Final Warning

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You wake up cold. Really cold.
Your eyelids are stubborn about opening, but you manage to open them wide enough to see that Dabi's patchwork body was no longer laying underneath your head and his chest was no longer under your arm. You have a brief moment of silence as you process the fact he'd left while you were asleep.
After a couple of blinks, you become angry. Angry that he'd essentially gotten what he wanted and left, yet again. You scoff at yourself for having such little willpower that you couldn't even stay mad at him after his last disappearance. He hadn't even had to work a little bit before you'd let him jump you.
Sitting up, with your fingers tracing over the bruises on your hips from his grasp earlier, you throw the blanket away from yourself, with every intention of putting on some more clothing now your company had left.
Until you hear a floorboard creak in your home.
Your body jolts straight, your joints stiffening as your eyes shift towards your door. You hold your breath, as though that will help you hear beyond your door any better, listening out for any more signs of life.

You panic at first, worried about another potential break-in, especially if Dabi was no longer in the house. Your heartbeat pounds in your ears, blocking you from being able to hear anyway, and without breaking your gaze on the door, you blindly reach for your phone behind you.
Phone in hand, you say a quick prayer to the world that it's just Dabi getting a drink or something. It could be possible that he had simply gone to get fresh air, you'd seen first hand that he tended to overheat pretty easily, and if you'd been preventing him from being able to cool down like he needed you couldn't blame him for ditching you for five minutes.
That's it, you try desperately to convince yourself as you get out of your bed slowly, pulling up Dabi's phone number just in case. It's just Dabi getting some fresh air.
You open your door as slowly as possible to try and stop any potential creaking from the hinges, slowly peeking around the edge. It's useless, anyway, as the house is pitch black. You take a deep breath as quietly as you can through your nose before using your lit up phone screen to light up the hallway a little, enough to see that nothing would trip you over.

There's no sound other than your own thudding heartbeat echoing in your head as you approach the door to your living area, your hand trembling slightly as you reach for the door handle.
You squeak in shock as a stray thought enters your mind in Dabi's voice, only a brief concern of his that he thought he heard something.
"Y/N?" He thinks, his voice bouncing in your head. Even his thought sounded amused, which only served to piss you off further.
You pretty much fling the door separating you both open, and flick the lights on quickly, trying to summon a decently pissed-off expression onto your face so that Dabi knew you were displeased about him sneaking around in your house after the trauma he'd given you.
One of his gnarled arms moves to shield his eyes from the sudden light, his eyes squinted slightly even with his arm shading his face as he looks over at you.
You look at him, fists on hips and eyebrows tightly pulled together for a second before you register what it was you were actually looking at.
He wasn't just creeping around your home because he couldn't sleep, or because he was too hot and needed a glass of water. He has his jacket on, and his big heavy boots. You actually had caught him before he could leave.

"You asshole." You breathe, more hurt in your voice than venom. You wince a little at how pathetic those two words sound when they leave you, wanting to express how mad you were.
Dabi offers a lopsided grin, his sharp canines exposing themselves.
"You should be asleep." He states, ignoring your insult. "Clearly didn't tire you out enough."
He runs his pale pink tongue over his teeth as he lowers his arm from his face, a glint in his eyes as he makes a show of eyeing you up.
You stare at him angrily for a second, unsure whether you were still angry that he was about to leave you and go radio silent again, or angry at yourself for almost forgetting yourself with that one single sentence from him, your stomach filling with butterflies at the idea of being fucked into the couch by him again.
"You asshole." You repeat, the second word leaving you as an angry hiss, your fists clenching by your sides as you stomp towards him, and for a second he looks shocked, and almost scared, before that same half-lidded, bored look reappears on his face.
"Oi." He warns, his gravelly voice deep as he frowns straight back at you.

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