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"How many siblings do you have?" He asks, his eyes fixed on your screen as you type out the same message you'd sent your mom and dad, just changing certain aspects of it for Sota and Kai.
"Just two." You mutter, figuring it was useless hiding anything from him considering your fate may have already been sealed.
"Quirks?" He asks, blowing smoke from his cigarette over you, making you cough slightly.
You try to pretend you didn't hear him, but the weight of his piercing blue eyes on you wore you down a lot quicker than you'd ever be proud of.
You could always lie. After all, it was you that had the 'lie detector' Quirk. Not him.

"Water." You lie, thinking of the only thing that might combat his own Quirk.
One of his eyebrows raises. "Water Quirks? Why's yours so different?"
Was that so unbelievable? You knew Quirk marriages had been a thing in the past but even without their compatibility in Quirks, your parents had been childhood sweethearts.
"Luck of the draw I guess." You murmur. Half answering the question.
You avoid his gaze, trying to sneak your phone back into your own pocket.
"Nope." He says simply, plucking it straight out of your hand easily. "Cute you thought you'd try though."

Your shoulders drop again, but you remain silent as he shifts slightly to slide it in his pants pocket, still smoking casually.
"Why aren't you a cop?" He asks finally.
"A cop?" You parrot quietly.
His eyes roll over your entire face and body as if they were appraising you while he waits for a proper response.
"I guess I never really thought about it." You mumble, unwrapping your own bandage around the wrist, your eyes wincing slightly as you look at the bubbling blister that had formed.

"You lying to me, doll?" He asks, his bored drawl making it hard for you to tell how much danger you might be in on the off chance that you gave him the 'wrong' answer.
"No." You sigh, looking with a furrowed brow at your wrist, deciding to rewrap it and rub ointment on it some other time, when you could break away from Dabi. You didn't want to risk looking like you were making a fuss over it and have him threaten you with more burns.
"What do you do then?"
"I work in a library." You murmur, wrapping the bandage back around your wrist, although a lot looser to allow the injury to breathe.

There's a momentary silence, his thoughts going straight back to the pink haired girl before his thoughts practically take on a searing white heat, actually blinding for you a second.
"You must think I'm a fuckin' idiot." He chuckles darkly.
"I'm telling the truth." You snap a little defensively, instinctively moving your wrists towards yourself to avoid another fiery grasp from the scarred man laying on your couch.
"A library?" He parrots sarcastically.
"With a Quirk like yours?" He snickers, his pale upper lip tugging up into a unattractive sneer. "C'mon."

"It's quiet." You mumble, standing up and looking down at him, cradling your wrist gently as his cold eyes stare straight back at you. "No-one lies in a library."
His eyes scan over your face, his facial expression entirely unchanged. 
"I'll get you some painkillers and water." You mumble, just wanting two seconds to breathe, to forget that you were in a highly stressful situation.
He grunts, his eyes rolling away from you, the atmosphere immediately beginning to feel a little lighter the second they move away. You silently move towards the kitchen, rifling through drawers to find the strongest painkillers you had, hoping that they'd knock him out on an empty stomach so you could feign normalcy in your own home for a couple of hours.

It felt strange to not have music playing in the background to drown out the thoughts you'd hear on a day to day basis, your earbuds practically being part of your body since you discovered music muted what you'd hear. But you knew with a member of the League of Villains in your house that you needed to hear every single thought he had.
You pour water into a glass, the same feeling of panic beginning to bubble now you were alone. You wished your own thoughts would make sense. It was almost embarrassing to think how you'd gone from concerned about him when you could only hear his thoughts, attracted to  him when you finally saw his face, only to immediately go to fearing him when he gave you a physical warning of what he could do to you, and yo-yoing between accepting your fate and wanting to self-preserve. 

Your head was as messy as his was when the wall he occasionally put up was down, and you weren't used to it.
Taking a deep and shaky breath, you head back towards your living room with the strongest painkillers you could find in your possession, and a glass of water that he'd needed for a while but wasn't asking for. You weren't sure if it was out of pride or distrust that you wouldn't slip something into it.
"Here." You say quietly, not overly impressed to see he'd managed to swing himself over so he was sitting properly on the sofa rather than laying on it, his fingers tracing over the dressings thoughtfully before he hears your voice, his head immediately jerking up to the sound of your voice.
You don't notice his eyes laying on your unburnt wrist, one of your tattoos slightly exposed from underneath your sleeve as he takes the offerings out of your outstretched hands, immediately drinking the water as his eyes scan over the painkiller bottle.

"Nice try, sweetheart." He says patronisingly with a shake of his head, balancing the bottle on the arm of the chair. "I need food with these. Otherwise I'm not taking them."
You gag as one of his memories replay of that familiar girl throwing up plays in your own head completely out of the blue. 
His eyebrow raises for a fraction of a second, and he slinks back into the seat a little more, as if to escape you.
"Sorry. I don't..." You begin to say before blushing and beginning to back away. "I'll go make that food for you." 

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now