Love Would Burn

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You tried calling Sota again at several points during the day, whenever you could pull yourself away from Dabi long enough to stand in the kitchen, bracing yourself against the countertop as you wait for him to pick up.
But he doesn't.
Every time you call, you let it ring through for way longer than you probably should, but he never picks up.
After the fourth attempt at calling your closest sibling and being ignored, a choked sob leaves you.
"I haven't done anything, you idiot." You sniff.
You almost jolt when your phone's whisked away from your hand, another warm hand resting on your hip.

"Leave it alone now." Dabi tells you gruffly, sliding your phone into his pocket as you turn to face him.
"But Sota's-"
"All you have. Yeah, yeah." Dabi sighs, a flash of jealousy in his eyes. "C'mon. Let him have his tantrum."
He dips his head to kiss your neck gently, his hands tightening on your waist.
"Let's go to bed." He whispers close to your ear.
"No." You sniffle.
"C'mon, I'll make you feel better." He encourages, running sharp teeth over your neck faintly.
You shake your head again, gripping onto him and burying your face into his chest.

"You're killin' me." He groans, wrapping his arms around you to hold you more firmly.
You just cry again, hurt beyond belief at the situation you now found yourself in. Sota was family. He could at least hear you out.
Dabi rocks you slightly, hushing you and petting your hair, his mind continuously straying to that silver haired woman that looked a little like you that he'd think of from time to time.
"Who is that?" You eventually ask snappily, looking up at him with angry and tear-filled eyes.
He looks a little startled at first, as though he hadn't expected you to bring it up.

"My mom." He eventually admits, clearing his throat. "Jus' stop crying. You're all snotty. It's gross."
You sniffle more, knowing he didn't mean it, but he was just useless at handling situations like this.
"Come on." He sighs, tugging you out of the kitchen and towards your bedroom again.
His touches are gentle as he settles back onto the bed with you, pulling you to him and running the flat of his palm over your hair rhythmically.
For some reason, his thoughts are riddled with guilt.

"Why're you beating yourself up about it?" You ask tearfully against your chest. "It's not your fault."
"I wanna set them all ablaze." He replies instantly, his heart picking up pace ever so slightly and his mind shuts you out of it. "But then you'd cry even more."
You grip onto his shirt, as if a silent plea for him to not say things like that.
"You could set fire to Hawks..." You muse, half serious.
Dabi snorts. "Would love to."
You fall silent again, peeling yourself away from his chest to look up at him, sniffling still.

He looks down at you with his usual stoic expression, his thumb brushing under your eye.
"Y'don't need to cry. This kinda stuff happens with heroes all the time." Dabi shrugs. "They'll get over it. And birdie here has learned a valuable lesson not to fuck around with other women."
"But neither of us did anything wrong." You argue.
"He made you feel uncomfortable tryin' to get in here when you said no." Dabi replies coldly, his nostrils flaring ever so slightly.
"But now I'm being made to look like some kind of home wrecking whore and I'm not." You complain, lip wobbling again.
Dabi's mismatched lips pull into a thin line, his mind still unreadable.

"It won't go public." He says with such confidence that you can almost believe it.
"Of course it will." You reply irritably. "It's the press."
Dabi's jaw tightens. "If the press wanted it to go public they would've done more than tape it to a door."
"But why wouldn't they want it public?" You continue to argue. "They could make so much money..."
Dabi sighs, gripping your chin with his thumb and forefinger, dipping his face closer to yours.
"Quit askin' questions, and let me make you feel good."
He presses his lips against yours gently.

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