Pillow, Princess?

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You wake up with a strained moan leaving your throat, one that startles you awake.
"Hm?" You reply to yourself groggily, slowly coming around enough to realise that there are warm fingers rubbing at your core, which is apparently dripping wet even in your sleep.
"Givin' you a little goodbye present, princess." Dabi's raspy voice informs you from behind, one of his scarred arms moving around your body to bring your back tighter to his chest.
You give a little hum in response, still pretty out of it.
You feel his contrasting lips press against your neck, giving soft kisses that eventually get sloppier and sloppier the more your body squirms under his touch and the more you gradually wake up, more and more croaked and sleepy moans being pulled from your throat with the lazy rolling of his fingers against your clit.

The arm that had been pressing you firmly to his body drops, tugging your panties down, and you can actually feel a string of wetness keep you attached to them as he pulls them off your leg, you sleepily trying to move your body in a way that would help him get them off quicker. 
A groan leaves him, the sound rumbling through his chest against your back as you grind yourself back onto him, your cunt leaving a trail of wetness over his pierced shaft.
Apparently he doesn't need much more encouragement than that, thrusting into you clumsily until he manages to actually enter you.
The action makes you whine and a encourages him to take a sharp inhale, his arms wrapping around you as he thrusts his hips against your ass, fucking into you slowly and deliciously from behind.
Each thrust drags those piercings against the sensitive innermost parts of you, drawing mewls and whines of pleasure from you.

Your noises don't seem to stir him on to move any quicker like they usually do, he seems perfectly happy keeping up this lazy pace, one of his hands dropping to play with your clit again as he continues.
You eventually end up grinding needily against him, trying to get a little more from him, but this only succeeds in getting the arm wrapped around you to tighten, essentially keeping you still, and forcing you to endure the torturously slow way he was fucking you.
Your whimpers, whines, mewls and keens get more and more pathetic, more needy and demanding as he goes on.

After a while, he grips your face in his free hand, his breath fanning over your face as he keeps his lips close to your ear.
"What's the problem, doll?" He asks, his voice low. He even nips your earlobe gently with his teeth.
"Need more..." You manage to whine out, grinding back against him again for effect.
"What's the magic word?" Dabi asks, and you can feel him smirking against your ear, his fingers picking up a bit more speed as they rub at you.
"Please!" You instantly reply. 
He hums thoughtfully, actually slowing down, his pace barely anything more than cockwarming now.
"Please..." You beg again, your voice practically a broken sob. 

"Oh princess..." He coos, the hand that had been gripping your face moving to stroke your cheek softly before his touch changes completely within a mere instant.
You're flipped onto your stomach, Dabi's hand tangled in your hair, forcing your face into the pillow, his hips now slamming into you at a punishing pace, each thrust making you gasp for air.
"That what you wanted?" He asks, his voice close to your ear again. "Wanted me to fuck you like some kind of slut?"
You can't really give much of a reply with how he's fucking you into the mattress, practically being winded every time he bottoms out inside of you. Even if you had been able to verbally reply, he wouldn't have been able to hear whatever you said with how hard he's forcing your head into the pillow.

In a way, you should probably be thankful for that, because you know for a fact you're practically screaming now, the sounds heavily muffled thanks to the force he has on your head. You weren't sure your neighbours wanted to hear this at the dead of night.
"Yeah, that's right." He murmurs, his voice low and audibly rumbling through his chest. "Can feel you fuckin' clenching."
He hisses a curse, his face dipping to your shoulder as he fucks even harder and faster into you. He wasn't wrong, you were tumbling painfully fast towards your own climax, and you could embarrassingly enough feel your own drool against the pillow.
You yelp a little as his fingers tighten in your hair, and he uses his grip on you to yank your head up, allowing you a lot more air than you'd been getting pressed into the pillow.
"Come for me. Now." He growls, yanking your head again.

You offer a whimper in response, unable to really think or say anything right now. He was slamming into you so hard, and hitting all the right places, and you felt as though you could feel him in your stomach, a dull ache settling there.
"You fucked stupid already?" He asks, shaking your head slightly. "I said come."
You choke again, your eyes widening, and a gust of air leaving your lungs as he uses the grip on your hair alone to thrust you backwards so you're in more of a doggy type position instead of laying flat on your stomach, his fingers working quickly at your clit again once more.

That's it for you, the extra stimulation all you needed to reach that peak he demanded of you with a loud keen of his name.
You can feel how tight you're spasming around him as your body trembles, and this quickly results in a array of curses spilling from his lips as he twitches violently inside you, alerting you to his own end.
Both of you are breathless, his warm hands holding onto your hips loosely as you stay in position while you collect yourself. His thumbs course over the backs of your hips softly as he regains his breath. The soft touch is so different to how he'd been handling you mere moments earlier.

You're even more tired than you had been when you went to bed, your body still trembling ever so slightly as Dabi finally pulls out, his hands gently moving to lay you back down on your side.
You hum happily and sleepily as he wraps the blanket over you, petting your hair with the flat of his hand a couple times before you feel his lips press against your forehead.
"Go back to sleep. 'Kay?" He whispers, sitting at the edge of your bed, his weight making the mattress dip ever so slightly on one side.
"Where you goin'?" You ask sleepily, your eyes closed as you reach to pat around the bed for him.
"Gotta go back to base." He replies, moving your sweat-slicked hair out of your face. "Gotta get those books to Fireworks." 
"Mmm." You sigh, rubbing his thigh softly, careful of the staples you can feel under your palm. "M' tummy hurts..." 

He chuckles softly to himself, pressing another kiss to your head.
"You asked for it, princess." He reminds you. 
You smile a little to yourself, sleepy, but wholly satisfied.
You're not awake for a whole lot longer, and when you do finally drop off to sleep, you don't register Dabi finally getting up and beginning to dress himself again. 
You don't even hear Blue's mewling as Dabi leaves, the sound of his claws against the door after your companion exits your home completely distant in your dreams.

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