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Your moods were up and down. That was for sure.
You'd called in sick to work, asking to have the rest of the week of with the full intention of handing your notice in, to avoid seeing Emi again.
You were furious, and your patience for people had fully dissolved. You didn't want to keep someone in your life that didn't value your safety.
Dabi had looked over your shoulder, likely with a raised eyebrow as he had asked you what you were doing while you were aggressively typing out your notice on your sofa.
You'd explained a little gruffly, and he'd remained silent. His thoughts told you he approved of your decision, though.

He hadn't left yet, and it had been three days. You didn't care too much. You'd grown used to his company, and felt a lot safer with him hanging around the house.
When you weren't in one of your bad moods, you found yourself joking around with him like you'd only ever been friends while knowing each other.
You weren't completely oblivious though. You'd known he'd originally only stretched out his stay because it benefitted him to have a quieter place to stay, and because even if he had to sleep on your sofa it was still more comfortable than the bed he had with the League.

But the less those thoughts plagued his mind, the more you found him genuinely chuckling and smiling.

You also knew he went back to check on them all when you were asleep. You weren't sure how he got in and out so silently, but tried not to think about it too hard lest it set off your paranoia. You also weren't sure how he was functioning on such little sleep, either.
You were just thankful for his presence. You were unsure of how you would handle being alone, your fear taking a complete u-turn from being scared of him being in your house, to being scared of him being out of your house.
It was almost laughable.

Today, admittedly, was one of your worse days. You hadn't left your bed yet, and had no plans of doing so. Your brain wouldn't shut up, so you lay, hugging your blanket tightly around you and staring at your wall in silence.
You weren't actually too sure how long you'd been awake for, kind of just spacing out until you heard the door of your bedroom open.
"You good?" Dabi asks, his voice as bored and monotone as ever.
You shrug, unsure of Dabi could even see it through your blanket cocoon.
He approaches you, made clear by the sound of his footsteps on the floor, and soon, you see his burned arms appear in your line of vision as he uses them to brace his weight against the wall you were staring at to lean over you.

Blue eyes search your face silently, and you stare blank-faced back at him.
"You should go out. See someone." He suggests.
"Where are you going?" You ask, cutting to the chase.
He'd done a poor job of hiding that thought. He needed to go, urgently, but didn't want to let you know where or why. Until now, he hadn't bothered hiding thoughts from you, and the fact he had tried was unsettling you.
Theres a short silence between you both as your eyes bore into each others.
"What's it to do with you?" He counters eventually, pushing himself away from the wall, his face disappearing from your view.

You sit up, with the full intention to turn around and face him.
"Well, are you coming back?" You ask his turned back.
His battered and torn jacket was back on. Usually he didn't bother with that while he was just visiting the League Of Villains, and you knew it.
He chuckles, but not in the nice way he had been recently. It's almost sarcastic as it leaves him. You almost reel from it, as though it's a step back in time to the Dabi you first met.
"You couldn't wait to get rid of me before, princess." He points out, sticking his hands in his pockets and lazily turning his head to meet your gaze. "Go get some fresh air or something. You're gettin' cabin fever or something."

"That was before..."
You trail off, not needing or wanting to repeat the incident that immediately came into your head.
Really, a lot of things had happened that had changed things. You'd both seen each other at your most vulnerable now, and helped the other through it. You'd seen all sides of him now, even the good parts of him that he made such a show of hiding.
He just stares at you, likely expecting you to finish your sentence.
"Well, can I at least have your number?" You mumble,  a little embarrassed to ask. "In case I need you."
Dabi only scoffs however, his glacial eyes rolling away from your own. "Why would you need me?"

Realistically, it was a good question. No-one was likely to come to your home. No-one came here apart from your family, Dabi being the rare exception to the rule.
Because you find yourself sat with your mouth bobbing open and closed for a second too long, Dabi takes your lack of an answer as no answer at all, and begins to head towards the door again.
Fuelled by something, whether it was fear of being alone, or the pain you'd felt in his thoughts from taking your silence as pure rejection, but you find yourself up, out of bed, and grabbing his hand, trying with all your strength to turn his body towards you.

"What the fuck-" He begins to say, his eyes widening as you tiptoe to get to as close to his face as possible, your hand still not letting his go.
His body seems frozen, and you realise this is the longest you'd managed to make some kind of physical contact with him without him shaking you off and half-heartedly warning you not you to do it again. It was also the closest you'd been to his face.
You could see the lighter freckles of blue in his eyes that seemed to make them glow even brighter than they probably were, you could see the burn marks in the metal of his sutures, you could see every ridge in his scars clearly, as well as feel the heat radiating off his face.

You glance down at his mismatched lips, and before you even allow yourself to think about it you're pressing your own to them.
His breath audibly catches in his throat the second you make contact with them, pressing a soft and shy kiss to his bottom lip, before shifting away momentarily to search his eyes with yours.
He stares back at you, his eyes still wide, and his adams apple bobbing, as his ruined throat gulps softly.
He doesn't snap at you to go away, or 'not to do that shit again', so you do it again, letting go of his hand to lay your palm over the gnarled skin of his jaw softly. He seems to flinch at the soft touch, but leans into the kiss this time, uncertainly moving his lips against your own.

You're uncertain of how long you both continue, your head only full of thoughts of how you really wouldn't have expected Dabi to be this gentle, his face leaning into your hand like some kind of puppy. Another, less favourable part of your brain was telling you that you should have thought this through more.
Suddenly, a pressure being forced against your forehead pulls you out of the kiss and pushes you away from Dabi, and you realise it's his hand pushing you away.
You're about to voice your confusion when Dabi shakes his head, his messy, almost faded black hair bouncing slightly as he does so.
"You need to sort your head out." He says simply, before removing his hand and leaving hastily.

You stand bewildered for a second, staring at the door he closed behind him.
What did he mean, 'sort your head out'?
You wonder if you needed to go after him again. It almost sounds like he'd insulted your coherency simply for kissing him.
You press two fingers to your mouth softly.
Oh god, you'd kissed him. Like some touch starved shut in.
You want to crumple to the floor in embarrassment. Maybe you did need to sort your head out.
You don't, though. Instead choosing to chase after him and ask what he means.
By the time you reach your living room, however, it's clear he's gone, and you feel your heart drop slightly from the uncertain terms he'd left on.

Something catches your eye though, and initially you frown when you see one of your pencil eyeliners lying on the window sill. But as you approach, you see digits written on the plastic there.
His number.
You smile despite yourself, pressing your fingers to your mouth again.

Maybe he would come back.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now