Hot and Cold

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He actually squirms, trying to wiggle out of your hold of him, only for you to shush him and hold on to him a little tighter. You rely almost entirely on your Quirk to tell you whether or not he was actually distressed and wanted you to let go, but nothing in his head suggests he's actually uncomfortable, just embarrassed. He felt like you were cuddling him like he were a child. And that was probably because you were.
You were gripping onto him, trying to give him the hugs he should have had as that frightened child you'd seen in his memories. Trying to force him into feeling comfortable with affectionate touch.
No wonder he had turned out the way he had with a childhood like that. No wonder he was angry, no wonder he had lashed out and hurt people, and no wonder he kept everything tightly locked up inside. Everything began to make sense.
Even his fear of hurting the make believe child before... you actually felt even more guilty for tricking him back then.
You keep your grip on him as he tries shoving you as tight as you can while still being gentle, forcing him into your embrace.

Eventually, he sighs exaggeratedly as if he's a completely unwilling party in this, giving in and slumping into your touch.
You bury your face into his hair, petting it with one hand gently. You feel his hands run up your body, before he grabs the back of your t-shirt, his fists clutching handfuls of the material tight enough for you to feel it.
The action is so much like how you would hang onto your mom when you were hurt as a kid that your heart pangs a little for him.
If you hadn't found out what you knew about him now, you'd probably have been a little entertained by the fact that Dabi, the big bad villain from the news, was clinging onto you just as tightly as you had to him now.
You have so much you want to say to him.
'I'm sorry.'
'You're okay.'
'It's safe to be yourself here."
But you settle for saying nothing. He'd made it clear he didn't want your pity when he snapped at you earlier, clear fury in his eyes when you'd dared look at him with a little humanity.
You remain there, clinging onto him, until you drop off to sleep.


"Wake up." A gravelly voice says, and you feel a warm hand on your shoulder, shaking you gently.
You blink groggily, squinting one eye open and lifting yourself onto your elbows.
"H-huh?" You ask, your voice thick with sleep.
"We gotta go." Dabi says, pulling the blanket off you roughly. You whine, curling into a ball. "No. Up. Come on."
"Why?" You ask in a whine, hiding your face from the light.
"I need you to drive me somewhere." Dabi says gruffly. "I'm cashing in one of the favours you owe me. Come on. We're on a tight schedule."
You freeze at the mention of the favours you owe him.
"You can't be serious." You reply, shifting your face to squint at him in disbelief.
"As serious as a heart attack. Up and at 'em." Dabi says, jutting his thumb towards the bedroom door.
You bury your face into the mattress again, hoping if you don't look at him he'll go away and leave you to sleep some more.
The feel of a searing impact on your ass makes you jolt with a yelp, your body spinning around to look at Dabi in shock.

He offers a lazy grin back at you, extinguishing the flames on his hand as you look at him.
"Don't make me persuade you any more, princess. C'mon."
You stare at him wide eyed as he leaves the room. That bastard actually slapped your ass with his Quirk active! You're lucky he didn't melt your underwear to your ass when he did it. The thought sends a shiver down your spine.
Accepting that there was no getting out of this, you let out a sigh, getting up and checking the damage done on your ass from the impact. Luckily it must have been quick enough to not do anything other than leave a stinging sensation after.
Grumbling to yourself a little bit, you pick up some random items of clothing without much thought, not caring what you look like just to drive him someplace.
You take nearly no time to get ready, not even bothering to top up or remove the makeup you'd accidentally slept in last night.
You join him by the front door, slipping on your shoes quickly and grabbing your car keys.
"Finally." Dabi teases as you leave your house, throwing his hood up and covering his lower face with his jacket.

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