I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man

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He disappeared.
At least this time he graced you with the odd conversation through text here and there, mostly during the night. You'd found yourself staying up a lot later than you usually would solely for the chance to speak to him while you could.
He wouldn't tell you what he was up to, which made you a little nervous. Instead he had just replied 'recruiting.' in his usual dry way of conversing, followed by a chicken emoji.
If it was a reference to something, you didn't get it, so you just assumed it was a slip of the thumb.

One of the days he'd simply text: 'never get pregnant.' with a puke emoji.
And that was all you got from him. All day.
You dread to think what might have happened, but knowing how weak Dabi's stomach was, it was probably something as simple as a particularly bad bout of morning sickness.
Blue was getting mopey about the lack of Dabi's presence too, reluctantly cuddling up to you more than he usually would.
Sometimes, he'd sit on the windowsill Dabi often came through and stare out of it dramatically, like some kind of housewife waiting for her husband to come back.
You found it entertaining until you realised you behaved in the same way.

You decide to use Blue's pining as an attempt at emotional blackmail, sending a picture of Blue sat on 'his' windowsill, his little raggedy ears pinned back in his sadness as his big blue eyes looked over the garden, searching for his human best friend.
It had taken a while, but you'd finally gotten a reply of: 'street rat.'
'Takes one to know one.' Had been your instant reply, surprisingly defensive over the cat you hadn't even wanted.
The two words even stirred you to lift Blue up from where he was perfectly comfortably sitting, forcing him into a cuddle on your lap, nuzzling your face into the soft fur atop his head, ignoring the way his torn up ears flap against your face, as though you're tickling him.

After the second week of no sign from Dabi, you pretty much start giving up.
You guess you shouldn't really be surprised, the League of Villains name was only getting more and more fear gathering behind it, especially after the Nomu incident in Fukuoka that had left Endeavor scarred up and beaten, and rendered Hawks essentially featherless and out of commission for a while.
When you'd text him about that, of course he hadn't responded. You'd been so worried, and really wished there was some way that you could tear him away from what he was doing, what horrible actions he was capable of, and try to show himself and the rest of the world the softer side of Dabi that you knew and had seen existed.

He was busy. And he was allowed to be busy.
So you tried distracting yourself.
You tried befriending your coworkers, who were mostly older men and women, and a little hard to bond with. There was one other girl around your age, but she was super shy, and didn't really seem to take too well to you attempting to forge some kind of friendship and rapport with her.
It wasn't like she didn't like you, you knew she did, thanks to your Quirk. She was just extremely anxious, and would berate herself on the very rare occasion she'd reply to you, instantly calling herself stupid and saying she sounded stupid whenever she spoke.
You decide it's probably better for her to keep your distance, you didn't want to distress her. She was a nice girl.

Sota and Ren occasionally met with you, but Sota had eventually caved, and bought Ren a little puppy, which they were treating like a human child. So your previously tight-knit relationship with your brother gradually lessened more and more.
Kai had his own family and home to look after, so it was rare you got to see him, either. You'd tried making more of an effort, despite Kai being so different in comparison to you and Sota, but you struggled with his kids, and the loudness they were capable of both mentally and physically.
You kind of even found yourself missing Emi, the one normal friendship you'd had before you'd been spiked and saved by Dabi.

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