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Dabi could barely make it to the alleyway beside her house before the flames that had desperately been licking underneath his skin erupt from his body, offering a momentary reprieve from how much effort he'd been making to hold his emotions back.
He was furious, and he could feel the blood trickling down from the seams underneath his eyes now it was safe to allow it to happen.
But, despite his anger, the only person he could pin the blame on was himself. Even after all these years, he still couldn't master the ability of reining in his feelings when it really mattered.

He broke his promise.
He broke the fucking promise.

His hands fly up to his hair, gripping it in tight fists, and tugging it slightly.
He's unsure if he needed the pain because he deserved it, or to ensure that he wouldn't float away from his body. He could feel his hands and fingers going numb, and he needed to be present. He needed to figure out how to fix what he'd just done and soon.
Pulling his hair doesn't work, and his body goes numb, the streaks of blood that now passed as tears from his ruined body beginning to slow to a stop as he storms towards the new base.
He picks at his staples as he walks, needing the sharp pain to try and bring himself back into his body. He even manages to rip a couple straight out, not that he can feel the pain from it.

It didn't bother him. He has a new, cleaner place to clean himself up now. No need to worry about infections when the entire building looks like it's a hospital waiting room.
When he finally arrives back to the Meta Liberation Army building, he's immediately being bugged, just like he knew he would be.
Unfortunately, Toga gets the brunt of his anger after a solid ten minutes of her talking at him.
"Go away will ya, psycho?" He eventually grunts, a little more snappier than he'd intended.

As usual, Toga doesn't pay him much mind, still running her mouth at sixty miles an hour, asking about why there was so much blood all over his body, asking where he had been because he smelt like 'love' and also like 'burning', and  asking if she could have some of the blood from the still-bleeding wounds.
When she goes to grab his bleeding wrist he swats her on the nose like you would a misbehaving cat or dog.
"Hey! What gives?" She whines, backing off and pouting a little.
"Just cut it out." He huffs, trying to take a sharp turn to lose her, but she follows him as loyally as ever.

"Whats the matter, Dabi-kun?" She asks in a sing-song voice.
God, Dabi's mood was souring even more by the second. He didn't want to talk about it. He couldn't talk about it. They didn't know about him, and Dabi wasn't ready to share all that with them just yet.
But everything that was wrong related back to him. His old man.
"You been fightin'?" She asks, with an unnerving grin and sparkling eyes. It looked as though she wanted him to say yes and divulge all the gory details.
He gives her a heavily sarcastic non-answer, hoping it'd shut her up. "Yeah, kinda!"

This has the opposite effect to what he wanted.

"Who? Was it the new guy? Did you win? But you definitely smell funny..." She gasps. "Oh! Do you like him?"
"No! No." Dabi groans, wiping his hands over his face. "Just quit it. Go bug Twice."
"Is it someone else? A boy? A girl? Neither?"
"Toga!" Dabi snaps, his temper beginning to be tested again.
"What? We never see you any more!" She pouts again. "I wanna know why you smell like love!"
Two random members of the MLA walk past and look at Toga a little oddly as she says this.
Dabi stops in his footsteps, throwing his hands up in frustration, scowling at the younger and smaller Toga.

"I don't love her!" He shouts, immediately realising his mistake the second he finishes the sentence and sees Toga's eyes widen and begin to glitter.
She opens her mouth, likely to ask a question, but before she can even begin to get the words out, he points at her, his finger practically touching her nose.
"Shut up." He says simply, before spinning on his heel and trying to flee her again.
She jogs to keep up with him however, and Dabi really really hopes that how hot his face is feeling is because of the god-awful mood he's in, and not showing outwardly.

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