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You'd driven him home that night, unwilling to leave him alone, high on some kind of painkiller, in the middle of a wealthy neighbourhood. That seemed like a recipe for disaster.
He'd been pretty quiet for the drive, and you'd allowed it. You were pretty tired yourself, and conversation wasn't at the forefront of your mind. You were also pretty surprised at the lack of advances he'd been making towards you. You'd half expected him to try and get into your pants the second you forgave him, but even his thoughts had been pretty respectful. You supposed he was distracted, not thinking straight.
At one point, you'd looked over at him to make sure he was alright, as his thoughts had begun trailing off too, and you'd been alarmed to see him slumped over, asleep, in the passenger seat.
Fearing he may have overdosed, you'd pulled over, immediately unbuckling your seatbelt, reaching over and putting your hand on his chest, figuring the clear skin there would be easier than trying to get a pulse from his gnarled up wrist.
The second you'd touched him, he stirred, which was a good sign, especially when his thin black eyebrows knitted together in annoyance despite keeping his eyes closed.

"Don't scare me like that. Asshole." You hissed, clutching your hand to your chest.
"Shh. Sleepin'." He had murmured, moving his face away from you and shifting again in the seat, slumping even lower down.
You'd stared at him for a few moments, admittedly still a little concerned, before taking a deep breath, moving some of his unruly hair out of his face so you could look over at him and check on how he's doing better, and prepared yourself to continue driving, hoping your memory wouldn't fail you on how to get to the League hideout from where you were.
When you'd gotten there, by some miracle considering you had been travelling almost entirely from memory, you were completely unable to wake him for long enough to get him to go in alone.
"Dabi." You'd called and called, only receiving frowns and sleepy swats from the half-asleep man as you tried shaking him to a state of full consciousness.
You'd huffed, crossing your arms as you looked at him in your passenger seat. You weighed up your options. It was super late, and you didn't want to piss off members of the League Of Villains. But you'd brought him all that way and you didn't really want to allow him to stay with you again just yet.

You rolled your lips together, looking at him.
You doubted that you'd be able to carry him, but if you got him somewhat conscious, you may be able to be a crutch for him to the front door.
You shook him again, the act a little more harsh this time and you yelped out of instinct as flames burst from his skin, a clear warning as he comes around, his eyes practically shut, but still somehow glaring at you.
"Leave me alone." He'd grumbled, clearly still half asleep.
"I will once you're inside. But you're heavy, so we're gonna need to teamwork it. Alright? No more sleeping for like, a minute." You'd sighed, reaching into the car to try and pull him out.
He'd grumbled, but managed to pull himself out of your car sleepily with your aid, and somehow managed to come around enough to stand by himself with only a slight sway as he grabs your wrist.
You flinch a little, looking up at him with more fear in your eyes than probably necessary.
"S'pretty." He slurs sleepily, one of his hands reaching up to touch your face, his thumb coursing over your cheek in one of the most gentle touches you'd ever experienced with him.

You lean back as he moves to kiss you, quickly catching him before he can fall off-balance, and he pouts like a child about it.
"You're high and tired. It's wrong." You say, trying to keep your voice even. "Lets get you inside."
He mumbles sleepily and grouchily to himself as you tug on his arm, leading him up to the dilapidated shack's front door.
"Do you guys have a secret knock or something?" You ask, not wanting to be killed for doing something that would otherwise be simple wrong.
Dabi snorts at you. "You've been watching too much TV."
You take a sharp breath through your nose. You'd actually thought that was a pretty intelligent thing to ask considering they were highly wanted criminals.
"Just walk on in, baby girl." He murmurs, his voice dropping low as his head dips towards your neck.
"You can. I'm going home." You mutter, knocking on the door.
"Shhh! Shhh!" Dabi hisses sleepily at the knocking.

Honestly, you couldn't care less about anything besides getting him inside and going home yourself, so you just roll your eyes at his antics and wait for someone to come to the door, not trusting Dabi to enter the house alone.
No-one comes for a couple minutes, and you knock again, louder this time.
"Stop!" Dabi says in a bit of a whiny tone, leaning heavier onto you. "You'll wake them up. Boss'll get pissed."
You scowl in frustration at the door, wanting to just open it up and walk yourself in like Dabi had suggested, but you were far too anxious to. Especially after knocking a couple of times, that had probably gotten their backs up, and you wouldn't know if they were planning to ambush anyone that came inside from where you were.
"Jesus christ." You hiss, huffing a little as you try to shift the way Dabi's leaning on you. "Guess today's your lucky day."
He's falling asleep again, you can tell from the way he's leaning on you alone. You grumble, annoyed that your plan hadn't gone the way you wanted it to, and that you had to bring him back to yours anyway, so that was time and fuel wasted.
It's a struggle, but you manage to get him back into the car, strapping him in, quickly checking his heart and moving his hair out of his face again before getting back into the drivers seat.

You keep looking over at him as you drive. He's smiling slightly as he sleeps this time, which is annoyingly cute. Even the soft breaths he takes are rhythmic enough for you to feel happy enough just listen to that instead of turning on your music like you usually would.
For a second, you could almost forget that this man was a murderer.
When you pull up to your home again, you shut off the engine and allow a few more minutes for Dabi to rest, hoping the more sleep he got before you woke him again would make him more aware when you tried getting him in the house.
You look over him carefully. He looked so soft, so peaceful and relaxed.
"Dabi." You say softly, gently trying to wake him again.
Of course this doesn't work, he doesn't stir, or even change his breathing pattern.
You sigh, shaking him awake again, his smile turning into a frown as he awakens.
"Sleepin'." He remarks grumpily, glaring at you.
"You wanna sleep inside? I can leave you out here if you like though." You half-joke, unclipping him.

This seems to wake him straight up, he sits up by himself slowly and looks at you through heavy eyes.
"With you?"
You're a little taken aback by the question. You hadn't even really thought about it, but you suppose the sofa was a perfectly valid option too.
"Yeah. Why not?" You relent with a sigh, far too tired to argue it. "No funny business though, okay? I'm tired."
"No funny business..." Dabi drawls sleepily, the words slow as they leave him.
You sigh, leaving the car to go and help him out of his side.
He seems easier to move this time around, and you manage to make him to your bed without incident.
He flops himself down, slowly pulling his pants down. If his movements hadn't been so slow because he was fighting off sleep, you would have thought it was an attempt at teasing you.
You turn your back to him as you pull your hoodie and sweatpants off, knowing that Dabi would be like a furnace throughout the night. When you turn back around, you see him splayed out on the bed, wearing nothing but a white vest and boxers.

You cock an eyebrow at his positioning on the bed, not leaving you much space at all to lie down next to him, but you were beyond tired at this point and just force him over a little bit.
The second you lie down, your weight on the mattress dipping it a little bit, Dabi's arms wrap around you, the staples on his wrists running against your skin a little uncomfortably, making you wince.
His face buries itself into the back of your neck, unphased by the fact your hair would have been tickling him. His hands tighten on your shirt, too, kind of akin to how a child clings onto a parents clothing when they're nervous.
He mumbles something, his voice too low and too muffled for you to hear it properly.
"Huh?" You ask in a whisper.

"Luh dew." He murmurs again, and you scoff a laugh at his delirious sleep talking before closing your eyes yourself.

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