Nothing Tastes Sweeter

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"You're so silly." You croon gently as you run your fingers through messy black locks. "All stressed over Hawks for no reason."
He practically whimpers when you scratch at his scalp lightly, his body going lax underneath you.
"I told you, he's engaged to Sota's boss." You remind him softly. "I've never spoken to him."
A half truth.
You kiss between his eyebrows, trying to get him to ease up on the slight frown still pulling them together.
The soft touches seem to be working extremely well in getting his tense demeanour to drop, the intensity of his eyes softer as he looks up at you.

"So can we stop talking about Hawks and start doing a bit more... catching up?" You ask in a sultry manner, running your hands under his shirt, splaying them across the clear and scarred patches of skin underneath his clothing.
You tilt your head down at him, making a show of running your eyes up and down his torso with a smirk.
Were you using sex as a diversion? Maybe a little. It was a good diversion, at least.
You can feel him hardening underneath you, his cock twitching against your core.
You hum, grinding yourself down into his lap.

He groans lowly, catching his marred lip between his teeth as his hands tighten on your waist.
You dip your head to brush your lips against one of his damaged ears.
"How about I make you feel so good you forget about that boring blonde hero?" You ask, rolling your hips once more.
"Oh fuck." He groans huskily under his breath, his hips rolling to meet yours.
You grin, feeling yourself getting wetter at the mere thought of having him fucked out underneath you for a change.
You get off of his lap, settling on your knees in front of him and working on removing his boots.

"I can-" He begins to sit up, but you force him back against the couch with one hand pressed firmly on his chest.
"Sit there like a good boy." You order, and his eyes widen momentarily, soon regaining composure and half lidding again.
He gives a single dry laugh, crossing his arms behind his head.
"Fine. Have it your way, princess." He teases.
You ignore his jibe, throwing the boots towards your front door, immediately raising yourself to undo his belt and unzip his pants.

His eyes are aflame as he watches you, his chest heaving with heavier breaths than usual as he watches you tug the zipper down with your teeth, revealing his clothed erection a little better.
You groan at the sight of the barbells lining his shaft through the material, licking up it while making eye contact with him.
Your fingers dip under the waistband of both his pants and his boxers, and he lifts his hips for you without question to aid you in pulling them down easily.
The second his lower half is bare, you grip each scarred thigh to spread his legs further.

Dabi, one of the most feared men in the country squeaks when you do that, instinctively moving to close his legs.
"What're you doing?!" He snaps.
"Are you not going to be good for me?" You ask, trying to sound disappointed and looking up at him with a pout.
He looks down at you, his adams apple bobbing as he does so.
He huffs and throws his head back, keeping his legs spread a little wider for you.
You smirk, pressing a kiss to his inner thigh, directly on one of the staples holding him together.
He hisses, his body jerking with the light touch.

You continue the path up his inner thigh with gentle kisses, licking the crease where his leg and hip meet.
You brush your tongue over his balls slowly, earning a drawn out groan from him, his hands  gripping his hair.
You continue running your tongue up his shaft, pressing harder on each barbell that you make contact with, making his legs tremble slightly.
When you reach the tip, you flick your tongue against his slit harshly, making his back arch as he jolts, moaning the loudest you'd heard.
You move your head away, grinning as he looks down at you with a clear blush on the unscarred areas of his face.

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