No More Secrets

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'come on princess.'
'M high n everythin hurts'
'when will u all stop bitchin at me'
'fuckin leave me like every1 else then, see if i give a fuck'
'pls dont do this'
'Im comin over'

You turn your phone off, leaving it in your home, pick Blue up, and drive your way to Sota's the second you receive the final text.
You had a feeling it was just a bluff, especially with him being high and in pain according to his previous texts, but you also weren't about to underestimate him either.
It was late, late enough for Ren to open the door, his black hair messy and his eyes half lidded.
"Y/N?" He asks, dazed, as he rubs his eyes.
"I need to stay." You say simply, dropping Blue onto the floor, your beloved tripod making itself straight at home by batting at the curious puppy sniffing at him.

Ren shrugs. "Whatever."
Clearly eager to get back into bed, he turns back around and makes a beeline for Sota's bedroom.
And so you'd stayed the night.
Which had turned into a week.
Which turned into a couple of weeks.
All without another word from Dabi.

Eventually, Sota takes you to a café for lunch, simply to soften the blow that you needed to leave. The apartment was too small for you three plus three animals, Ren was getting needy because they had no privacy anymore, and he was getting sick of having to listen to your thoughts as well as Rens.
You weren't exactly thrilled about it either.
But you sucked it up, and left their apartment, reluctantly going home.

The first week alone is hard. You're jittery at home as well as work, waiting for him to randomly appear in your home.
Luckily he doesn't.
Which is a blessing considering Haruki started taking it upon himself to visit to make sure you were okay whenever you had a particularly bad spell with anxiety at work.
It should have been sweet, but whenever he did it, all you could think about was how you needed to get him gone, fast, before Dabi inevitably showed up and saw him.

It's over a month, you slowly allowing yourself to get back to normal, when it happens.
A simple knock on the door.
You freeze, staring at your door suspiciously.
The knock happens again. It's not urgent, or aggressive.
You put the chain lock on before opening the door, peering around the crack.
You immediately go to slam the door when you see familiar purple marks on the person knocking's hand, but your action is disrupted by him shoving his hand in the crack.

"Fuck!" He yelps, his fingers curving to grip the door, beginning to pry it open, even as blood trickles down the doorway onto the floor. "Stop- Stop panicking!"
Simply put, you can't.
Your breathing is ragged, panicked squeaks leaving you while you're trying not to scream and draw attention to what's happening.
Minimising potential casualties.
"Ow that fuckin'... Stop!" He snaps, and for some reason you comply.

You both pant, Dabi's hand still holding the door, the blood from the staples you'd busted dripping all over the door, the floor, the chain keeping you apart...
It hurt more than he was showing, his thoughts  set entirely on shoving down how much it hurt for the moment.
"I get it, okay?" He says, rushed. "I get it. I fucked up. I always fuck up."
You didn't want to hear his pity party, going to close the door again, only for him to tighten his grip on it, his knuckles visibly turning white.

"I'm sorry for hurtin' you. I'm sorry for sending those stupid fuckin' texts. I'm sorry for scarin' you just now. I'm fuckin' sorry for it all okay? Lets do this properly. I wanna do this all properly this time."
"W-what?" You manage to sputter.
"I don't know! The whole 'dating' shit. Lets do it properly." He groans in exasperation. "Dinner, drinks, hotel rooms! I dunno, I've never done this before!"
You're about to open your mouth to deny him, to try to at least, and then you make the foolish mistake of making eye contact with him.

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