebrows together just by hearing his voice.
"One of the kids in the neighbourhood threw a ball at my window and I thought it was going to be broken when I got home." You explain, pulling the lie out of nowhere and impressing even yourself. "It's just got a crack- way less expensive than a whole replacement!"

"See? This is why we should have a dog." You hear Ren call to him in the background.
"We're not getting a dog, Ren." Sota sighs.
You can't help but smirk a little, relaxed even through just hearing Sota's voice for a little while.
"He still on that?" You ask, trying to change topic so that Sota wouldn't get too caught up in the window issue.
"Sadly." He murmurs. "Honestly, what has that got to do with what you just said? I'm tired, Y/N."
You chuckle quietly. You knew he'd been looking after his boss' corgi while she was off with her boyfriend, but you had no idea that had sent Ren into a puppy craze.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Sota asks, worry laced within the calming tones of his voice.
"Absolutely. Sorry to panic you." You apologise, bowing your head even though he couldn't see you.
"We'll come over and have a look at it." Sota says absentmindedly. "Maybe Ren's-"
"No!" You blurt out a lot quicker and a lot louder than you intended, and you cringe, looking at your door nervously. "No, honestly it's fine."

There's a short silence on the other end of the phone, and when Sota finally speaks up, you can hear the smirk in his voice.
"What are you hiding, sis?" He asks playfully, and your face goes red.
"Nothing!" You flap, your eyes widening when your door opens.
You scoot away in a panic, only to see burning blue eyes under a mass of black of hair staring down at you curiously.
"Hmm, sure, sure." Sota chuckles. "Well, don't let me keep you from your secrets."
"I'm not-" You begin to lie, but shut your mouth when Dabis look of curiosity turns into a frown when he realises you're on the phone.

"It's cool! I miss you. Lets meet soon okay?" Sota says, the smirk still evident even through the phone. "You can tell me all about it then."
"Sota..." You sigh, but give Dabi a nervous look.
He remains behind the door, but you try to diffuse the angry look on his face by mouthing 'it's my brother' to him.
"I love you, be safe." Sota signs off.
"Use a condom!" Ren calls, followed by an audible whack.

Your face falls when you realise just how loud Rens voice was, an unrecognisable look flashing over Dabis face before one side of his face tugs upwards, the staples at the corner of his mouth threatening to buckled under the pressure of his smirk.
"Yeah, love you too, bye!" You say quickly before hanging up and hurriedly shoving your phone under your butt on the floor.
"Isn't it a bit late for condoms?" Dabi asks a little patronisingly.

Your face flushes, embarrassed by your own lie.
"Aren't you meant to be watching the house?" You ask a little snappily.
"It's done." Dabi informs you, appearing more clearly in the doorway.
"What?" You ask, a little dumbfounded.
"Some guy with a glass Quirk. Took like five minutes." Dabi shrugs.
"Oh." You mutter, your eyes dropping to the floor.

The silence fills the room awkwardly, Dabi relentlessly staring down at you while you deliberately avoid his gaze.
"Um, thank you?" You choke out weakly, looking up at him.
His face is blank, but the shift of his ice cold stare and the slight pink hue to his cheeks tells you that he wasn't used to gratitude.
"Yeah sure." He practically mumbles, pushing himself away from the doorway. "I'll go now. Don't forget though, you owe me."
You open your mouth to say something, unsure of what was right to say in this situation, but he really does just... leave.

In what feels like no time at all, he seems to make his way through your home, to the front door and out of it, judging by the slam he gave it, as though he wanted it to be clear he had left.
You sit, the shock washing over you again before you wipe your hands down your face.

Now you had to try and heal again, knowing you owed a villain a favour that he could rock up and cash in at any time.

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