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You wake up curled against Dabi's bare side, clinging to him for warmth despite having all of the blankets too.
You look up at him, always enjoying the look of pure relaxation and almost innocence whenever you caught him sleeping.
Except you're met with burning blue eyes peering down at you.
"Oh." You squeak in surprise.
He chuckles at this, looking up at the ceiling.
"You talk a lot in your sleep." He informs you, beginning to shift underneath you, raising himself into a sitting position and reaching for a packet of cigarettes.
Your face burns. He never mentioned that before.

"No-one's ever told me that before..." You murmur, peeling yourself away from him.
Despite the flash of jealousy at the mere idea of you potentially spending the night with other men, Dabi's lips turn up into an amused smirk, a cigarette being placed between his lips.
"Yeah well, usually you're not all 'Touya! Touya!'" He moans mockingly, but theres a glimmer of pride as well as a darker look that you can't quite understand behind his eyes.
You've never felt your face get so hot before, Dabi's eyes running over your silhouette in appreciation as he smokes, blowing it away from you.
You look around, rubbing your eyes and trying to ignore Dabi's perverse thoughts.
"Dude, I've just woken up." You complain when the thoughts get too much to ignore.

"Don't 'dude' me." Dabi scoffs. "An' you can't blame me. Its been so long, princess."
He stubs his cigarette out, his hands going to your thigh and the back of your neck, his lips moving to brush the shell of your ear.
"And I told you last night I wanted to fuck ya."
You hiss a little when his fingers dig into your thigh, emphasising his words.
"And I intend on makin' that happen." He promises lowly.

In one swift movement he manages to get you to lay flat again, his hand sliding so close to your core, his fingers brushing over it ever so slightly before moving away again with every stroke, his lips tugging into a smirk that widens every time your breath hitches in expectation.
"You were playin' hard to get a second ago... so what's all this for?" He asks, his fingers finally stroking over your pussy and highlighting how wet you are when he pulls his fingers away from your folds and you can feel your slick still connecting you both.

He hisses a curse as he allows himself to plunge two fingers into you, his teeth tugging at your earlobe when you arch your back in response.
He continues spilling dirty praises directly into your ear as he almost expertly drives you to the edge, his own breathing getting heavier, little traces of steam beginning to trickle out from his old wounds.
The addition of his thumb against your clit has you keening loudly as you come around his fingers, your body grinding against his hand as you ride your orgasm out.
"Fuck, yeah." He hisses, kissing your neck. "Good girl."

You whimper in response, soon having his fingers pressed against your tongue, his turquoise eyes burning down at you as you flick your tongue over his fingers, tasting yourself on him.
You both jolt when there's a knock on the door.
His eyebrows pull together, and he tilts his head to glance at the door, slowly pulling his fingers out of your mouth.
His mind goes to potential threats or break ins that could have happened while he was distracted, and he begins to think of ways to deal with it without you getting hurt.

Theres another knock and he springs to his feet, grabbing a shirt and throwing it over his head.
"Stay there." He urges.
You nod, curling your knees up to your chest. You really hope that it's just nothing, that maybe you were a little too loud and someone had come to complain.
Although you can't imagine someone would be brave enough to come to Dabi and complain. But you can't imagine someone that had bad intentions towards him would announce their presence with a knock on the door, either.
He opens the door slightly.

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