Waiting On You

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"I don't know, Dabi." You muse, reluctantly staying sat on his lap. "Blood's usually a good indicator something's not right."
There's a small silence between you both.
You move your hand to try and feel in the dark where a staple may have come out of his face, but he grabs at you again.
"Leave it alone." He warns you, his face obscured by the dark.
That made sense, you assumed. Your hands weren't clean, and you didn't want to irritate what must be highly sensitive and infection-prone skin.
You sigh, pressing a small kiss to his nose and getting up finally.

"I'll go get the kit." You say, straightening your panties again.
"Go to bed." He grumbles. "I don't need help."
You shoot him a look in the dark, not understanding why he was so against you helping him out when that's what you did for him the first time you met.
"You're leaving?" You ask. He hadn't mentioned joining you, but also hadn't made an effort to move from his slumped over position on the sofa.
There's another short silence.
"I can stay if you want." He mutters, as though it's a chore.
"Do you want to?" You ask, cocking your head at him in the darkness.
He remains wordless, his thoughts still a little dull, and you make out him shifting, likely rearranging himself.

"I'll join you in a bit." He says finally as you stay hovering in the room with him.
You smile softly. It had been a while since you'd slept beside someone, but you remembered the comfort and warmth it brung.
You turn to leave, your legs still trembling slightly.
"Leave the light off."
You pause momentarily, before shrugging and continuing to the bathroom. You hover by the living room door for a second, curious as to what Dabi would be doing that warranted leaving the light off. He doesn't seem to do much, just lets out a dry scoff and mutters something you don't hear, and would probably be thankful that you didn't.
Making sure you didn't take too long in there, you left the first aid kit on the side of the sink, leaving it where Dabi would be able to find it easily.

He doesn't seem to move from the living room until you're in your bedroom, though, and you can't help but be impressed at how good his hearing must be to distinguish the difference.
You climb into your bed, only covering half your body with the blanket. You knew from experience now that Dabi was much warmer than your average person, and you likely wouldn't need the extra warmth if he really was going to join you.
You're pretty much half asleep by the time Dabi actually does join you, the clicking of your door waking you up a little more.
You roll over to see his silhouette stepping out of his pants.
"You really are staying." You murmur in amusement.
"That can always change." He swipes back, the venom in his voice half hearted as he begins to slide next to you.

You shift a little when he's laying on his back next to you, sliding your body next to his and resting your head on his chest.
"Careful of your hair." He mutters a little sourly.
This makes you sit up, reaching over him to blindly feel for the scrunchie you always left on your bedside table, using it to loosely tie your hair up.
"Any more complaints?" You ask dryly as you lay your head down on him again, laying one of your arms over his stomach, feeling the staples lining the skin there even through the shirt he insisted on wearing.
"Yeah, actually." He replies, his voice rumbling through his chest.

"Put them in the suggestion box when you leave." You interrupt before he can say anything else.
There's a short silence before he chuckles a little, his body moving as he folds his arms behind his head.
He radiates heat as much as you remembered, and you find yourself falling asleep pretty quickly, as though you belonged where you lay with him.


You wake splayed over his chest, just as you'd fallen asleep. You yawn, stretching your body as much as you can without waking him.
Slowly, you move your head to take a glimpse of him sleeping.
His face is angled to the side, almost in a weak attempt to hide his face from you. His messy hair covers most of his face, but you can still make out how sleep softens his features, his cheeks seeming rounder as his whole body is relaxed for once.
You find yourself absentmindedly tracing a thumb over the area you'd caught bleeding last night, surprised that it looked as though there had been no injury there at all.

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