Identity Fraud

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"You like her?" Himiko clarifies.
Dabi rolls his jaw. He hated this. He especially hated that he had to do this with someone years younger, and with a love life that was just as barely existent as his own.
The fact his entire body throbbed still from forcing himself to keep his own flames at bay, as well as the multiple torn staples he'd attempted to fix by himself, and kind of botched, really wasn't helping either.
"Obviously." He replies a little sourly.
"So stop being a baby and send the text." She replies, rolling her eyes as she pops the lollipop she's holding straight into her mouth again, thankfully stopping her from saying anything else for a whole if he was lucky.

The pain was so bad today that Dabi hadn't been able to tear himself from his bed. His trusted circle, Fireworks, Jin and Himiko had been his lifeline.
Well, asides from the latter, who had been summoned into some boardroom by Shigaraki for quite some time earlier.
Himiko and Jin had been great with bringing him water, as well as scavenging fans from around the base, placing them all in his room to help him regulate his temperature a little more. He was just thankful that the nausea didn't get too strong that he couldn't avoid vomiting.

He really wanted a fix.
Really needed a fix.
Which was probably the reason he kept getting tremors and random cold sweats, shaking it up from the general feeling of uncontrollable hot sweats that he got whenever he lost control of his Quirk or emotions.
He was agitated by it. He needed it for the pain, but hated the fact that he'd become so reliant on them without realising that he was now facing withdrawals as well as the pain that came with his fucked up, ruined body.
He'd slipped up and told Toga about the chronic pain when she asked why he hadn't gone to Y/N's to go through with the plan.

He just had to pray now that she wouldn't prey on this vulnerability of his.

He reads the text he'd typed out again.
'Meant 2 come down 2day, n apologise.  Bad pain day, can't even move. I'm sorry.'
It was shit. He knew it was bad. He'd heard his own father use his own shortcomings as an excuse to not make an effort to apologise growing up, and here he was, repeating everything he had hated.
But it was true. He could barely move. His body was stiff, twitchy and he could barely walk himself to his en suite.
He'd even typed the message out and deleted it twenty times before settling on that and even then he wasn't happy with it. It wasn't enough.

While he was relishing in his own misfortune, staring at the pixels on the screen, Himiko swipes it out of his hand.
"Hey!" He growls, but isn't in much of a state to swipe it back.
He can only watch on in humiliation as another cold sweat breaks out, and he can't help but wonder whether it's the sickness, or the fact that Himiko is actively scrolling through his messages.
"Toga!" He snaps.
"These texts are so boring!" She whines, but doesn't give the phone back, instead Dabi witnesses her deleting the text he'd just spent about half an hour debating on.

"Oi!" He snips again, wincing as he tries sitting up a bit more, to try to grab his phone back.
She moves out of his reach, and he just groans, flopping back onto his mattress, moving his thick hair from his forehead to try and get some cool air on it.
He hears her nails tapping on the screen and he lifts his head barely to look at the back of her head as she sits on the floor beside his bed.
"Don't you dare fuckin' send anything before showin' me first, squirt." He manages to grunt out, reaching to flick one of the buns on the side of her head, the action sending a sharp jolt of pain up his arm.

She swats at him, not that she needs to, before passing him the phone again once she's stopped typing out a new message.
Dabi slowly moves the phone to his face, squinting at it through slight double vision.
'sorry 4 not showin up 2day, bad pain day. i feel awful 4 yesterday, will make this all up to u i swear.'
Dabi rolls his eyes up to meet hers when he reads the last three words at the message.
"Trust me! It'll work!" She says with a wicked grin that reveals her pointed teeth.
"You're pushing it." Dabi tries to snarl, deleting the 'i luv u' at the end of the message before sending it and throwing his phone towards the end of the bed, covering his eyes with his forearm.

"Fuckin' creepy how you can just pretend to be me like that." He quips from behind his arm, making her giggle.
"You go to sleep." She says, patting his sweaty head without complaint. "Don't forget to wake up in an hour or two though, Tomura-kun has ordered us sushi!"
Dabi groans, the mere idea of the smell of fish making his stomach churn again.
"I fuckin' hate sushi." He complains. "I might spill my guts."
She giggles again.
"You guys could have a puke party!" Himiko chirps, and the idea makes his stomach turn again, making him gag, a little bit of sick coming up too, although he manages to swallow it back.
"Hehe. Gross." She comments, Dabi barely able to pull himself together before his door clicks shut.

He curses her mentally instead, laying as still as a mummy with his scarred arm covering his eyes, desperately trying to find a place in his mind he can retreat to, some kind of zen where he could ignore the discomfort he was in.
He'd smoked the last of his weed earlier, so he didn't even have that to fall back on to take the edge off.
"Goddammit." He murmurs, in half-hearted annoyance at Fireworks for getting knocked up and being unable to take any heavy duty painkillers that they could give her.
Usually he'd skulk the streets until he found something, but he couldn't. Not today.

It takes a short while, but he does manage to find some kind of  'happy place', where he can try his best to ignore the majority of the pain and sickness he was feeling.
It doesn't take long for him to start slipping into sleep, and he really hopes when he wakes up that he's in less pain.

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