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Dabi fucking knew it.
He could tell from the little exchanged look that the two had given each other when he last saw her.
And sure, he'd been sitting out on his actual duties for the Paranormal Liberation Front, but he wasn't going to be able to rest until he knew how Hawks and Y/N knew each other.
He'd sit nearby her house for months if it meant he got the answers he needed.
Instead apparently all he'd needed was a week before Hawks decided to do more than just leave a can of tuna out for Blue.

Dabi didn't even find the humor in it anymore when Blue would hiss at the over-sized bird creature, and bat at him before digging into the tuna.
Hawks was a creature of habit, always putting the can of tuna right beside the front door.
Not today though.
Today he had tucked it into the alley beside Y/N's house, leaving the front door Blue-less, more easily accessible without getting his ridiculously exposed ankles shredded.
Dabi watched from a distance, smoking with rage in his eyes as Hawks waited for Blue to be distracted by the tuna before knocking on her door.

With a hiss of annoyance, Dabi flicks his cigarette onto the floor and hops from his hiding place in a nearby tree, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Hawks seems to pick up on his presence straight away, spinning around the second Dabi's feet touch the floor. His wings puff out like they always do when he's caught off guard, and his eyes widen for a moment before he recollects himself, assuming a more relaxed stance and running gloved fingers through blonde hair.
"What're you doing all the way out here, man?"  Hawks asks, trying to sound friendly and not startled.

"What're you doin' knocking on my girls door, man?" Dabi replies dryly, leaning on the side of her home, staring Hawks dead in the eye.
If Hawks is taken off guard once more, he does a good job of hiding it.
"Wellness check." He explains with a shrug.
"I said why." Dabi seethes. "Ya deaf or are you just stupid?"
"A coworker was worried." Hawks replies, almost doing a damn good job of making Dabi question his paranoia with how quickly the explanation leaves him, and how calmly. "Said about bruises."
Dabi scoffs, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"She's been wearin' scarves an' long sleeves for the past week."
Hawks falls quiet and they stare at each other silently, neither man willing to show anything other than complete nonchalance.
Dabi breaks the silence first, pushing himself away from the outer walls of her house.
"She ain't in." He informs the winged man opposite him, beginning to pull out another cigarette.
Hawks doesn't reply while Dabi lights his cigarette with a finger, waving the flame away and looking over Y/N's home with a lazy gaze.
"Yaknow..." He begins, returning his attention to Hawks. "F' I catch ya sniffing around here again, I'll burn you up, birdie."

He means every word of it as well.
He doesn't know what's going on between the two, but whatever it is is enough to set off alarms within his head that aren't easily silenced.
Hawks continues looking unbothered, even by the threat, a lazy grin pulling one side of his mouth upward.
"Aw, don't be such a sourpuss." He replies, that switched-on, hero bullshit chirpiness back in his voice. "Just doin' my job is all!"
Dabi grins, taking a deep breath of his smoke.

He takes a large step, closing the distance between them, blowing the smoke from his lungs into Hawk's face.
"Good t' hear. 'Cause she ain't into pretty boys like you."
He smiles at Hawks, wishing that there was more of a height difference between them both to really drive his point home.
Hawks blinks up at him, taking a step back and lifting his hands in the air in mock surrender.
"I'm sure she's a lovely gal, but I'm engaged, so no need to worry." He winks at Dabi. "It's cute you think I'm pretty though."

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