Tormented Dreams

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Your dreams are disturbed, something you weren't used to. It wasn't like the nightmares you had when Dabi had first stumbled into your life. And it wasn't like the bad dreams you'd had after learning of the fact you'd been spiked, either.
This dream was something that hadn't directly happened to you, something that hadn't ever occurred in your life, although it felt as though it really was happening.
It was one of those horrible dreams that feel so real, despite clear giveaways that you were in a dream. Faces were blurred, unrecognisable. You kept seeing people you were sure you didn't know, even with their featureless faces.
You were filled with fear the second you were conscious within the dream.
You're suddenly aware of your body. Your body was small in comparison to the looming figure that stood over you. You almost felt like a child, flinching as the tall, muscular man before you raises his voice as he speaks to you. You flinch automatically at every jump in volume as he yells at your dream self about expectations, how you weren't pushing yourself enough, and rattling off random statistics to you.
You were confused, you didn't know this man, didn't understand quite why he was yelling so viciously at you, spittle landing on your face from his spat out words, and getting more and more terrified the more he made a point of towering over you.

It was worse as well that the answers that left you seemed like they weren't being controlled by you, and your own voice didn't sound familiar to you, either.
You will the words leaving you to stop as you see the man become more and more angered. But they keep spilling out of you, your own words becoming more venomous and biting as the argument heightens.
The taller man slams his fist into the wall, next to your head.
You squeak pathetically in fear, the fear reaching a whole new level now. The fact there was now a large hole in the wall next to your head did nothing to soothe your rapidly beating heart. That could have easily been your face, he easily could have broken your face the way he'd just broken the wall. One punch like that and you fear you could die.
The voice that isn't your own stops, though the terrifying man yelling at you continues. His large, meaty hand swipes for you again, and your body ducks just in time, as though it was muscle memory, an instant reflex, like this had happened before.
The hand swings for you a second time, with more force behind it, the whistle from the speed of the movement audible.
Your heart leaps. There's no way you'd be able to escape this one.

You tighten your eyes closed just as you expect the impact to happen, and your body shoots bolt upright as you're torn from your dream.
You gasp, loudly, your hand flying to your chest. You'd forgotten about Dabi, his body lurching forward too, one of his arms setting alight, moving towards his face as if to protect himself.
"It's fine, it's fine." You say, trying to soothe him between heavy breaths. "I just had a bad dream, that's all."
Dabi's fire extinguishes, and he lowers his arm, exposing his face to you. His eyes are still heavy from sleep, practically shut as they scan the room. His shoulders are slumped too, as though his body felt as heavy as yours does.
Seeing there was no immediate danger in the room, he gives you a slightly icy look.
"Sorry." You apologise again, your breath slightly more regulated, but your hand still pressed tightly to your chest.
There's silence between you both, Dabi's eyes widening more and more, making him lose the confused and sleepy look that had made him seem almost innocent for a moment.
"A bad dream?" He repeats, with what sounds like a hint of suspicion in his voice.

You nod, moving your hand from your chest to run your fingers through your hair. You were sweating, but you supposed that was probably normal considering you'd spent the night with a human furnace.
You don't see whatever look he gives you at your response, too busy zoning out and running your fingers through your hair in an attempt to ground yourself. You almost feel a little sorry for him. This wasn't the first time you'd had a mental wobble in front of him, and you had a horrible feeling it wouldn't be the last. The night before had been really, really good, so you couldn't understand why you'd been plagued with such a random nightmare.
 Dabi is silent beside you, his mind shielding itself again. For whatever reason, you don't know why. You were beginning to think that he was just doing it to prove he could, that you'd have to guess his next move, his next sentence before he does it.
You're surprised when one of his rough arms wraps around your shoulders, pulling you to his bare chest. His calloused hand rests, tangled in your hair, against your skull, keeping your head firmly fixed where you were. 

He doesn't say anything, and neither do you, once again scared that if you dare say anything, or move an inch, he may be spooked off again. 
You allow him to hold you, even if his attempt at comfort is a little clumsy and unpractised. The hand holding your head firmly against his body is knotted in your hair, and you were willing to bet that when he felt like you'd had enough, you would probably find chunks of your hair missing, likely caught on the staples that lined his wrist. The arm he'd wrapped around your shoulders to bring you to him falls to your waist, the thumb on his free hand mindlessly drifting over one of the handprint marks burned into your side.
His own heart sounds like it's beating a little faster than you'd expect, too, but you don't dwell too much on it. Everyone was different, after all. 
The hug lasts a while.  A lot longer than you expected. You could actually almost fall asleep like you were, the heat from his body doing it's usual magic of making you sleepy. You hope he's not making himself uncomfortable for the sake of doing what he felt was what 'girls liked', as he so often said whenever he partook in any kind of affectionate activity.

Eventually, you speak up.
"I'm alright, Dabi." You say, with a nervous giggle. 
He doesn't say anything in response, holding his silence for a second before burying his face in your hair, and taking an audible breath inwards, his body relaxing noticeably afterwards.
 He squeezes you in his arms tightly for a brief second, before releasing you, grimacing as his wrist inevitably catches on your hair, pulling your head slightly to the side.
"Sorry." He mumbles, giving you a incredibly rare genuine apology as he gently pulls your hair out of where it was trapped.
His head is a mess of angry comments towards himself, cursing his body, his Quirk, his nature. He clearly forgets for a moment that you can hear everything that enters his mind, or he does remember, and doesn't care, wants to make a point about the fact he's sorry, or just cannot control himself, like he was worried about.
His face is as unbothered and as unreadable as ever, though. A complete contrast in comparison to the noise that he was sharing with you either wittingly or unwittingly within his own head.
"It's fine!" You blurt, just as Dabi manages to loosen the last bit of your hair attaching you to him.
He looks at you with an unfamiliar emotion set deep behind his eyes. The look is only there for a split second before he shrugs, swinging his legs around to get out of your bed.

The slight muscles across his back flex as he stands and stretches, the staples holding him together restricting his movement past a certain point. You feel your cheeks flush hot at the sight of his bare body in the daylight, feeling like this may have been the first time you'd ever seen him like this so clearly.
You also see the extent of the damage you had done to him the night before, feeling a little guilty about the scratch marks that covered his back, even crossing from the unmarred areas of skin onto the already damaged areas. It wasn't just his back, though. The one small clear patch of skin on one of his arms also had bite marks, a couple scratches and bruises too.
Your face heats up even more at the memories of how feral you both had been, clearly expressing your frustrations with each other in a way. You'd never been like that with your last lover, and had no idea you had that kind of fire inside you.
Dabi had clearly awaken something in you that no-one had ever gotten close to before.

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