Make This Night Worth My Time

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Dabi seems a lot more comfortable this time, his grip on your cheeks tightening as he returns your kiss, him pushing you backwards slowly until the back of your legs hit the arm of your couch and you land on it with a small thump, Dabi refuses to allow it to disturb your kiss as he stands over you, tipping your head back further.
You end up forcing your head away by yanking on his grip so you can take a breath, your eyes wide as you practically gasp in air. His eyes remain half lidded as he looks down at you.
"Jeez, where did that enthusiasm come from?" You joke softly, tugging at his wrist with your hand, trying to remove his grip on your cheeks.

He remains silent, his eyes resting shamelessly upon your lips.
You get flashes of him kissing another woman, him leaning against the wall, his arm resting by her head. You hear her begin to give him instructions, before the memory is torn from you, the room filling with silence.
"You-" You breathe out, the memory upsetting you more than you'd expected.
'You weren't meant to see that.' He growls internally, a small snarl tugging on one side of his mouth briefly before his head darts forward again, capturing your lips with his own.
You allow it, knowing it wasn't your place to be upset or say anything. Even if you did, he'd probably be embarrassed and run off again.

In an attempt to slow him down, you find the right timing to nip at his scarred bottom lip, pulling it gently, mindful of damaging the already damaged skin there.
His entire body freezes for a split second, his warm hands spreading their grip on your waist, before his fingers dig into your skin and he lets out a low groan, pushing you back onto the couch completely and following right after, one of his knees making its way between your thighs, the other tight against one of your legs, boxing you in underneath him.
You whine slightly when his heated thigh makes contact with your crotch, moving your mouth away from his.
"I don't know Dabi..." You breathe as he refuses to let your cheek turning stop him, the hot metal staples lining his cheek pressing against your skin as he nips and laps at your neck feverishly. Visible steam is leaving his body through the sutures, as though he was going to burst into flames any moment now.

"If it's your firs-" You begin to say, only to be immediately silenced by the quickest glare you'd ever been given.
"I know what I'm doing." He snaps, his brain revealing his experiences with other women likely before he could control it, the anger and defensiveness clouding his mind.
Gently approaching what you'd seen, you gulp before speaking.
"Well this is a little different..." You breathe, looking up at him a little sheepishly. He wasn't paying you, for one. But you weren't about to voice that aloud.
Your curiosity gets the better of you, however, and you can't help but ask: "How is it you've had sex, but you had to learn how to kiss?"

His entire body heats up, and the glare deepens into an extremely sour look, his hand gripping your face again.
"Shut up." He hisses. "I don't wanna hear you talk again unless you're telling me to stop."
You'd hit a soft spot there, clearly.
His grip on your face is tight, but not uncomfortable, which tells you he's not too mad.
"But, I kind of wanted to know what you like?" You mumble through his grip.
He pauses, giving your face a once over before smirking, his mind falling quiet.
"Figure it out." He says simply.
You pout, a little perturbed by how easily he can shut off your ability to read his thoughts. He was hard to read even with that ability.

You remember from his perverse thoughts previously that he seemed to like or fantasise about rougher sex. You didn't want to leap straight into that, though, and choose to start simple. Nipping his bottom lip again, you drag his face gently to yours again.
He shudders ever so slightly, his hand moving from your face, and settling on the side of your neck, the rough skin of his thumb tracing over your pulse as he kisses you deeply again.
When steam starts creeping through the thin gaps between his skin again, you move your hands from being crossed over your chest to tugging at the bottom of his shirt.
"No." He says simply, gripping both of your wrists in one hand and throwing them over your head.

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