You Owe Me

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You blink at him a couple times, slowly taking in the sentences that just left his mouth, and trying to ignore the thoughts he was having that were filling the space in your own head.
Slowly your face pulls into a deadpan expression, your lips pressing into a thin line.
For a second, you wish you could smack the smug grin off his face out of annoyance.

If this was a more normal situation, if he was Dabi, some guy you ran into at work, or a bar, instead of Dabi the highly wanted criminal, you could consider his proposal a rather poor way of flirting.
But your Quirk stopped you from being able to see it as anything other than a serious offer.
And despite how attractive you can tell he is, regardless of the scars that people would likely turn their noses up at, it's not enough to override your fear of him, and your annoyance at the constant break ins.

"I'll find the money." You say bluntly, turning on your heel before you can see his expression turn from smug into something else. The sudden silence of his perverse thoughts were enough for you as you managed to close the door behind you, making your way to your bedroom and pulling your phone out of your pocket.
Before settling anywhere, you press your back against the door of your bedroom, focusing hard for the sound of footsteps following.
After a tense minute of listening for any kind of floorboard creak, you let out a small exhale of relief, thankful for Dabi allowing you space.

You'd seen his quick temper earlier, and honestly you were a little surprised that he didn't follow after you.
Getting up Sota's number on your phone, you press it against your ear, sliding down the door and resting your head back against it and staring at the ceiling as you listen to the dial tone ring out.
There's no answer.
Your face scrunches up a little, and you decide to try again, your leg shaking a little restlessly as you silently beg Sota to reply.

When the phone call falls through a second time, you lower the screen, looking at it with what was probably a pathetic, desperate expression.
You debate on calling Kai, but you still hadn't really heard from him since he stormed off the last time Dabi decided to drop in. You knew it wouldn't sit well with him for you to pipe up only to ask for a loan.
Tapping your foot a couple times against the floor, your thumb hovers over Ren's contact details.

Two calls missed from you was already likely enough to send Sota into a panic when he finally saw it, and if you attempted to call Ren to try and get a hold of him, that was likely to bring him straight to your house.
You look at the clock on the upper left of your screen, chewing your lip a little when you see it is actually relatively late.
The feeling of your door unexpectedly opening behind you and pushing you forward makes you squeak, your hands scrambling to push you upwards so you're not on the floor.

Dabi's glacial gaze peers down at you through a mop of black hair. His mind is scarily empty, and he doesn't actually say anything as he watches you hurriedly get to your feet.
Your eyes meet his the second you're fully stood, your hand gripping your phone tightly as you stare up at him.
Neither of you say a word, the uncomfortable silence stretching out for what felt like hours, but was probably only a couple seconds.
His blue eyes drop to the phone you're clutching and dart straight back up to you, his thin black eyebrows knitting together.

"Not police." You say simply, shutting that thought down before he even had a chance to finish it. "Just sorting the money out."
"Don't worry about it." Dabi grumbles, his ruined voice almost too low for you to hear.
You feel your eyebrows knit together, but within a split second, you're being pressed up against one of your bedroom walls, much like you had been when he arrived, except this time his face was the closest it had ever been to yours.
Underneath black eyelashes, his luminescent blue eyes glance down at your lips for a brief moment before his state is boring into your own again.

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