To Be Held

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You wake slowly, suddenly aware of the sound of talking. Its faint, very faint. You blink a couple times, trying to get rid of the sleepy haze that clouded your eyes. When you can see clearly, you see outstretched legs before you, the feet propped up on your coffee table. You realise the talking was coming from the TV, and that the volume was just down low.
That's right. Dabi came over. You fell asleep in his lap.
You raise your head slowly, expecting your migraine to come back full force the second your body realised you were awake.
"You're up." Dabi's gravelly voice observes.
You grumble a little. You're still sleepy, your body feels heavy. And you're in a bit of a grouchy mood.
You slump back onto his lap, burying your face into the pillow he'd placed as a barrier from his heat.
You feel calloused fingers brush against your face, Dabi gently moving your hair from your face, and revealing his ice blue eyes. He looks as indifferent and detached as ever as he peers down at you.
"Your head still hurtin'?" He asks, and you notice he's tried to drop his voice lower in that question.

"No. Just moody." You reply, looking away.
"Great." Dabi drawls sarcastically. "What's up with you?"
"Just woke up in a bad mood is all." You reply, your voice muffled by the pillow.
Dabi hums a sarcastic 'mhm' that hangs in the air for a while as you continue to press your face into the pillow on his lap.
You don't grace him with any more replies for a while, gripping the pillow tight before sighing and speaking again.
"People are dumb."
There's a short silence as Dabi seems to process what you said. Eventually, he snorts slightly.
"Yeah." He agrees, amusement clear in his voice.
"I used to think I liked people. But I'm not sure I do anymore." You continue your rant with your face pushed into the pillow. "When you want them to talk, they're silent. And then when you want them to be silent, they don't shut up."
You note Dabi begin to stroke his palm over the back of your head. It seems mindless on his part, and it's probably the most gentle he'd ever been with you while you were fully aware of his actions.
He doesn't say anything though, sitting quietly as you fume quietly into the pillow.

You weren't sure if that comment was aimed at him, or aimed at people in general after today.
"And my Quirk is stupid." You say, for good measure.
You sounded like a child, and you knew it. You were grateful for your Quirk a lot of the time. You hadn't been made sick by it for a long time, but that migraine had brought back the memories of how sick you'd get at school because of the sheer volume of everyone's thoughts, adults and kids alike.
"I don't think it's stupid." Dabi says, suddenly perking up. "It's useful."
"Useful if you wanna hear how much everyone thinks about money and sex." You mumble angrily.
Dabi gives a dry laugh, it rumbling through the pillow.
You roll your eyes, but you smirk into the pillow. At least he was self aware.
"Speaking of..." He murmurs, his voice low, and his fingers tightening in your hair, lifting your face from the pillow. "If you're feeling better, how about a little treat while you're down there?"
There's a mischievous glint in his eyes, one that you do find attractive.
"A treat for what?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Being your pillow for two hours." Dabi murmurs, as though it's the most obvious thing in the world.
You think about it. You probably could summon up the energy for a blowjob, but your heart isn't fully in it. You almost feel a little guilty, but you suppose it wouldn't hurt him to not expect sex every time he came to yours.
"Nah." You say simply.
"Nah?" Dabi replies, frowning slightly.
For a second, you actually are scared he was mad. The limited movement of his facial expressions, likely because of his scarring, made it so hard to read him sometimes. You probably look a little horrified at him while he scans your face, before his hand loosens in your hair, lowering your head back down onto the pillow in his lap.
"Fair enough." He says simply, brushing his thumb over your cheek, and turning his attention back to the TV.
You pause, staring at him in surprise.
"Y-You're staying?"
He looks back down at you indifferently as if to say 'duh'.
You hadn't actually expected him to stay after you'd turned him down. You'd actually prepared yourself for him to leave straight away and probably disappear for a week this time.

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