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It wasn't until night time that Dabi appeared to begin to feel better, his body becoming less and less coiled against the glass of the window, his legs beginning to outstretch and his scarred arm returning back to the inside of the house.
You do your best to ignore his shifting on the windowsill, as though you could fool yourself into pretending he wasn't there at all if you didn't acknowledge him. A faint buzzing sound continuously filled the apartment, your ears only picking up on it in the brief breaks between the TV shows you weren't really able to pay attention to and the ads between those.
"Someone keeps calling you." Dabi says finally, his voice piercing through the painful silence in the room.
"There's not much I can do about that." You reply, a little more cutting than you'd really intended for it to leave you, but as far as you were concerned, it was factual. You couldn't stop them from calling, or answer, because Dabi had taken your phone and was refusing to hand it over, naturally.

Suddenly, there's a small thud beside you, your phone buzzing against the fabric of the sofa as it lands. The presence of a warm hand tightening against the back of your neck makes you aware of what you're expected to do even without a word being said to you.
"Answer it." He says, his voice deep and raspy next to your ear, giving a verbal order you didn't even need.
You reach your arm out to grab your phone without turning your head, looking at the caller ID.
You internally whine. There was no use calling you. You needed him to arrive. To be here physically to use your Quirks with one another. Clearly you looked at your phone hopelessly for a little while longer than Dabi liked, his hand tightening on the back of your neck for a split second, but it's enough to stir you into action.
Letting out a shaky and defeated sigh, you hit answer and raise the phone to your ear.
"Sota." You breathe out.

"Hey, Y/N." Sotas voice greets from the other end of the phone. "You good? Kai mentioned you were sick and that you asked for me."
You keep your head forward. "Yeah. Just miss you is all."
"Miss me?" Sota asks, a small snort leaving him. "You okay, sis? You really must be sick."
You roll your eyes, fighting the urge to pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration, internally begging him to take the hint.
"Sorry, I can't come and see you for a bit. Boss is away, and we're on dog sitting and studio sitting duties." Sota hums, the rattling of keys coming through the phone.
The tightening of Dabis hand against your neck again informs you that you need to tell Sota to stop ringing and get off the phone now, but you make no effort to hurry things along.
"It's fine, don't worry about it." You dismiss, a little more blunt than you usually would.
"You don't sound too sick, sis." Sota muses.

The hand tightens again, clearly Sotas voice could be heard by Dabi too.
"It's- It's girl stuff." You sigh, earning a stroke of Dabis thumb against the side of your neck, which sent shivers down your spine that may have been a lot more appreciated if you hadn't been in the situation you were currently in.
"Oh." Sota says, and you can practically imagine how his nose was probably screwed up.
Men were so easy to shut up with that one excuse. They never thought to question it at any point you used the 'girl problem' card. Not once in your entire life.
"Well if you're okay, I'll let you go." Sota says after the short silence. "I'll come see you soon."
There's no movement on Dabis end, his hand remaining still against your neck, not tightening or giving you any kind of warning to send him away. Maybe because he expected you to know what to say in response to your brother.

"I hope so." You reply, trying not to lie to your brother in case it's the last thing you say to him. "I love you, Sota."
He snorts a little bit, the sound not being as funny as it would be if you didn't have a villain in your house, with his hotter than average hand gripping your neck while you spoke the words.
"I love you too, sis. Take care of yourself."
You go to say something else, but there's a distinctive click that you knew meant the phone call was over.
You slowly lower the phone, Dabis warmth removing itself from behind you, the grip on your neck disappearing as your phone is plucked straight out of your hand again like it was nothing.
You don't even protest, or try to grip it harder, you just allow him to take it, your hand flopping uselessly to your side.

Dabi says something you don't quite pick up on, your head beginning to fill with the sound of your own heartbeat as you dwell on the thought that he may not care enough about the lie that you may potentially be pregnant to not kill you. That that may genuinely be the last time you speak to your brother.
The roaring gets louder and louder, you desperately trying to get a hold of your breathing before Dabi realises how distressed you are behind the unbothered persona you were using to try and match his own energy.
Two fingers snapping in front of you bring you back to earth fairly sharply, your eyes snapping upwards to meet Dabis glacial stare, the purple scarring underneath his eyes making the stony blue stand out even more.

"There you are." He says, rising above you again.
You continue staring where his eyes had been, only shifting them downward when he stood to his full potential and you realised you were staring directly at his crotch.
There's a small silence between you both, your brain beginning to roar again in the quiet.
"You're disappearing again." He says, the raspy tone to his voice managing to travel through the sound of your own brain. You feel the pressure of fingers on your chin, shaking your face lightly and bringing you back around before you can leave reality fully.
"Go make some food. I'm hungry." He says the second your eyes make contact with his again, his fingers moving to tilt your head back- an action that felt a lot less harsh this time than it had every time before.

You nod, getting up slowly and making your way to the kitchen, again trying to ignore the feeling of his eyes boring into the back of your skull as you leave the room in what almost felt like a trance.
You wait to get behind the work surfaces before sliding down to the floor, dry sobs leaving you. If you didn't know better, you'd assume Dabi had given you an out to have some privacy to get the stress and fear you were faced with out of your system.
But that would be too kind for a villain to do. And no ordinary villain at that. A member of the League of Villains. The biggest name in Japan currently for crime.
You can't even force a single tear out, just sit slumped against the cupboard doors, trying to get your breathing under control again, trying to regain that confidence and tongue that you wore around him.

The idea that he was giving you privacy, despite knowing how ridiculous you were being, was eerily becoming more and more solidified in your brain when he didn't come to check on you at all.
Not even when your kitchen clock had told you nearly two hours had passed before you pulled yourself onto your feet again.
He only came to check on you when the food had begun cooking to a point he was likely able to smell it himself from the living room.
And even then, the only tell tale sign of his presence was the thought he'd had of how good the food smelt, signalling he must be in the same room as you, and the familiar burning of his eyes into your back.

Before you could turn to see if he was there, he was gone again, leaving you by yourself until the meal was finally done.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now