Forced Company

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You let out a breath you hadn't known you were holding as he takes a half step back from you, the constant warmth his body emitted leaving immediately. You couldn't tell if it was the lack of warmth that caused a slight shudder to travel through your body, or whether it was the relief of the slight distance he'd put between you both.

Much to your disliking, he seems to make no effort to actually leave your home, his eyes travelling to the groceries you'd dropped on the floor instead of to the door behind you that you were still pressed against, unsure of your safety if you were to move away from it.

A cringe crosses over his face as he has a thought so quick that you don't even have time to register it, and you flinch as he bends, his hand outstretched to pick up the bags that had collapsed on the floor. The flinch is clearly noticeable enough for him, causing him to freeze, his blue eyes snapping up to look at you, his face blank before his mismatched lips pull up at one side, contorting his already unconventional appearance into a smug smirk.

"Cool it, mousey." He breathes out. "Can't a villain do something nice?"

You say nothing, just track his actions, your piercing eyes following him as he picks up the bags, making a mental note to himself of the amount of food you had brought. As he stands to his full height again, he's giving you that same smug smirk again, a what you may have considered playful glint in his eye if you weren't scared of his sudden appearance and interrogation in your house.

"You really are eating for two, huh?" He quips, the smirk pulling up even more.

You roll your lips together in a thin line, and close your eyes briefly, trying to internalize the anger and slight embarrassment of him pointing out how much you were going to eat, especially when you were actually entirely happy to have cooked and eaten it entirely by yourself.

In a rather pathetic attempt to make yourself feel better about the comment, you furrow your brow.

"I have company, actually." You say, in a pretty convincingly defensive tone.

Big mistake.

His eyebrows narrow, his eyes darting to the side, as though taking your comment literally and as though he'd somehow missed an extra person in your home. Once he realises that there was no way an extra person could be around without having been alerted by either one of you.

His eyes snap straight back to you, a red aura clouding his thoughts again, and your eyes widen. You'd experienced this before, you knew exactly what it was, and from his muddled and anger-hazed thoughts of a faceless man and the non-existent-

"Cancel it." He snaps.

You blink, as well as your body instinctively flinching from being pulled harshly back into reality from what you were seeing inside Dabi's head.

"Huh?" You all but squeak.

The second you squeak out your response, you regret it. There's a second of silence, your mouth opening and closing, your brain lagging on an excuse as to why you couldn't cancel, before Dabis eyebrows pull away from each other again from underneath his mass of messy black hair.

"There's no company, is there, princess?" He says, making no effort to hide the sick delight he clearly felt in catching you in a lie.

You can't think of a lie quick enough to stop that grin on his face from spreading even further, him stalking forward like a cat would corner its prey. Except you were already pressed against the door, still frozen to the spot and unable to move any further.

"Don't worry." He coos, standing just before you, tilting his head to give you an even more condescending look than he already had been giving you. "I'll be your company for tonight."

Your mouth opens and closes, your mind overruling your tongues want to snap at him to get the fuck out of your house and to leave you alone for good.
Dabi's patronizing demeanor doesn't change, even as he takes a small step back from you, allowing you room to breathe without his smothering body heat again.

"I'll even clean up my mess. How about that?" He offers, jutting his thumb to point behind him lazily.

"Mess?" You repeat, confused, before you put two and two together, and remember the door had been locked, meaning he had to gain entry through some other means.

The realization hits you a lot harder than you thought it would, likely the straw that broke the camel's back as you let out a long, drawn out whine as you slide down the door, hiding your face in your hands.

Dabi doesn't outwardly voice his concern, but you hear a slight panic in his thoughts as you struggle to hold back sobs on the floor. It doesn't even make you feel even better.
Internally he was a mixture of concerned and frustrated, because in his head, he was genuinely trying to be nice. He couldn't grasp the concept that he'd made you, and your home feel unsafe for a while, only for you to feel more confident again, return to a sense of normalcy, and him to reappear to question you and intimidate you some more. The broken window that you hadn't even seen yet, and the likely expensive bill to fix it were just adding insult to injury.

"I'm not that bad company, doll." He slurs lazily, clearly masking his frustration with nonchalance. "You managed just fine last time."

You just shake your head slightly, moving your hands from in front of your face to over your ears, as though that'd stop you from hearing the storm that was rapidly growing inside his mind, manifesting inside your own head as a blazing hot headache.
He drops to a crouch in front of you, resting his forearms on his thighs.

"I'll sort the window, alright?" He says gruffly. "I know a guy that probably knows a guy."

You let out another, smaller whine. You could tell he was reluctantly trying to make amends in a way he assumed would settle you, but it did almost the opposite, you wanting to be left alone and definitely not wanting to see Dabi, or his friends, nor any kind of associate of his ever again.

The headache seemed to raise to a point your eyes were squeezed shut, your fingernails digging into your scalp as a reaction to the blinding heat that felt like it was piercing through your brain, when you heard what sounded like Dabi raising himself again.

"Get up." Dabi spits, frustration laced in his usually bored voice now. "I'm hungry."

Without another word, you heard Dabi's usually silent footsteps as he leaves you to sit on the floor, the headache fading with each step.
It isn't until the headache is finally gone that you manage to convince yourself to open your eyes again, squinting to check your surroundings before opening them fully. You couldn't seem to see Dabi, but now without him blocking the view of the rest of your dark home, you could see the shards of glass laying on the living room floor, the moonlight from outside reflecting on them.

You wait a couple seconds to gather yourself and listen for any sign of Dabis presence before forcing yourself to stand, picking the groceries Dabi had left on the floor, the sound of which you hadn't picked up on, probably distracted by the headache he'd unknowingly forced upon you, and cautiously looking around the rooms, flicking on the lights as you approached your kitchen.

You couldn't spot Dabi anywhere in your home, but you knew from the last words uttered by him that he had every intention of returning from wherever he had disappeared to for now.

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