Run Nezumi, Run

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The drive to one of the addresses Dabi had scribbled down on a piece of paper was... interesting, to say the least.
Their healer didn't seem too much more comforted, even after you'd explained how you knew Dabi, your Quirk, and it had gotten even worse when this Nakamura showed up out of nowhere, even bigger in person than you'd seen in their thoughts and scared the living daylights out of both of you.
You'd actually even had to make a point of your existence, as Nakamura just didn't bother introducing himself to you, too bothered by asking about how the healer was doing.
The lack of interest had irked you a little bit, as well as this entire situation to be honest, so you'd ended up driving off at a speed so fast that your pink haired passenger and Nakamura both lurched forwards uncomfortably.
You'd made a half-assed excuse about needing to hurry up to catch up with them before continuing your drive in silence, allowing them to talk between themselves as you have a silent meltdown.
You only listen in when Nakamura mentions your fake name, learning that they'd specifically called him to use his Quirk to make you invisible so you wouldn't have to worry about your life after taking part in whatever you were driving towards.

You'd muttered a sarcastic 'thank you' to Dabi within learning this, your face turning up into a bit of a scowl.
The healer had fallen asleep for a little while, leaving you and Nakamura in mostly silence as you drove. He seemed relatively safe. His only thoughts revolved around his future in The League of Villains, and how he was still riddled with guilt for what he'd been a part in with this 'Kenji' that she'd been thinking about, too.
Eventually, you'd had a brain wave.
"Wait, what about my car?" You ask, panicked.
The girl Dabi had referred to as 'Fireworks' gasps, jolting upright and almost causes you to swerve off the road.
"Jesus!" You exclaim, clasping your chest as your heart picks up pace too quickly for a second.
Nakamura cranes his neck to look at her, asking her if she's okay, and you want to scream: 'My car! My car! What about my car?', but you hold it in.
You see her flinch away from his touch in the rear view mirror and cock an eyebrow as you see the sharp look she gives him.

She doesn't even grace him with a reply and you all sit in an awkward silence for a while, you desperately waiting for him to answer your question before he turns to you and says: "Sorry, what did you ask?"
You roll your jaw, but calmly manage to repeat your question.
"The car." You say. "Like yeah, I'll be hidden. But what about the car?"
You had no idea how his Quirk worked, was it on people only? If the police got your registration plate you were screwed anyway you you may as well go out all guns blazing.
"It's touch based, I'll be able to turn the car invisible once we get closer. Hey, don't panic. I got this!"
"Don't panic." You scoff, spotting the familiar colour of Dabi's flames in the distance, long streams of them flying towards police cars. "Oh fuck."
"This'll be fine!" Nakamura says, his thoughts as confident as his sentences. "They've really thought this through."
"Shigaraki's on the roof! And you're gonna tell me they've thought this through?" You ask, looking at him in horror. "He could erase the whole van! He could fall off and die! He could decay the ground we're on!"

Nakamura clearly isn't quite expecting that reaction, his face looking just as concerned as he looks back at you.
The sound of metal hitting metal draws your attention and you panic, swerving to avoid pieces of debris from the police cars as they spin out of control.
"Oh my god we're gonna die. We're dead. I'm dead. Because yet again, I had to choose someone that was no good for me." You panic.
Nakamura squeezes your shoulder, and you realise what he's doing and why as the final cop car spins out of control and you see the others pulling someone out of an escort vehicle on a mattress.
You keep your panic internal as Nakamura squabbles briefly with Fireworks about making her invisible. No-one had listened to, nor cared about, your panic so far, so you figured it was better off being kept inside at this point.
You skid to a stop, your heart in your throat as Shigaraki and Dabi's heads spin towards the sound, your eyes meeting with cold blue and harsh red.
Nakamura exits the car within a heartbeat, no fear whatsoever, and you know the faster you get this done, the faster you can go home.

So you try unbuckling your seatbelt, but your hands are trembling with such ferocity that you can barely control them. You try unclipping it three times before Fireworks leans over and clicks it for you, catching your eyes with a soft pink gaze of her own.
"No-one will be able to see you." She promises, her mind returning to a time where she'd been under the effect of Nakamuras Quirk, and the others had been thrown off by it. "Try to relax."
Instead of instantly getting pissed off from being told to relax, because it always has the opposite effect, you actually find her gaze and her words oddly soothing.
The kindness and gentle aura she exudes throws you off for a second before you feel yourself relax slightly, your hands still shaking, but less than they had been.
"Okay." You say to her, completely forgetting to thank her for her calming words before exiting the car. Clearly you were still a little bewildered, and absolutely anxious.
You approach where Dabi, Shigaraki and Nakamura all stand, staring at a man strapped down onto a mattress.
"I-I'm here." You squeak, trying to avoid Shigaraki as much as possible while invisible.

Dabi chuckles at the sound of your voice, holding his hand out, a clear invitation for you to make him aware of your physical presence. His hand looks sore, red, probably irritated from the use of his Quirk, so you tug his jacket instead.
He snorts slightly in amusement, lowering his hand and lazily regarding Mr. Compress as he touches the restrained man, only for the man's arm to disappear after a short blue glow.
You're thankful there's no gore with that, although your stomach drops and you find yourself gripping onto Dabis jacket tighter, pressing your body into his arm slightly.
The man on the ground is surprisingly defeated. His thoughts are empty, hopeless, and he seems to care very little if Shigaraki, who stands above him, mocking him, kills him.
"You gotta give us a little information about these..." Shigaraki says, pulling a box out of the man's pocket. "You got more of these?"
Dabi nudges you a little with his arm, and you realise now what you're expected to do.
You swallow, the lump in your throat threatening to kill you as it makes it harder for you to complete the action, and you try to hone in on his thoughts alone.

His thoughts are dull, grey, the memories tainted with depression. He had no fight left in him.
A clinical room, a small child looking terrified, experiments, blood being drawn... and then finally, a small box full of bullets. The one Shigaraki was holding in his hand right now.
"That's all he has." You inform them, robotically.
Dabi immediately looks smug, Shigaraki glancing at the space where your voice came from.
"How are they made?" He asks, looking down at the defeated man on the floor.
The same images flash through his mind, as he closes his eyes to avoid looking at the men towering over him.
"I can't... I can't get a clear reading on it." You mumble, a little panicked. "Something to do with a little girls blood maybe?"
"What does she look like?" Dabi asks.
"Leave her alone." The man on the ground says weakly, only to have Shigaraki kick the mattress roughly.
"You were happy to use her for your own reasons, but if we choose to do it, it's a problem?" Shigaraki asks coldly, cocking his head as he looks down at the brunette. "Hypocrite."

Dabi's eyes are still on the restrained man, but he shoots a sharp look at where your hand is on his jacket.
He wanted an answer.
"She's young. She's really little." You explain, seeing if that would dissuade them from going after her. Dabi shoots the thin air a cold look and you swallow.
"Like me. Except as a kid."
It was half true. She had silver hair, but it was much longer, and she had crimson eyes instead of unsettling yellow. She seemed to have a horn protruding from her head, bandages covering her arms and she hadn't lost that adorable roundness to her face all kids have yet. The answer you gave was vague enough that you felt comfortable knowing that they wouldn't be able to find her from that alone.
This seems to satisfy Dabi, who hums quietly, his expression relaxing.
"How old?" Mr. Compress asks.
The man on the ground is silent, but the immediate answer his thoughts give you is 'six.'
"Six." You inform them quietly.
Dabi hisses, his body heat rising noticeably. Clearly he felt strongly about this, regardless of what his stance was.

"Using a child for your own good." Shigaraki says darkly. "And you thought you could be leader. Pathetic."
The atmosphere around you turns dark and you cling onto Dabi a little more tightly, even though the heat rolling off him instantly made you break out into a sweat.
"We done here, boss?" Dabi asks through gritted teeth.
"Yeah, she can go." Shigaraki replies, waving dismissively as he crouches over the brunette on the floor.
"Go." Dabi says, pushing your hand away.

You've never moved so quickly in all your life.

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