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The air was still a little tense between the two of you as you pushed the needle through Dabi's face repeatedly, sewing the two separated pieces of skin back together again and hiding the muscle that had been exposed to the world briefly again. Dabi didn't really seem to respond whenever the needle went through the purple scarring, but you had noticed his eyes would always twitch ever so slightly whenever you went through the unmarked skin."Do you want me to do it all the way to this?" You ask softly, your kindness seeping through again, knowing it probably wasn't the most pleasant feeling having a needle repeatedly pierce through your already damaged skin, even if he silently reminded you his body appeared to be stapled together as it was. Gently, you tap a finger onto the staple close to the corner of his mouth."Just a couple more." He grumbles, his voice still a little unclear, him trying to keep his jaw as still as possible, likely trying to keep the skin from separating again. "I'll fix it properly when I'm done here."

Your hands falter for a second as you're reminded of your situation, almost having found a delusional happy place where you weren't in a potentially dangerous situation with a wanted criminal, instead you were being a good samaritan, helping out a person in pain. You pick the pace back up though, hoping the second of hesitation wasn't picked up on by Dabi.
"How did you do this?" You ask, your hands still being gentle against his face, the feeling of the warmth from his skin almost a little soothing against your hands from how cold the room had been since Dabi kept the windows open all the time.
"Got caught on the fabric." He replies gruffly, jaw still moving as little as possible, despite probably being totally safe to talk properly again. As you begin to tie the suture up, you feel his eyes on you, your own hard stare rolling up to meet them before he motions a little moodily to the pillow beside him, a medical staple hanging on by a loose thread, a pool of blood laying below it.

You wince as Dabi revisits what happened in his head, the memory not really making sense. One minute he's in a forest surrounded by blue flames, his memory spinning nonsensically as though he was drunk, before you see him jolting on the sofa, his hand immediately flying to where there was a sharp tug, only to be met with the sight of blood as he looks down at his hand.
You play dumb still, sighing as you snip the thread and place the needle and scissors to the side, reaching out for the pillow to move it away from him.
"You must have really pulled on that." You mumble, your eyes moving to the area of the couch where blood had dropped from his fingers. "Let me get you some water."
Dabi doesn't respond as you stand again, moving to the kitchen to make a mix of disinfectant and water to clear his face up, his cocky and teasing personality seeming to have dissipated suddenly, as though that one staple now stuck in your cushion was holding that piece of his personality to him. While at the sink, you keep an eye on him, consistently turning around to make sure he hadn't moved from his spot on the sofa.
You didn't want a repeat of what he had pulled before, your body and mind seeming to argue over what it was you felt and wanted as he caged you in, and the ability he seemed to have to completely shut you out from his mind was unsettling you more and more every time it happened.

Settling down back in front of him, placing the bowl to one side to put the needle and thread back away into the first aid kit, you let out a small surprised yelp as Dabis hand suddenly wraps itself around your uninjured wrist, you expecting the skin to have a searing hot pain rack through it, only to be met with a slightly warmer than usual body heat than usual as you look at Dabi with slightly widened eyes.
"I'll do it. I'm not a child." He spits, still keeping his mouth from moving as freely as he had been before.
"I never said you-" You begin to defend, before Dabi shoving your wrist back towards yourself surprises you again, and you cradle your undamaged wrist, almost a little awestruck that it was unscathed, not that you'd done anything wrong to deserve it. But then you suppose you hadn't the first time either.
Picking the bowl of disinfectant up fluidly as he stands, he looks down at you, fire in his eyes.
"I don't need help." He reiterates, unprompted, before leaving you shocked, sitting and cradling your wrist on the floor as he walks off towards your bathroom.

Your piercing eyes follow him as he skulks off, holding the bowl lazily, the water audibly swishing with every step, threatening to spill and cause more of a mess in your home.
For a few seconds, you continue sitting holding your wrist and staring at the end of the hallway dumbfoundedly before slowly getting up, cocking your head slightly at the hallway and debating whether to stand outside the door and see if you could pick up on any of his thoughts. The complete u-turn of Dabi being compliant, subdued, to coming across as aggressive and offended having completely thrown you off. Especially with the walls that only he seemed to be able to build within his own mind, something you'd never experienced before with anyone. It was so hard to know what he was thinking, how he ticked. You half convince yourself that he'd figured out your real Quirk, and was more likely to be free to read the mind of if off guard and unaware of your presence.
Eventually, you decide it's probably not the best idea to even risk going too close to him, or appearing sneaky right now. If he was willing to grab you and snap at you over something you never implied or said, then who knew what would happen if you really did do something worthy of rubbing him up the wrong way.

Instead, you throw a look to your bloodstained floor, sofa, and cushion, scrunching up your face slightly before taking a deep breath and standing up again, this time to try to make some kind of concoction that may stand a chance at removing blood stains from your floor and beige coloured sofa.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now