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You'd managed to hold off texting him the first night, even though you had really wanted to ask when he would be back. You'd, a little embarrassingly, slept on the sofa that night just in case he came back while you were asleep.
But he never showed.
The morning after, you woke up with a sore neck, as well as a sore back, rubbing your eyes as you plodded towards your bedroom to see if he'd just gone straight in there after seeing you asleep in his usual spot.
But nothing.
You'd flopped back onto your couch, staring at your phone screen for far too long while debating whether to text or not.

Eventually, you'd decided to take his advice and leave the house. For a second you even forget yourself and almost consider not taking your phone with you to avoid temptation, but soon picked it up, just in case.
You'd considered going to Fourfold to see Sota, but decided against it on the off chance you couldn't stop yourself from thinking of Dabi. You also didn't want him learning of the fact you'd been drugged, because you just knew it would really upset him, and you didn't want him rallying around you while he was trying to take care of somebody else's business by himself.
As well, neither of you had tried hiding something from the other before and you weren't feeling too confident in your ability to succeed.

In an attempt to make the most of Dabi's advice, you'd taken a long walk around one of your local parks, before sitting on a bench, admiring the scenery for a while, only to pull your phone out, open up a blank message to the number Dabi left behind and just stare at the screen trying to think of something worthwhile to say.
You wonder if he hadn't come back yet because you'd made him uncomfortable. He'd always pretended to snap at you to cut it out whenever you touched him softly. Maybe you'd crossed a boundary without thinking about it.
The thought of that is enough to make your stomach turn, a palm raising to your mouth as you look down at your phone. You genuinely feel a little sick from the stress left behind from thinking you'd pushed him into something he didn't want.

This pushes you to send the first text.
'I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.'
You want to say more. You want to ask when he'll be back. You want to ask if he's safe, and also to demand him to be safe and to just not get in trouble.
You realise afterwards he probably had no idea who it was who'd sent it, so you send:
'It's Y/N.'

Only to receive no response for the rest of the day.
Determined to not let it bother you too much, you buy yourself a drink from a nearby vending machine once it hits late enough to justify getting dinner, and head towards a ramen bar you sometimes frequented alone, just because it was next to a busier food chain, and was usually a lot quieter.
As long as you're buying something there, they don't seem bothered by the fact you'd brought in a drink from elsewhere, and so you sat at the bar, trying to ignore the other few patron's thoughts as they projected themselves into your mind.
You lay in bed staring at the ceiling for some time that night, spinning through all the events that had happened within such a short span of time that had changed you so fundamentally as a person so quickly.


The next day, you consider calling him after you manage to peel yourself out of your bed for long enough to go out for another walk around the town.
As you walked, you'd heard snippets of conversations and thoughts of a League of Villains attack on some kind of human trafficking ring. From what you'd heard, the victims had left safely, which put your mind at ease slightly.
Briefly, you find yourself wondering if that was Dabi's way of letting off steam about what had happened. You hadn't remembered him showing you anything to do with whether your attacker had been part of a ring, and a shudder racks through you as you consider the possibility that he had.

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