Internal Conflict

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"Where are you going?" She asks, and Dabi can feel her eyes burning into his back.
He knows that she must know the answer. She's not dumb, and that's part of the reason why he'd grown to like her more than most.
"Out." He replies simply, rolling one of his shoulders. His eyebrows knit. Something didn't feel right with it, and he was willing to bet there was a suture missing. His eyes roll to the side, catching the tattooed, silver haired girl staring straight back at him, her hands holding a blanket over her chest.
A shame, he wouldn't have minded a final look before he left. At least he had that photo from last night, though.
"How long for this time?" She asks as he tries to subtly feel along his shoulder, searching for the missing staple so he knew where to patch up later. He could use her getting off his dick, really. After his bad dream, he wasn't exactly in the most colourful mood. He didn't know when he would be coming back, thanks to Shigaraki's girl being snatched. He was constantly on hold, waiting to be called over, to be told that it was time to get her back. It was irritating, and Dabi hated it. He'd much rather make himself at home here, playing house and actually having a girl want him, but his priorities lay with the League right now.

He wasn't about to tell her that though, he wasn't about to let it be known that a major member of the League was AWOL. That would make them vulnerable. He wasn't going to pull a Twice and have a repeat of Magne.
Although he would like to see someone, anyone, try and pull a fast one on Shigaraki right now. He was usually a little tetchy and irritable anyway, but the stress of Fireworks going missing had done a number on him. He was snappier than anyone Dabi had ever known, his already short fuse now basically non-existent.
"Dabi?" She asks, her voice soft and fragile.
Dabi sighs audibly. He fucked up letting her sweet talk him into staying overnight. He needed her to expect him simply not coming back one day, to make it easier for her when his body eventually gave out. It was bound to happen sooner or later, Dabi had made peace with it, but this girl had clearly not thought this through like he'd told her to.

She had no idea the reality of the situation she'd landed herself in.
She clearly wanted more than he was equipped to give her. He was more than a little fucked up, mentally and physically. He had no place in the world as it stood currently. They wouldn't be able to do what normal couples do, like she kept behaving like they were. Dabi had no money to take her out even if he wasn't incredibly recognisable without covering eighty percent of his body.
He had no long term plans for life other than getting back at the old man, because he wasn't going to last for the long term. Not if he had to keep using his Quirk the way he did.
He purposely avoided building bonds for this reason. People got attached too easy. Hell, he'd even seen people he'd never met before at his funeral, weeping as though they'd given a fuck about him before he died.
He was fine flying solo before, fucking around with sex workers even if they were repulsed by the sight of him, he'd been fine before the League and he'll be fine after them.

He was stupid to think that she would have thought shit like this through.
He shoots her a glance, immediately pissed off when he sees her forlorn expression.
"Don't look at me like that." He mutters, the words leaving him a lot more venomously than he'd intended.
She was too naïve for this, and Dabi knew it. He'd just been too distracted by the fact someone wanted him for once. There had never been a single look of revulsion from her, and despite recently getting on his back about his disappearing acts, she hadn't asked him to play puppet for her either.
"Right back at you." She retorts, frowning at him a little.
'It's just my face.' He thinks to himself, making no effort to block that thought from her and shifting his eyes away.
The smoke from his fire had fucked with his sight a little, so sure, sometimes he had to squint to see people properly. It had never been a problem before. People had mistaken it for glaring time and time again, helping him ward people off from getting too close.
But with her, he didn't always want that.
Yet another thing that pissed him off.

His mood was worsening by the second, and he needed to leave now. His own nightmare hadn't started the day off great. It was a blessing that he hadn't burst into flames like he usually did when waking from nightmares. He really didn't want to burn the only girl that had actually willingly wanted to be with him to ash just yet.
Then when he'd allowed himself to use her for some comfort, just wanting to feel a sense of normalcy for once in his fucked-up life, the stupid staples that held the rejecting flesh to his body caught in her hair and yanked a good chunk of it out. She hadn't even realised he wasn't trying to comfort her.
He angrily picks up his boxers from her living room floor, admittedly surprised that she wasn't following him around like a lost puppy this morning. He couldn't feel her piercing gaze on him, anyway.
He pulls his boxers up roughly over his legs, before picking up his pants. Stupid things had to be put on more carefully, he'd stapled them together in favour of trying to find some different ones that may fit him, and they often caught on his own staples. If that happened this morning, he may actually lose it.

"Did I do something wrong?" A small voice asks from behind him.
'Yes, you fuckin' idiot!' Dabi wants to yell, hating how much that simple sentence made him sound like his father. 'You're fucking everything up. You're distracting me. You're trying so desperately to give me something someone like me is never meant to have. The devil must have chosen you specifically to fuck me over, because there's no way this isn't too good to be true.'
"I'm sorry if I hurt you last night... I obviously didn't mean to." She continues, her voice getting even sadder.
"You didn't hurt me." Dabi spits, annoyed at her unwavering caring nature despite the fact he actually had hurt her, and had threatened to do it even more several more times.
He yanks his white v-neck on, trying to leave before his temper really did get the better of him. He didn't wanna say anything that could finally tip her over the edge and ruin whatever the hell this was.
She seems to watch silently, her eyes still burning holes into the back of his head as he throws his jacket on.

He makes the mistake of glancing at her.
The sad look was gone. Instead, there was only indifference.
Somehow that was even more painful than the look of sorrow he'd caught earlier.
But this was what he wanted. He wanted her to expect this from her, so why did he want to throw himself into the pits of his own fire right now?
"Can you at least keep in contact this time?" She asks, raising a silver eyebrow. "I think after last night we can both say we fucked some manners into each other."
Dabi resists the need to let his breath hitch as she lifts one side of the baggy shirt she'd adorned before following after him, showing one very clear handprint burned into her waist.
God, that was incredibly hot.
"If you're tryin' to turn me on, it's working." Dabi breathes, completely distracted from his bad mood for a split second as he's overtaken by the want to yank the shirt straight back off her the second she hides her panties and skin from his sight again.
She giggles airily, giving him a coy smile.
"I think we both actually may die if we do that a second time in a row."
"Mm." Dabi hums thoughtfully, his eyes fixed on her hidden waist. "Not a bad way to go."

He doesn't allow her to distract him for long though, pulling a cigarette from the packet in his jacket pocket and tucking it behind his ear. God knows he'd need it before potentially having to deal with Shigaraki's ratty attitude while Dabi wasn't in the best mood himself.
He goes to grab his boots, pulling them on without much care for the staples on his lower leg, they usually needed replacing daily anyway because of the movement.
Y/N remains wordless and doesn't move from her spot, watching from a distance as he slides both shoes on and gives a two fingered wave to her without turning to face her. He didn't want to know what she looked like, and he didn't want to risk her managing to keep him any longer. It'd be too easy for him to get comfortable if he did.
"Text me." She says firmly the second Dabi's hand lays on the front door.
"Yeah, yeah." Dabi grunts, waving away her words with his free hand.

This placated her enough to let him leave without any more words exchanged. The second he sees the outside, he covers his face with his arm, ducking into a side alleyway near her home to pull out his phone and summon Kurogiri.
He supposed there was no harm in texting her more regularly than he had been. He just needed to find that specific burner again.

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