Dressed Up To Dress Down

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You wake up alone, just like you knew you would.
Clearly Dabi had taken the liberty of putting Blue beside you as he'd left, the little black cat curled up against your neck, his favourite resting place with both you and Dabi.
It was better than waking up completely alone, you suppose.
You nuzzled your face into Blue's fur, listening to his purring for a little while longer before getting up and going about your day, trying not to think of how you'd been up and left by Dabi again.
At least he was becoming more easily accessible via text.

He'd at least sent you a text after he'd left that you'd woken up to checking in on you. Which had then, for once, turned into a whole conversation that had lasted throughout the day. And you honestly just figure that it must have been quiet over wherever he was for once.
But then the next day, he repeated his actions.
You started the day with a good morning text, which had become a full fledged conversation that lasted throughout the day again. Admittedly, Dabi's texting skills could still use some work, his responses still pretty short in comparison to the kinds of conversational skills he had in real life.

But it was nice. It felt normal.
He'd gripe about his day, and ask about yours. He'd even taken to asking how little Blue was, and asking for pictures of the raggedy little stray you'd taken in thanks to Dabi. You were more than happy to oblige, sending him pictures of the little tripod menace that had wormed itself into your heart in all his favourite napping spots.
Dabi would always respond with something along the lines of how he'd come and see Blue, and by extension, you, soon. But a week passes, and nothing.

So when he asks for a picture of you, moaning about how annoyed he is that Shigaraki had left him in charge for a while, you do something you'd never done before in order to try and persuade him to come and see you.
You send him a pretty risqué photo, you in your underwear, taken in an angle you really hope is flattering, but taking no time to actually check it before sending it, knowing you will just pick it apart and chicken out if you do.
The response from Dabi takes a while. Longer than usual, and you can't help but continue checking that he hadn't replied even when you get to work, hurriedly sliding your phone into your pocket whenever any of your co-workers got too close.

When your ringtone finally sounds, you completely ditch the conversation you're in with one of the new trainees, pulling out your phone and looking at the banner with a slight frown. An address.
You apologise, making up a lie for why you'd checked your phone with such urgency, and sliding your phone back into your back pocket. The ringtone sounds again, but you ignore it this time, going over the till system again with the newbie.
While allowing her to serve her first customer, you allow yourself to check the messages properly.

There was an address, swiftly followed up with:
'dress up real nice, keep those panties on and ask 4 me at the bar.'
Your face heats up immediately. 
'Is that you asking me on a date? Could use some work.' You reply, trying to act as if you didn't want to ditch work immediately and bend to his every will.
You move to put your phone away, but you get an almost instant reply, and you can't help but feel a little smug the fact he'd clearly been waiting for you to reply that time.

'soz' is the instant reply, quickly followed up by: 'come 2 the bar so i can show u off like the fuckin princess u r and then let me fuck u stupid?'
You take a sharp breath through your nose, a little embarrassed at how worked up that had gotten you, glancing over at the new girl to make sure she was still distracted before quickly sending a: 'That's better.' to Dabi.


Work had dragged, and you had practically run home to shower, reapply your makeup and rifle through your clothes, trying to find something that'd catch Dabi's attention the most.
You end up settling for a dress that hugged your body tightly, the sides practically just string holding the dress together. You hadn't worn it since the days when Junichiro had taken you out for nice meals in pricey places, so you're a little surprised when it fits you still.
The address doesn't seem to be too far away, a little over a thirty minute drive, and the roads are pretty straight forward, too. 
When you arrive at your destination, you're surprised to find that it just seems to be one massive building, surrounded by others that seemed to be connected by bridges, people walking around without a care in the world.

You pull the handbrake, eyeing the sight in front of you cautiously before getting your phone and texting Dabi to let him know you were here.
He just sends back a chilli emoji, whatever that means. Not helpful.
You suddenly feel a little self conscious, you hadn't expected it to be some kind of busy commune. Especially knowing that Dabi was here, you can't help but feel people would be freaking out at the sight of him.
You eventually brave getting out of your car, locking it and taking steps towards the large building.

You practically jump out of your skin when a strange looking man slides towards you speedily, holding his body bolt upright as he towers over you, giving you an eerie grin.
"Hello, I'm Slidin' Go. Is everything okay?" He greets, keeping his hands behind his back. "Never seen you here before!" 
"Oh. I'm uh... Just meeting someone." You inform him, trying to pull the skirt of your dress down further as he gives you a once over and his thoughts become a lewder.
"Who's that?" He asks, cocking his head. 
"Dabi?" You ask, rather then tell. God, you really hoped this was the right place. This guy was dressed the part of a hero pretty well. "He- He said to meet him at the bar?"

Slidin' Go's thoughts turn a little sour, as though he'd have had a chance with you if Dabi wasn't in the picture.
"Mhm." He says, a little snarkily. "Sure. I can take you there. What's your name, lovely lady?" 
You hate that, but remain polite, giving your real name without a second thought. 
You can hear him flicking through his memories, trying to recall whether Dabi had mentioned a Y/N at all, but coming up dry.
You walk wordlessly beside him, anxiously looking around at all the people that were staring at you. 
"So how do you know our Dabi?" He asks, prying for more information. 

What he's thinking is that Dabi is far too rude, and far too unattractive to be associating with someone of your calibre. Something you really don't take too kindly to hearing.
"We've been seeing each other for a while." You reply dryly, hoping the information hurts him some more.
It does, but it also sparks some confusion in him. He'd definitely never heard Dabi mention you before, something he considers unacceptable considering how hot you are. He also recalls Dabi mentioning a Nezumi a lot, as well as Toga, and begins to wonder if Dabi's cheating. He considers telling you, but decides the repercussions of upsetting Dabi are not worth it.

You'd forgotten about the name Nezumi entirely, and you actually cringe a little at yourself for giving your real name without a second thought out of habit.
Slidin' Go begins prattling on about the building, the people there, and the aim they work towards. In all honesty, you're only half listening, because the words leaving his mouth are in complete contrast to the horrible things he was thinking of both Shigaraki and Dabi for having attractive partners.

Thankfully, the bar isn't too far from the entrance, Dabi sitting at the bar, a smirk pulling at his upper lip as you walk through the door.
Slidin' Go bids you a goodbye, and you ignore it, heading for Dabi, who had slipped from his stool. His eyes burn into you, drinking up the sight of you and his thoughts becoming filthy.
"Dabi." You warn, but wrap your arms around his neck, tiptoeing to hug him.
He chuckles lowly, his hands going to your ass and squeezing, despite the two of you not being alone in the bar.
You let go to swat at him, but he just brushes your hands away easily, his hand going to your cheek so he can caress your bottom lip with a calloused thumb.

'You look beautiful.' He informs you mentally, letting go of your cheek and shifting his eyes away from you.
You don't even think about the fact he hadn't just said it aloud, too busy feeling your heart lift from the compliment.

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