Inspire The Liars

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You drag the confrontation Dabi seemed to want out, expecting him to snap at you eventually.
You eat your toast slowly while you're alone in the kitchen, while he seems to leave you to your own devices for a change.
He doesn't even come to pester you while you sit in your bedroom, your head in your hands and your eyes squeezed shut as you try desperately again to bring forth some kind of memory from your drunken night out.
It does get to a point however, when you're still pulling blanks on whatever happened during that night and still wrapped in a towel, where you know you're probably pushing his patience a little bit now.

So reluctantly, you pull on some actual pyjamas, rather than the leggings and baggy top you'd woken up in, and take a deep breath as you brace yourself in front of your door for a second.
The truth about what exactly? You did half remember speaking to someone about your Quirk... was it him? Was he pissed off?
Your brain was still coming up empty, and you figured there was only one way to fill the blanks in your memory, and he was probably lounging on your sofa like he owned the place.
Your grip on the door handle tightens and loosens a couple of times before you sigh and pull the door open.

You don't allow yourself time to hang about, making a hasty journey to the living room, and only pausing for a split second when you spot Dabi.
He wasn't laid across your sofa like usual, he seemed to be sat right at the edge, leaning his elbows on his thighs as he seems to delicately rub his eyes.
The act seems so innocent, and the way he was careful not to irritate the scarring underneath as well as catching the staples that seemed to hold certain patches of skin to him still tugs at your heartstrings a little. You had been so clouded by fear before that you didn't realise how truly fragile he actually was.

He must hear the padding of your feet as you approach, and sits up a little straighter as his eyes catch your own.
You feel a little guilty now you can see him in clear light, his already messy raven-black hair somehow even more unruly than before, and the purple patches under his eyes seeming even darker than usual. He looked tired.
"You done?" He asks, his voice even and bored.
You nod, standing awkwardly a couple feet away from him.
He simply looks at you for a moment, and you use the silent time to try and decode what he was thinking, but whatever you had drank had clearly messed with your Quirk a little, because it was nowhere near as loud as it usually would be, more like whispers of complaints of his tiredness, and how the house still smelled of puke and it was grossing him out.

You blush a little, embarrassed. You had faint memories of him gagging himself as he, rather uncharacteristically, helped you while you were sick.
"What did you want to ask me about?" You ask, fidgeting slightly. "I have a couple questions too if you-"
"Here's the deal." Dabi says, leaning forward again and his eyes narrowing. "You tell me what I wanna know, and I'll see how I feel about answering your questions."
You blink at him a couple times. His narrowed eyes point at him being a bit pissed off, but his voice is even, and the temperature hadn't raised.

He was being hard to read, and you were struggling with it. But unfortunately, you didn't really have much of a choice but to agree to him.
"Sure." You agree, a little quietly.
He gives you a hard stare that feels like it lasts longer than it probably does, but eventually leans back, placing his hands behind his head casually.
"Lets start easy. What's your name, doll?"
You frown slightly. "It's Hitoshi Y/N."
"Hitoshi, huh?" Dabi grins, the staples at either side of his mouth buckling as he does so. "That's fresh information."
You stare blankly at him, his amusement confusing to you.

"Odd that you just gave out your first name." Dabi points out, his wide smile faltering slightly and his blue eyes tinting with suspicion.
"Since when do people like you care about formalities?" You quip back without much thought.
For a split second, it's silent but it's short lived as Dabi smirks again.
"About last night-" You begin, assuming that he was pleased with your answer.
Dabi immediately cuts you off, raising a hand. "Nah. Not yet."
You glare at him, but he seems to ignore it.

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