Tip of My Tongue, Back of My Lungs

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Dabi disappeared for another week or so, like he so often does.
You don't mind too much now he was keeping in contact with you a lot better. He text throughout the day, and sometimes if he wasn't too busy at headquarters he'd call you at night.
Sometimes you'd both end up hot and bothered merely from talking to one another and end up masturbating on the phone with each other, pants, dirty words and moans coming through the phone.
It was something you'd never done before, but found yourself loving every second of it, and secretly with every nightly phone call, you hoped it would happen again.

Of course, it wasn't as good as the real thing, but it'd do while Dabi was busy doing things you were perfectly happy being ignorant of.

You were on the phone to Sota when it happens, a random knock at your door.
It's a little strange considering that Dabi typically just let himself in. You even glance over at the window to check that you'd left it open for him and Blue. It was open, and you were on the phone to Sota, so it couldn't be him.
Kai was still sulking with you a little bit, even after all this time, so you could probably safely assume that your other sibling wouldn't randomly decide to drop in.
With a frown, you excuse yourself to Sota quickly, holding your phone to your chest as you slowly open the door.

Your face falls when you see who's on the other side.
Unruly blonde hair, with yellow visors nestled within the waves, intricate black markings around golden eyes, and the dead giveaway:
Big, bright red wings.
Hawks gives you a small, nervous smile that looks nothing like the one you commonly saw on magazine spreads or on television.
"Can we talk?" He asks.
You're frozen in shock for a moment, wanting to run and hide from this situation. This situation, Hawks knowing about you and Dabi... it was not going to end well if it ever came out about him ditching his hero duties.
He didn't exactly seem the type that wouldn't drag others down with him if he got caught.

You shake your head in response, and move to close the door, but his gloved hand stops you.
"Sis? You still there?" You hear Sota ask on the other end of the line.
You lift your phone back up to your ear, hurriedly reassuring him that you're still there while considering just how much trouble you could get into for slamming a high ranking pro hero's hand in a door.
"Well, who is it?" Sota asks, and you cringe a little.
"Salesman." You lie.
"Isn't that illegal?" Sota asks, sounding confused. "Maybe it's cause you're not in an apartment so you're more easily accessible... Anyway, so I was asking about Ren..."

You try closing the door again but Hawks somehow manages to lean half of his body inside, his face startlingly close to yours.
Hawks facial expression has changed from nervous to firm, his eyes hardened as they bore into you, and a stony stoic look on his face.
"Uh, I gotta go." You squeak nervously into the phone, Hawks' aura almost suffocating as he leans more and more into your home.
"What? Sis, come on! I'm asking your opinion on rin-"
"I'm really sorry, Sota. Just... something's come up. I'll call you back in a moment, okay?"
"Y/N!" Sota complains. "We're talking about me getting eng-"

You hang up the phone before he can finish.
Hawks offers an disingenuous smile the second you lower your phone.
"Great. So lets talk." He says bluntly, almost pushing past you, inside your house.
"I'd rather you didn't come in." You say firmly, standing straighter and trying to hold your ground.
"Is he here?" Hawks asks, his wings sharpening ever so slightly.
"You think I'd tell you if he was?" You ask in return.
Hawks, despite his defensive demeanour, is falling apart internally despite the poor efforts he makes at trying to hide his thoughts from you.

He could definitely use some help from Dabi with the ability to mask his thoughts, for sure.

"We're in the same boat, Hawks." You remind him without him having to say another word aloud.
You could hear everything that was going on inside his head, anyway.
"You can't snitch on me, because you'd be found out, and vice versa."
Hawks' eyes widen momentarily, narrowing soon after and he opens his mouth to try and say something, but you interrupt him.
"There's nothing to talk about. You leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone." You promise, and take a step back to point behind him.
"If she finds out... I just... It'd ruin... Look, she just can't find-" He says firmly, almost as if it were an order, despite panicking internally.

"She won't. So leave." You interrupt bluntly.
You want him out of your house now.
His head, one shoulder and half of his wing had breached your zone of safety, and you wanted him gone. Dabi had issue enough with you looking at each other during your last meeting.
The idea of him appearing at your house out of the blue like he so often did and seeing Hawks with his face so close to yours, despite it intending, and succeeding, in being intimidating was likely to destroy everything.
"I-" Hawks begins to say, but clamps his mouth shut, his mind falling silent too. "Uh, never mind."
You urge him to leave again, nodding your head towards where you're pointing to.

"Do you actually... yaknow... want to be with him?" He asks quietly, his eyes softening and his head tilting to one side.
The offence is immediate, and you find yourself  scowling at the number two hero, turned secret villain, now.
"Get the fuck out of my house now, Hawks." You hiss, your voice deeper than it had been before as it leaves you.
Blue seems to sense your distress, and comes running from his sun puddle in the living area, immediately hissing and raising his hackles when he sees Hawks standing half inside your house.
For some reason, this is more threatening to Hawks than the look of sheer rage on your face or your clear orders for him to get lost.

He retracts from your home like a shot, one of his legs raised in fear as though Blue was some kind of rabid dog instead of a torn up three-legged cat.
Blue yowls and goes to swipe Hawks with his claws, making the much bigger man yelp and take another leap back.
You cant help but be a little amused.
Dabi really didn't lie when he said cats hated Hawks.
"Don't come back, yeah?" You ask, giving a sarcastic smile and slamming the door in his face.

You immediately pick Blue up, hauling him into your arms and nuzzle your face into his furry little head.
"You're such a good boy!" You praise, despite knowing he doesn't understand a damn thing you're saying. "You came to save your mama, huh? Dabi'd be so proud!"
You kiss all over his little head until his tail starts flicking, signifying his quickly shortening temper, and gently set him down on the floor, heading straight for the kitchen to see if there were any leftover chicken scraps you could give him.

You're midway through scratching his ears and hand feeding him chicken when you hear a familiar rough voice from behind you.
"What's the occasion?"
You spin around, grinning as you see Dabi leaning in the doorway in all his patchwork glory. His face seems as emotionless as ever, but there seems to be a hint of amusement in his ocean filled eyes.
"Hey. Long time no see." You grin, approaching him and wrapping your arms around his waist.
You bury your face into the familiar warmth of his body, his chin seeming to rest on top of your head as you do so.

He stays like that until you let him go, your hands on his waist as you look up at him with a smile.
"I'm so glad to see you." You say genuinely.
His smile doesn't reach his eyes. "You too, princess. Blue."
He bends over to pick Blue up, who immediately begins purring in response to the attention from his favourite person in the world.
You watch with a smile as he carries him off into the living room, following behind him, just feeling relieved that a missing part of your home was finally back.

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