A Visitor.

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"So..." You say slowly, dabbing the wounds that had been under the dressings with an alcohol wipe again.
If the League had a healer, he really would have been better off just going to her. The cuts still looked as bad as they did before and were still bleeding a little, enough to seep through what you'd applied last night. There was no way these injuries weren't fresh enough to heal. Why had he lied?
"How long are you planning on staying?" You ask finally.
"Trying to get rid of me already, doll?" He asks, a thin eyebrow raising. "That's not polite."

"Told you I'm not a good host." You mutter. It was a lie, naturally. It wasn't often you really got the chance to be around people for long enough to warrant having them at your place, so whenever you found someone with pure intentions, their bad thoughts not bothering you as much as others, you loved to have them at your place. You went above and beyond for those kinds of people because one of the major cons about having a mind reading Quirks is that you hear everything. The good, the bad and the ugly.

"You guys don't have a healer yet?" You press quietly.
A flash of the pink haired girl flashes through his mind again, his mind going to a jagged scar on her shoulder, a few thin scars on her neck, and one of his burn marks on her hand. His brain immediately finishes the thought with: 'She's been through enough.'
"No." He lies.
You lean back, giving him a cold once-over like you always did whenever anyone lied to you, trying to gauge even with his lack of body language why he would lie about their healer.
"Less looking, more cleaning." He reminds you.

On one hand, you were annoyed that he'd made his way into your house looking to patch himself up. But on the other hand, this revealed something about him that you could exploit if you needed to.
He clearly had a soft spot. Some kind of care about this girl. Their healer.
"So fire, destruction, magnetism, doubling, transformation, compression..." You begin pretending to muse, and then genuinely do begin musing when you can't remember ever seeing the Quirk explanation for the lizard mutant in the League. "What about that other girl?"

His stone cold eyes give nothing away. His thoughts do though, and you get an image of her hands glowing pink as she heals a burn wound on the reptilian, Spinners hand.
You want him to say it though. You don't want to give away your Quirk just yet.
As much as you found it useless the majority of the time, and the were convinced it was the reason you were alone, completely unable to hold a relationship because nothing was secret around you. Every single thought they had became your own, and the majority of the time it became too much... You knew your Quirk had worth. It could be powerful in the wrong hands.

And you weren't entirely confident that the mans soft streak extended to some random stranger he was simply using to get better. A stop gap between wreaking havoc.
You didn't want to join the League. Or be forced to.
You loved people.
Three heavy knocks on your door makes you jump, your hands flying away from Dabi's scarred body. His reaction is much less extreme, though. His eyes rolling over to the front door before looking back at you.
"Who is it?" He asks as quietly as his voice would allow.
Sota. God, please let it be your brother.
"I don't know." You reply. "I'm not expecting any-"

Another three hard knocks.
It definitely wasn't Sota. He never knocked that hard.
Your face sinks in the realisation. You weren't going to be able to have a telepathic chat with whoever had decided to visit. You couldn't ask them silently to tell a hero. You couldn't get them to help. Because you knew Dabi was planning on hanging around while you dealt with the visitor.
"Y/N!" Your brother, Kai's voice follows through the door.
"Guessing you know the drill here sweetheart." Dabi drawls, a slight wince dancing over his features as he lifts himself up from where he lay on the sofa.

Sadly, you did.
He was going to stand at the hallway and listen while you sent Kai away.
"If you squeal on me, I'll kill you both." He says, his cold eyes locking onto yours.
You don't reply as you watch him head towards the hallway with his arm lazily wrapped around his stomach, closing the door quietly behind him.
"Sis! You okay?"
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes before shouting back: "Coming!"

You open the wooden door to reveal Kai, his face written over with concern, his silver hair almost hiding his brown eyes as it flops over his face.
"Woah. You alright? You look..."
"Shit?" You ask.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Sorry." He clears his throat. "I went to see you at work and they said they couldn't get ahold of you. But I'm guessing you're feeling sick?"
You stare at him, wishing that he'd gotten the mind reading Quirk from Dad instead of the weaker version of Mom's calming Quirk.
"Yeah. Sick." You say unconvincingly, hoping he'd catch on.
"I'll let them know. They were real worried about you." He ruffles your hair. "Stop ignoring your phone."

You hum, glowering at him from under your eyelashes, silently fuming that he was as clueless as ever despite you throwing a clear clue out there for him.
"Do you want me to bring you anything? Have you got soup?" Kai asks.
"Uh, is Sota around?" You ask in return, not wanting to waste time with idle talk.
"Sota?" Kai asks, raising an eyebrow. "No. Last I heard his boss had gone off on some trip. He has to hold down the fort."
You groan, immediately getting a influx of upset thoughts from Kai.

"He's not my favourite." You whisper.
"Well I'll leave you to it." Kai shrugs. "I'll let Yumi know you're just sick."
He simply waves with his back turned, clearly having offended himself enough to upset himself. He'd always been jealous of Sotas bond with you, but it was nothing either of you could help.
You consider running after him, but the presence of heat appearing behind you and a tight grip on the back of your neck tells you you wont get very far.

"I think we need to have a little chat, doll." He drawls beside your ear before yanking you back and shutting the door.

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